
Book Reviews by Uday

New books


Congratulations on your book!


Our worldwide organization consists of Jeff and I.  We are so busy with the three websites that we don’t have a lot of time to endorse books, read books for a review, or actively aid in book promotion. 


What we can do is to offer you a place to put a review of your book.  Go to and sign up.  After the manager makes sure you are not spam, then you can place the review in the book section. 


Another thing you can do is to share your experience via the questionnaire at,, or  If the experience is posted, then we can add your other information on the book and a link on where to purchase it.


Best of luck to you!



Disclaimer/Terms of Use

By reading this website you agree to do no harm to yourself or others. OBERF has posted suicide, drug, and other types of experiences on the website as part of the research project ONLY. OBERF DOES NOT ENDORSE, ENCOURAGE OR ADVOCATE FOR SUICIDE OR HARMING YOURSELF OR ANYONE ELSE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM! If you have mental, emotional or physical issues, please consult a professional. If you are feeling suicidal, please know help is available. Though you may feel alone, you aren’t alone. Visit this site and contact the Suicide Crisis Hotline in your country.