Saeed Experience
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Experience description:

Overuse of drugs, lack of sleep and tiredness We returned home from a trip after sixteen hours of non-stop driving without accommodation. At that time, I was twenty-five years old and I used opium and downer pills (but now, thanks to God's help, I don't use drugs anymore).

Although I don't remember exactly, I guess that I've been used more drugs to not fall asleep while driving. When we got home it was four in the morning, I only had an hour to sleep and then I had to move to my workplace. I was lying down and threw the blanket up to my chest and I was a bit in my thoughts and I couldn't sleep. Then I tried to pull the blanket over my head with both hands and sleep. When I lifted the blanket and pulled it over my head, I was surprised to see that both my hands came up, but the blanket did not come up. I looked at the space of the room and saw that beside it was night and dark, but there was a bright golden light, like a golden little bits had spread in the room. It was a strange and beautiful combination as if it was the darkness of the night and at the same time there was this golden light that was spread everywhere and could be seen everywhere. After that, I saw the streets of the city for a moment, the solitude of the bright street lights was the darkness of the night, and at the same time, there was a bright golden on the other side that lit up everything. It felt like the light came from a distant source and illuminated the world and spreading throughout the world.

It was here that I had the feeling that it is my soul that is seeing this state, although in this state It felt that my soul is still in the body, but it also had an awareness and intuition of the city sky and I saw at a glance.

There was no fear, it was a sense of neutrality, lightness and more towards beauty and enjoyment. With the things I saw, I said to myself that if so, it means that I have died and it is my soul that sees. (Of course, it Should be mentioned that at that time I had not yet heard anything about other people's near-death experiences that spoke in that about light and color). But I understood that even if it is a soul, it is still sleeping in the body.

I tried to get up and try to see what the matter was, as soon as I wanted to get up from the lying position, I saw that, on the contrary, the body was slouching from hip area and it stands up and sits down, with an arched posture, my soul rose up from head to my waist and I could clearly see the separation of my soul from my body. When I saw this situation, I thought for a long time that I still have a lot of half-finished works and practically, until that age, I had not done any good deeds that would be useful to me in the afterlife , And until then, I was all looking for benefits and my personal pleasures and enjoy.

That's why I was scared and I didn't want to die, and as soon as this happened, I returned to my body and consciousness returned to my body and everything returned to normal. I myself hesitated whether it was a dream or reality. But since I had never seen such light and color mixed with darkness before, and everything was so real, I guess that it was really a near death experience.

Background Information: 

Gender:       Male

Date NDE Occurred:        5/8/2013

NDE Elements: 
At the time of your experience, was there an associated life-threatening event?      Yes    Drug or medication overdose       Life threatening event, but not clinical death

Drug overdose, lack of sleep and fatigue

How do you consider the content of your experience?     Both pleasant AND distressing

Did you feel separated from your body?   No 

I lost awareness of my body

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?     More consciousness and alertness than normal   At the time of separation of the soul from body

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?      I would see light and color that did not exist in the world.

Were your thoughts speeded up?      Faster than usual

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?      No  

Were your senses more vivid than usual?      More vivid than usual

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.    It was as if instead of seeing normally with the eyes, it was a kind of observation and awareness

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   I did not experience hearing at all

Did you seem to be aware of things going on elsewhere?    No

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?      No    

Did you see any beings in your experience?      No

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?      No    

Did you see, or feel surrounded by, a brilliant light?      A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin

Did you see an unearthly light?      Yes   a brilliant golden light mixed with darkness

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?      A clearly mystical or unearthly realm     A light spreading in the world with a mystical origin

What emotions did you feel during the experience?      Pleasantness, neutrality and finally fear

Did you have a feeling of peace or pleasantness?      Relief or calmness

Did you have a feeling of joy?      Happiness

Did you feel a sense of harmony or unity with the universe?    No

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?      No    

Did scenes from your past come back to you?      No    

Did scenes from the future come to you?      No    

Did you come to a border or point of no return?      No  

God, Spiritual and Religion: 

What was your religion prior to your experience?   Muslim  

Have your religious practices changed since your experience?      Uncertain     Better spiritual recovery and seeking more good deeds

What is your religion now?      Muslim  

Did your experience include features consistent with your earthly beliefs?      Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience    

Did you have a change in your values and beliefs because of your experience?      Yes     Seeking spiritual growth and good deeds in life

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?      No  

Did you see deceased or religious spirits?      No

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?      No  

During your experience, did you gain information about premortal existence?      No    

During your experience, did you gain information about universal connection or oneness?      No    

During your experience, did you gain information about the existence of God?      Uncertain     I had this feeling that this is not all and only here, and the world after death continues and you have to go through some steps

Concerning our Earthly lives other than Religion: 

During your experience, did you gain special knowledge or information about your purpose?   No  

During your experience, did you gain information about the meaning of life?      Yes     I kind of felt that I spent my life until now for my own personal pleasure and for my own benefits and I didn't do anything important, useful, or good. At that time, that's why I didn't want to die.

During your experience, did you gain information about an afterlife?      An afterlife definitely exists     Yes     Because it's state was different from the dream or the things I had seen in the past

Did you gain information about how to live our lives?      No    

During your experience, did you gain information about life's difficulties, challenges and hardships?      No    

During your experience, did you gain information about love?      No    

What life changes occurred in your life after your experience?      Moderate changes in my life     Recovery and more alertness and seeking spiritual growth and more good deeds in life

Have your relationships changed specifically because of your experience?       No

After the NDE: 

Was the experience difficult to express in words?     No  

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?    I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience  

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?      Uncertain     I feel that sometimes, involuntarily, I think that others understand my words and thoughts without speaking.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?       No

Have you ever shared this experience with others?    No   

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?    No   

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened?      Experience was probably real     The light and color that was not in this world and the feeling and Feeling real

What do you believe about the reality of your experience now?      Experience was probably real     The light and color that was not in this world and the feeling and Feeling real

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?    No  

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?      No

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?      I do not have any









بعد از 16 ساعت رانندگی بی وقفه و بدون استراحت از مسافرت به خانه برگشتیم . در اون زمان 25 ساله بودم و مواد مخدر تریاک و قرص ترامادول مصرف میکردم ( ولی اکنون دیگر به لطف و کمک خداوند مواد مخدر مصرف نمیکنم).

گرچه دقیق یادم نیست ولی احتمال میدم که برای اینکه در حال رانندگی خواب نروم مواد بیشتری مصرف کرده باشم. وقتی رسیدیم خونه ساعت 4 صبح بود، فقط یک ساعت فرصت داشتم بخوابم و بعد میبایست به سمت محل کارم حرکت کنم. دارز کشیده بودم و پتو رو تا روی سینه ام انداخته بودم و مقداری در افکار خویش بودم و خوابم نمیبرد. بعد سعی کردم با دو دستم پتو رو روی سرم بکشم و بخوابم. وقتی پتو رو بالا آورده و روی سرم کشیدم با کمال تعجب دیدم که دو دستم بالا آمد ولی پتو بالا نیامد. نگاه کردم به فضای اتاق دیدم در کنار اینکه شب بود و تاریک ولی یه نور طلایی رنگ ذرین درخشانی، همانند ذره هایی درخشان در اتاق پخش شده بود. ترکیب عجیب و زیبایی بود انگار که هم تاریک شب بود و در  عین حال این نور طلایی هم بود که همه جا پخش شده بود و همه جارو میشد دید. بعد اون یه لحظه خیابون های شهر رو دیدم، خلوت چراغ های  خیابون روشن تاریکی شب بود و در عین حال انور طلایی درخشان بود که همه جا رو روشن کرده بود. اینطور احساس میشد که نور از منبعی دور دست میاد و گیتی رو روشن کردهو در همه ی جهان پخشه.

اینجا بود که این آگاهی رو داشتم که این روح منه که داره این حالت رو میبینه، گرچه این حالت احساس میشد که روح من هنوز در بدنه ولی  آگاهی و شهودی از آشمان شهر هم داشت و در یک

نظر دیدم. ترسی در کار نبود احساس بی طرفی  سبکی و بیشتر به سمت زیبایی و لذت بردن بود. با چیزایی که دیدم پیش خودم گفتم اگه اینطور باشه پس یعنی من فوت شدم و این روح منه که داره میبینه . (البته ناگفته نماند که اون موقع من هنوز چیزی از تجربه های نزدیک به مرگ دیگران نشنیده بودم که در آن از نور و رنگ حرف بزنند).. ولی متوجه بودم که اگرم روح باشه هنوز در حالت خوابیدست در بدن. سعی کردم بلند شم و امتحان کنم که قضیه چیه، تا که خواستم بلند شم از حالت دراز کشیده دیدم بر خلاف اینکه جسم از ناحیه لگن دولا میشه و بلند میشه و میشینه، با یه حالت قوس دار روح من از سر تا کمر اومد بالا و به خوبی جداشدگی روح از جسمم رو میدیدم. وقتی این حالت رو دیدم در خیلی مدت زمان به این فکر کردم که من هنوز کار نیم تموم زیاد دارم و عملا تا اون سن و سال هیچ کار خیری که بدرد اون دنیام بخوره نکرده بودم و تا اون موقع همش دنبال منافع و لذت های شخصی خودم بودم. به همین دلیل ترسیدم و نمیخواستم که بمیرم  و به محض اینکه این حالت رخ داد من به بدنم برگشتم و هوشیاری به بدنم برگشت و همه چیز به روال عادی برگشت. خودم مردد بودم که آیا این یک خواب بود یا واقعیت. ولی از آنجایی که من تا بحال چنین نور و رنگی در عین ترکیب با تاریکی ندیده بودم  و همه چیز خیلی واقعی مینمایید.، احتمال میدم که واقعا تجربه نزدیک به مرگ بوده باشه.

آيا تجربه شما با رويدادي مرگبار وتهديد کننده زندگي همراه بود؟    بله     مصرف بیش از حد مواد مخدر، کم خوابی و خستگی

آيا بيان تجربه شما در قالب واژه‌ها و الفاظ سخت و دشوار است؟    خير     

در طول تجربه  خود، هشياري و آگاهي شما در مقايسه با هشياري و آگاهي اين دنيا چگونه بود؟    بسیار هوشیار تر از حالت عادی     وقت جداشدن روح از بدن    نور و رنگی رو میدیدم که توی این دنیا نمونه اش نبود.

لطفا بينايي خود را در هنگام تجربه با بينايي خود در زندگي عادي قبل از وقوع تجربه مقايسه کنيد    انگار که بجای بینایی معمولی با چشم یه جور ناظر بودن و آگاهی بود

 لطفا شنوايي خود را در هنگام تجربه با شنوايي خود در زندگي عادي قبل از وقوع تجربه مقايسه کنيد    موردی در مورد شنوایی نداشتم بطور کل

يا احساس کرديد که از بدن خود جدا شده ايد؟    خير     

 چه احساسات و هيجاناتي را هنگام تجربه خود احساس مي‌کرديد؟    دلپذیری. بی طرفی و در آخر ترس  

آيا در تجربه  خود از ميان تونل گذشتيد؟    خير     

آيا نوري فرامادي و فرازميني مشاهده کرديد؟    بله     نور طلایی رنگ ذرین درخشانی

که با تاریکی ترکیب شده بود

آيا احساس کرديد که با وجودهايي روحاني روبرو شده‌ايد و يا صداهايي با هويت نامشخص مي‌شنويد؟     خير     

 آيا با افرادي که قبلا فوت شده و يا زنده بوده‌اند ملاقات داشتيد يا حضور آنها را حس کرديد؟    خير     

آيا در طول تجربه خود از رويداهاي گذشته زندگيتان مطلع شديد؟    خير     

آيا احساس کرديد که به دنيايي ديگر متفاوت از اين دنيا وارد شده‌ايد؟     دنیای به وضوح عرفانی و یا عجیب و غریب    نوری پخش در جهان با منشا عرفانی

آيا سرعت زمان در آن لحظات سريع‌تر يا کندتر شده بود؟    خير     

آیا ناگهان احساس کردید که همه چیز را می‌فهمید و درک می‌کنید؟   خير   

آيا با مانعي فيزيکي يا مکاني شبيه مرز برخورد کرديد؟    خير     

آيا صحنه‌هايي از رخدادهاي آينده براي شما ظاهر شدند؟    خير     

در طول تجربه خود آيا احساسي مبني بر يادگيري دانشي خاص داشتيد؟    خير     

لطفا هر گونه تغییری که ممکن است در زندگی خود را پس از تجربه خود را رخ داده است مورد بحث   Moderate changes in my life    بهبودی و هوشیاری بهتر و دنبال رشد معنوی و کار نیک بیشتر در زندگی

آيا در اثر تجربه شما ، تغييراتي در باورها و ارزش‌هاي شما به وجود آمده است؟    بله     دنبال رشد معنوی و کار خیر در زنگی بودن

آيا در اثر اين تجربه، شما قابليت انجام کارهايي غيرمعمولي و ماورايي (مثل تله پاتي، پيشگويي و ...) پيدا کرديد که قبل از تجربه  قادر به انجام آن نبوده‌اید؟     مطمئن نيستم    احساس میکنم بعضی وقت ها بصورت غیر ارادی که فکر میکنم، بدون اینکه با دهان حرفی بزنم دیگران متوجه حرف ها و افکار من میشوند

 آيا درباره تجربه خود با فرد يا افراد ديگري صحبت کرده‌ايد؟    خير     

آيا قبل از تجربه خود، اطلاعاتي درباره چنين تجربياتي (تجربيات نزديک به مرگ ) داشتيد؟    خير     

درباره اصالت و واقعيت تجربه خود، در فاصله کمي بعد از آن (چند روز تا چند هفته) چه اعتقادي داشتيد؟    تجربه من احتمالا تجربه‌اي واقعي، اصيل و حقيقي بود     نور و رنگی که در این دنیا نبود و احساس واقعی بودن

درباره اصالت و واقعيت تجربه  خود، در حال حاضر چه اعتقادي داريد؟    تجربه من احتمالا تجربه‌اي واقعي، اصيل و حقيقي بود      بدلیل قبل

 آيا در نتيجه اين تجربه، در ارتياطات شما با ديگران تغييري حاصل شده است؟    خير     

آيا در نتيجه اين تجربه، تغييراتي در باورهاي مذهبي و مناسک عبادي شما حاصل شده است؟     مطمئن نيستم    بهبودی معنوی بهتر و بدنبال کال خیر بیشتر

وده است که بخش‌هايي از تجربه نزديک به مرگتان را براي شما مجددا ايجاد نمايد؟    خير   

 آيا سوالاتي که از شما پرسيده شد و اطلاعاتي که شما از طريق اين پرسشنامه ارائه کرديد  توصيف کامل و دقيقي از تجربه شما مي‌باشد؟    خير     خیر

لطفا اگر پیشنهادی برای کارآیی بیشتر این پرسشنامه دارید با ما در میان بگذارید. آیا سوالات دیگری نیز وجود دارد که می‌تواند در این پرسشنامه گنجانده شود و به شما در بیان تجربه خود کمک نماید؟    ندارم

مت‌هايي از تجربه شما وجود دارد که براي شما از اهميت و معناي بيشتري برخوردار باشد؟ لطفا توضيح دهيد    خیر

 آيا نکات ديگري درباره  تجربه‌تان هست که دوست داريد درباره آن‌ها توضيح دهيد؟?    خیر