Prasetyo AN's Experience
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Experience description:

It was midday and the room was sufficiently illuminated by sunlight. As usual at this time of day I was engaged in meditation concentrated on raising the level of static electricity (strengthening motor and sensory impulse) of the body, also practicing control of autonomatic organ function (primarily control of heart rate). Indeed my intent was to achieve astral projection, my previous astral projection experiences were not satisfactory (I am sure my previous astral projection remained in the dream state). However, this time I directed my concentration differently at specific nerve centers trying to direct the energy into parts of my body (bones and muscles). After about one hour of this, at a moment in time the vibration of my body formed a pulse which produced a strongly felt streak of impulse flowing into specific centers of my brain, flowing via the nerves of my spine coming together at the top of the frontal lobe. At that moment there was a feeling of drifting slowly moving into the upper portion of my body, starting with the tips of my toes becoming cold; stiff; numb feeling as my spirit body moved upwards. To a specific location (about at the knees) then the spirit body began to rise up penetrating through the skull above the frontal lobe accompanied by a speeding of the feeling of numbness moving up to the heart.

In addition I could feel things happen to the physical body. The eyeballs rolled upwards, the breathing stopped, there was no more heartbeat and the feelings of the spirit body became more intense. When my spirit body reached the point of my waist I sensed a difference in being between my spirit body and my physical body. Originating at the traces of concentration remaining in the spirit body it was as if a new being existed. In addition there was a sort of fiber connecting the spirit and physical bodies. Nevertheless I could no longer see this spirit nerve fiber reach the physical because at that moment a red glowing light shone in the vicinity so that I could no longer see the physical body. Hearing the surroundings became far more acute (hearing of voices from far away). My intuition said there was some other person (spirit) standing nearby, because I was afraid that he would endanger me I tried to grab his neck (reflex without awareness of whether it was real or not). But I asked it, �who are you-who are you?� in my mother tongue (Indonesian) but the response I heard was not a language that I have ever before heard.  Then at that moment a knock came at the door. My younger sibling wanted to enter the room which I had previously locked, therefore I quickly returned to my physical body being propelled downwards. After this event until now I have tried again without success.

Waktu itu siang hari dengan pencahayaan dalam kamar cukup terang oleh sinar matahari. Seperti biasanya saat itu saya melakukan meditasi konsentrasi pada membangkitkan listrik statis (perkuat impulsa motorik & sensorik) tubuh, juga melatih pengendalian organ autonom (terutama kendali denyut jantung).Konsentrasi itu saya lakukan dngan posisi tidur terlentang. Memang tujuan saya mampu melakukan astral projet namun peristiwa astral project yang telah terjadi tidak memuaskan saya (saya yakin astral project sebelumnya itu masih dalam lingkup mimpi). Namun kali ini saya lakukan konsentrasi berbeda pada titik-titik saraf tertentu dan coba energi itu dialirkan kebagian dalam tubuh (tulang dan otot). Setelah sekitar 1 jam melakukannya, saat penguatan tubuh getaran merasuk kedalam sangat terasa lintasan impulsa mengalir ketitik-titik tertentu di otak, mengalir lewat saraf tulang belakang memusat pada ubun-ubun. Saat itu ada perasaan mengalir secara perlahan-lahan bergerak ke bagian atas tubuh, mulai ujung jari kaki terasa dingin; kaku; mati rasa seiring tubuh rohku bergerak ke bagian atas. Sampai lokasi tertentu (sekitar lutut) maka tubuh roh mulai beranjak menembus bagian ubun-ubun dengan adanya percepatan aliran perasaan mati itu sampai jantung.

Selain itu sangat terasa pada tubuh raga secara otomatis bola mata terbalik menghadap keatas, sudah tiada nafas, tiada denyut jantung terasa lagi namun perasaan pada tubuh roh melalui raga sangat terasa. Saat mencapai tubuh roh sepinggang diatas kelapa raga, saya rasakan perbedaan wujud antara tubuh roh dan raga terletak pada jejak-jejak titik-titik konsentrasi terhubung yang masih membekas di tubuh roh seolah olah menjadi wujud baru. Demikian pula ada semacam serabut yang menghubungkan tubuh roh dengan raga, namun serabut saraf roh itu tidak lagi bisa menjangkau bagian raga yang sudah terlewati Karena saat itu pandangan cuma bisa menangkap cahaya merah merata disekitar maka saya sendiri pun tidak bisa mengamati tubuh roh. Pendengaran akan lingkungan sekitar terasa jauh lebih peka (terdengar suara-suara yang letaknya jauh). Intuisi saya mengatakan ada seseorang (roh) lain yang berdiri di samping, karena takut dia membahayakan saya maka saya coba cengkeram lehernya (reflek tanpa sadar apakah itu nyata atau tidak). Padahal saya sampaikan pertanyaan "siapa kamu-siapa kamu?" tentu saja dalam bahasa ibu (bahasa indonesia) namun yang terdengar bukan bahasa yang saya pernah dengar. Lalu saat itu pintu kamar diketuk adikku yang ingin masuk kamar yang saya kunci sebelumnya, maka kembalilah aku ketubuh raga secara cepat meluncur kebawah. Setelah peristiwa itu terjadi dan sampai sekarang sudah saya coba lagi namun belum berhasil.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?         Yes      terutama pada saat tubuh roh terasa sekali ada perbedaan wujud dengan tubuh raga dan terasa serabut tali temali yang menghubungkan tubuh roh dengan raga. Dan pada saat itu semua indera berfungsi lebih peka kecuali mata hanya melihat cahaya warna merah terang disekitar. 

Yes  Primarily at the time the spirit body feeling was most keen there was a difference in being from the physical body and a cord was sensed that connected the spirit body to the physical body. At that time all the senses became more acute except vision which was dominated by a red light all around.

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?         No      

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?       ya dan tidak, karena tak pernah sedikit pun larut dalam hayalan dan penginderaan selain mata terasa lebih peka dari biasanya. Intuisi keberadaan makhluk-makhluk lain terlintas dengan tegas. 

Yes and no, because at no time did it seem at all like a hallucination and my senses, except my vision, became more acute than normal. Intuition strongly suggested other creatures were present.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal

If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain:            ya dan tidak, karena tak pernah sedikit pun larut dalam hayalan dan penginderaan selain mata terasa lebih peka dari biasanya. Intuisi keberadaan makhluk-makhluk lain terlintas dengan tegas. 

Yes and no, because at no time did it seem at all like a hallucination and my senses, except my vision, became more acute than normal. Intuition strongly suggested other creatures were present.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)?   Yes            cahaya merah terang yang berpendar disekitar menutupi obyek apapun 

Yes, a bright red glow around me prevented viewing other objects.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?
            Yes      Terasa sekali perbedaan tingkat kenyaringan sumber bunyi yang dekat demikian pula sumber bunyi yang jauh sangat jelas terdengar 

Yes  I strongly felt a difference in the clarity and loudness of nearby sounds and also sounds from far away became extremely clear.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?     No

What emotions did you feel during the experience?       waspada, heran, sangat ringan, ada ketakutan karena sadar resiko kematian, tingkat emosional sangat tinggi

Alert, surprised, very light, there was some fear because I was aware of the risk of dying, the emotional level was very high.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?      No      

Did you see a light?  No      

Did you meet or see any other beings?     Uncertain       Walaupun mata saya tak melihat namun dari intuisi memperingatkan ada beberapa makhluk di samping saya yang tidak saya kenal dan mereka diam saja.

Uncertain    Although my eyes did not see it my intuition informed me that there were several creatures near me whom I did not know and they were silent.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life?            No      

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?  No      

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions?            No      

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?           No      

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?       No      

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?          Uncertain       perlintasan batasan terasa di sekitar ubun-ubun tubuh raga. saat mulai muncul seolah-olah dari ubun-ubun dan sekitarnya terkuak. Di sekitar situlah pintu perlintasan yang saya rasakan dan saya memang membatasi rohku keluar cuma sampai pinggang sehubungan ada merasakan suatu makhluk itu. 

Uncertain  Crossing a boundary was felt at about the skull above the frontal lobe of my physical body. When I started to rise it felt as though my head above the frontal lobe cracked. Around that point I felt the passageway and indeed I limited my spirit body from exiting fully, only to the waist, at that point is when I could feel that creature mentioned above.

Did you become aware of future events?  No      

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?    Uncertain       Karena sebelumnya sudah melakukan sering sekali melakukan meditasi merasakan & menggerakkan sebagian tubuh roh (misal tangan)yang mampu dilakukan. Selain itu sering melakukan meditasi Astral Project. 

Uncertain   Because previously I had often meditated and felt and moved parts of my spirit body (example hand) which I was able to do. Other than that I often conducted meditation for astral projection.

Have you shared this experience with others?    No      

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?     No      

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:            Experience was definitely real        Ini sangat berbeda dengan situasi dan kondisi hasil meditasi konsentarsi sebelumnya baik dari metodenya maupun apa yang terasa.

Untuk hal astral project saya sudah sering alami dan saya rasakan sekali lingkungannya adalah linkungan mimpi demikian pula proses pelepasan sukmanya sangat nyaman seperti tertidur pulas dengan kesadaran pada pendngaran.

Experience was definitely real   This was very different from the situation and condition that resulted from previous meditations both in terms of the method and the feelings.

I have previously often experienced astral projection however in those instances the surroundings were dreamlike and so was the separation.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you?     Perasaan raga mati itu terasa sangat nyata perlahan -lahan dari ujung kaki sampai jantung. Selain itu perasaan dalam wujud roh yang sangat berbeda dari bayangan sebelumnya.

The feeling of numbness was very evident which slowly moved from the tips of my feet to my heart. Additionally the feeling of existing as a spirit being was much different than I had previously imagined.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience:        Experience was definitely real        Mungkin saat itu pencapaian konsentrasi yang tepat untuk aktifkan titik-titik simpul saraf di seluruh tubuh yang sulit diulangi lagi karena peristiwa itu terjadi secara kebetulan tepat metodenya.

Experience was definitely real     Perhaps at that time I reached the exact level of concentration which could activate clusters of nerves throughout my body which is difficult to repeat because it happened by chance that I found the exact method.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?           No      

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? No      

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?   No      

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience?       Semakin saya sadari bahwa astral project itu cuma mimpi namun NDE kali ini benar-benar nyata. Dengan pengetahuan baru bahwa tubuh roh itu pasti ada perbedaan dengan tubuh raga.

Gradually I am realizing that the astral projection was only a dream however this NDE was truly real. I have a sure knowledge that the spirit body is real and different from the physical body.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?      Yes      Saya rasa cukup karena pengalaman itu sudah berlangsung cukup lama mungkin secara detail kurang lengkap.

Yes  I feel it is enough because the experience has taken long enough to tell maybe there are a few details missing.

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience?    tidak ada

No there aren�t.