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What are some dangers you've encountered during astral projection / travel?

My experience was more of an astral dream, the a projection. I was asleep in bed. I was with a friend at another friends house visiting. Very real, but not quite lucid. To cut to the chase, we were spending the night there and I went to bed. Lying in bed several shadow creatures came into the room and surrounded me in the bed and started pushing down on my chest. I believe at this point I was entering sleep paralysis which we all do every night. As the shadow people were pushing down on me, I started to struggle to no avail. Got pissed and threw out my arms and yelled BE GONE!! I woke sitting up in bed with my arms outstretched. Up till now I have not faced any dangers in astral travel. The reason may be that I always ask my guides to be with me and surround myself with protective energy before attempting AP. I can offer you a few pieces of advise. 1) If you meet a shadow person or something nasty on the astral plane, confront it. Sometimes just saying hello drives them off. 2) Ask the shadow being what it why it is there. 3) If you meet a so called demon on the astral planes tell it forcibly to leave with out feeling any fear. 4) If you run into any being on the astral plane and you feel creeped out, you can always go to a higher vibration by saying or thinking take me to a higher vibration, or simply go back to your body. Do not be fooled just because you have a good feeling about an astral being you meet up with. Some will trick you into thinking they are good and are not. Use your energetic discernment. Lastly do not attempt to AP if you are not in a good mood or behaving in a negative way. The vibration we are putting out is the most likely vibration on the astral planes you will end up on. You don’t have to be super holy, or happy go lucky all the time. We’re all human and make mistakes. However if you are being an ass most of the time, that’s what you are going to find on the astral. Not the most direct answer to your question. But I hope it helps.

My most recent astral projection experience became a darker journey than any other I have yet experienced. As a note, I do not try astral projection trough any form of meditations and so on, it is just something that happens unexpectedly to me.

During this particular incident, I found myself suddenly back in England, in the small childhood house I grew up in. The most immediate sensation I felt was coldness, but being unable to shiver. I found myself in the living room, but I felt I was in between two realms. My eyes would not fully open. My vision was through the slits of half closed eyes. The house seemed abandoned and full of shadows and no colour. I was floating, but my movements felt more like a moth in the wind than having firm control of my movements. I found my old Labrador bouncing around. I know he is dead now, but he bounced around joyously to see me while in his shadow form, yet I had no power to interact with him.

There was strong silence, but the coldness pressed in all around me. The rooms were intact, but derelict and decaying. I did not have control of my body to interact with my dog, but I was able to awkwardly float up the stairs and into my old room.

That’s when I saw them. The dark entities darting around. They were darker than any shadows and about the size of a child. There were about 5 or 6 altogether. When I tried to focus on one, it would immediately dart out of my vision, so I had to keep awkwardly spinning my body around to follow them. They did not attack me, but were aware of my presence. I felt uncomfortable and for some reason anger outweighing any fear. I wanted to chase them out of my old home, but did not have solid control of the whole situation to do so. Somehow I know they have always been there, but I had never been so aware of them before as I was at that moment. To me they felt evil, but not the worst kind. I could not fully interact and so I felt brave trying to watch them.

Without warning, I woke up cold and shaking back in my bed.

And that I believe to be the dangers of astral projection. To suddenly find yourself in the realm between two worlds, and the the realm of all things made of shadow and devoid of any life. And to find yourself in a room full of dark entities and lacking solid control of your astral body. I am still pondering this new experience. Be careful and safe on your travels.

No, it is not dangerous. It is extremely safe. Nothing is safer than OBE: It is our normal state of being. 

I never saw the "ombilical cord" you are talking about. My guess: it probably does not really exist. It is only there if you expect to see it there. Remember, you are consciousness in a field of consciousness and can create anything you want, need, expect,...

If you are ever scared while doing it (and this is the key word: "scared" - scared does not mean dangerous, it just means YOU perceive it as scary based upon your beliefs - you can instantly merge back into your body by just thinking-of/wiggling your big toe: truly instant return. The problem is not coming back to your body, the problem is staying out at will as you will end up wishing for. 

All the entities/beings you see are part of you, part of the same field of consciousness. Consciousnesses is the ultimate, indestructible reality, you are part of it and depending on how you focus, what you want to perceive or look for, you can become that which you are looking for. You ARE, forever, indestructible. 

Telling there are "dangerous entities" is like telling the left hand of your physical body: "hey, left hand, be careful, I know there is a right hand out there and it is very dangerous, it will get you. Watch out!!!" It is nonsensical, they are both part of the same greater thing: your body. As a matter of fact when your right hand "will get" your left hand, they will rub each other and will both feel better, becoming a greater thing...

Being in a physical body is the scary thing: you can die, you can be hurt, you feel anger, thirst, pain,... Being in the body is not natural and not easy. It takes a lot of learning to figure out how to focus on physical reality and move a body through it. 

Dying is very easy (some people don't even realize they are dead - these are what you would call ghosts or spirits)

Birth is the difficult step: you go from a state of total freedom, no-need/no-pain to a state where you are a virtual prisoner of a physical body bombarded by many very uncomfortable signals (pain, anger, thirst, total restriction of movements,...)

Anybody who claims it is unsafe to OBE falls into one of these three categories:

- they don't know the first thing about it: they never did it themselves.

- they've a hidden agenda (they want to control you - either money or power trip: you follow me and I'll keep you safe or you give me money and I'll keep you safe)

- they belong to a group of people who either get scared by anything and everything or they want to be perceived/venerated as heroes: "it is the scariest/most dangerous thing ever but look at how brave I am - I do it, I am a real hero"

Bottom line: enjoy, experiment, be curious & have fun.

If you OBE even only once, and even for a very short time, two things will happen:

- right afterwar & for most of the day: you will feel incredibly blissful, energized and rested. 

- it will totally transform your perception of reality. A new door has been cracked open for you. You just have to step through it and touch infinity.

No, it is not.

But in some cases:

We all know astral planes are 7.

But there is a Ground plane inhabited by Lower degree malacious beings.

When our astral body comes out from our Physical body. then it starts to inhabit in the Groud plane of astral world.

Here our astral body may experience some kind of demons or wicked spirits Hidden beings (Djinns, shayateens).

They try to kick our astral body out of the astral world's Ground plane. they also want to have food from our fear. how much we fear that much energy (food) they will get. They generally don't harm our astral body anymore.

But in some cases these beings surrounds our Astral body and never allow it to return inside physical body. During this time problem will arise in physical world. you wont be able to wake up. until and unless they (malicious beings) allow our astral body to return into physical world. It is not fake but a dark reality.

After death every human soul travel towards 7th astral plane in order to hear God's word. this astral world is the world of dead people not living. We are making fool to ourselves but not God.



我在床上睡着了,我的经历更像是一场梦,某种投影。非常真实,但却又不太清楚。我和一个朋友拜访另一位朋友,为了减少往返耗时,我们就在他家过夜,不久我去睡了。躺在床上时,有几个影子般生物走进房间,围在我床边,开始压我胸部。我相信在这时后,我正经历睡眠瘫痪,这可能是我们每晚都会发生的情形。随着这些人影对我施的压力,我开始挣扎,但却又无济于事。于是我生气了,伸出我的双臂对空气挥舞,大声喊说,滚开!我醒来时坐在床上,双手是伸出向外的。到目前为止,我在星际旅游中没有遇到任何危险。原因可能是我总是要求我的指导灵陪伴我,并在尝试星体投射之前,使用保护能量围绕自己。我可以为您提供一些建议。 1)如果你遇到一个像人形影子,或是在灵界令人讨厌的东西,你就要面对它。有时只要打个招呼,就能把他们赶走。 2)问阴影它出现的原因。 3)如果你在灵界遇到一个所谓的恶魔,就强行要求它离开,不要感到任何恐惧。 4)如果你遇到灵界的任何人让你感到畏缩,你可以藉着说,或是意识来要求提高自已的振动频,或是回去你的身体。不要因为你碰到一位感觉不错的灵体而被愚弄。有些会假装让你认为它们是善良的,但实际上不是友善的灵。善用你敏锐的辨别力。如果你心情不好,或表现不好等负面情绪时,最后不要尝试星体投射。我们当下的振动频将反应与我们当时类似振动的灵界。你不一定要非常神圣,或者一直都是幸运的。我们都是人,会犯错误。但是如果你难缠状态是居多数时后的话,那就是你将在灵界遇到难缠的本身。此答案也许没有直接回答了你问题。但我希望它能有所帮助。


最近我所经历的星体投影之旅,比我以前任何时后所经历过的更黑暗。请注意,我从不尝试通过任何方式的冥想等达到星体投射,这只是一件意外发生的事。 在这次特殊事件中,我发现自己突然回到了英格兰,在我成长的童年小房子里。我直接感受到的是寒冷,但却无法打颤抖。我发现自己在客厅,但我觉得自己处于两个领域之间。我的眼睛无法完全完睁开。我的视线是透过半闭的眼缝隙观看。房子似乎被遗弃,里面充满没有色彩的阴影。我漂浮着,像一只在风中飞舞的飞蛾,却不能掌控自已的移动。我发现我的老拉布拉多狗正蹦蹦跳跳。我知道它已经死了,但是它以形影方式,快乐地蹦蹦跳跳地看着我,而我无法与它互动。 一阵强烈的沉默,然而我全身打着寒冷。房间完好无损,却有着被遗弃和腐烂味。我无法与我的狗互动,但我能够奇怪地由楼梯飘上楼,进入我的以前的房间。 在那里我看到了它们。黑暗形体正在四处飞奔。它们比任何阴影都暗,大约是孩子般大小。一共大约有5或6个。当我试图凝视其中一个时,它就立刻从我的视线中飞奔离去,所以我不得不笨拙地转移我身体追随它们。他们没有攻击我,但有注意到我的存在。我感到有点不舒服,出于某种原因,我的愤怒超过任何恐惧。我想把它们从我儿时房间赶出去,但是没法凖确控制整个情况。不知怎的,我知道他们一直在那里,但在此刻我更注意到他们。对我来说,他们蛮邪恶的,但不是最坏的。由于我无法完全与之互动,所以我就勇敢地试着注视它们。 在没有警告的情况下,我醒来时感到寒冷并在床上颤抖。我认为这是危险的星体投射。突然发现自己处于两个世界之间的领域,由阴影和空无生命构成的领域。并发现自己身处一个充满黑暗形体的房间,并且无法掌控自已的投射星体。我仍然在思考这种新体验。星际旅游时要小心,注意安全。不是的,它不危险。而是非常安全的。没有什么比灵魂出窍更安全了:那是我们的灵处在正常的状态下。我从未见过你所说的“脐带”。我的猜测:它可能并不存在。只有你希望在那里看到它时,它就会出现。记住,你是一个在意识领域中的意识,可以创造任何你想要的,需要的,期望的,...... 如果你在做这件事时一直很害怕(这是关键词:“害怕” - 害怕并不意味着危险,它只是意味着你根据自己的信念认为它是可怕的 - 你可以通过思维立即回到你的身体 – 摆动你的大脚趾:就能立刻即时回来。那些问题(害怕)不会跟你回到你的体内,问题随着你的意念而消失,就如你最终希望要它结束般。 你看到的所有实体/众生都是你的一部分,是同一个意识领域的一部分。意识是最终坚不可摧毁的事实,你是它的一部分,取决于你所关心的在那里,你想要感受的或寻找什么,你可以成为你所想要的一切。你的意识是永远不会被摧毁的。 告诉那里有“危险的形体”就像告诉你身体的左手:“嘿,左手,小心,我知道有一只右手在那里,而且它是非常危险的,它将要会抓住你。小心! !!”很荒缪的是,它们都是同一样重要东西的一部分:你的身体。事实上,当你的右手“抓住”你的左手时,他们会相互摩擦,两者都会感觉更好,成为更有用的东西......


在身体内是一件可怕的事:你将会死,你会受到伤害,你会感到愤怒,口渴,痛苦,......在体内不自然,也不舒服。需要花费时间学习,并弄清楚如何习惯生理现像,使整个身体运行移动。死亡很容易(有些人甚至没有意识到他们已经死了 - 这些就是你所谓的幽灵或灵魂) 出生是件艰难的一步:你从一个完全自由,无欲求/无痛的状态进入体内,你如被囚禁般的状态,被许多非常不舒服的感受不断的轰炸(痛苦,愤怒,口渴,完全受限制等感觉,...) 任何人声称灵魂出窍不安全的都属于这三类之一:- 第一他们不知道关于它的是他们从未自己经历过。 - 他们私下的想法(他们想控制你 - 无论是金钱还是权力之旅:你跟着我,我会保证你的安全,或者你给我钱,我会保证你的安全) - 他们属于一群人,他们要么曾被某些东西吓到,要么被他们想象自已被尊为英雄- ”这是最恐怖/最危险的事情,但看着我是多么的勇敢 - 我做到了,我才是一个真正的英雄. ” 底线:享受,经历,好奇并品嚐其中乐趣。 

如果你只出体过一次,即使是很短的时间,也会发生两件事: - 出体结束后的大部分时间:你将感受到令人难以置信的幸福,充满活力和放松。 - 它将彻底改变你对现实的看法。一扇新门已经打开了,你只需要穿过越它就能触摸永恒。

不,它还不止于这些。 但在某些情况下: 我们都知道星际飞界是7。 但是在地底区居住着低能量邪恶的生物。 当我们的星体从我们的身体出来时,然后它会栖息在星界的地底区中。 在这里,我们的星体可能会遇到某种恶魔或邪恶的灵魂等隐藏的生物。 他们试图将我们的星体踢出星界的底层地面。他们也希望从我们的恐惧中获取食物。我们越害怕,他们就会获得与恐惧相等的能量(食物)。它们基本上不会伤害我们的星体。 可是在某些情况下,这些生物会围绕着我们的星体,永远不让我们星体回到体内。在此期间,人的世界会出问题,你醒不来。除非他们(恶意的众生)允许我们的星体返回物质世界。 它不是假想的,而是一个黑暗的真象。 死后,每个人的灵魂都会朝着第7座星界飞行,目的是能听到上帝的话语。这座星球是已死去人的,不是还活的人的世界。我们愚弄的是自己,而不是上帝。