Megan S Experience
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Experience description:

Ever since I was a child, I have had premonitions. I have them while sleeping and they tell me of future deaths occurring. I recently found out that my aunt has them as well as my daughter. To me, these are the worst kind of curse and cause immense guilt. Recently, it went a little further for me. The night before my grandfather passed, I dreamed of it. That next morning without saying a word to anyone, my daughter, who was 7 at the time, said mom GPA GG died huh? He did indeed pass. A few days later it was the day of his funeral. I could not get myself to go, as the pain was to much. As I was sitting at home I saw him walking towards me. I got scared and ran. This happened about 5 times that morning. Every time I ran in the house, and he was gone. The last time it happened, I ran into my car and shut the door. I closed my eyes and said you are not real you are not real but upon opening them, he was standing there. He said, I'm okay and smiled and was gone. It was then time for his funeral. I know without a doubt 100%, that I saw him clear as day.

Any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?      No     

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?          No     

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No     

What was your level of consciousness and alertness during the experience?    100%

Was the experience dream like in any way?  No

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?   No     

What emotions did you feel during the experience?          Scared

Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises?         No

Did you see a light?        No     

Did you meet or see any other beings?         No    

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?          No     

Did you notice how your 5 senses were working, and if so, how were they different? No      Did you have any sense of altered space or time?     No     

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?         No     

Did you become aware of future events?      No     

How has the experience affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?   None

What was the best and worst part of your experience? None

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?       No