John L Experience
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Experience description:

I was at home. I was tired from the holidays and my children were here, my wife was working. The previous day we had returned from the house of a family member, we had seen him and spent some days in his house. It was a 650 Km trip to return, by car. As I have mentioned, I was tired from getting up, I spent the morning doing things. I made lunch and myself and the children ate. After clearing the table, I decided to rest, and see if when I get up, would I feel better. My children were watching a film. I lay down, and slept. I don't know how much time had passed, but at a particular moment I was in another place. It was very dark, it's hard to explain in words, but I will try as much as is possible. In front of me was a wall, it was made of concrete blocks, like the grey ones used to make store shops, but the wall was totally black.

I don't know how to explain it but I was conscious of everything, there was nothing near me, there was this wall in front of me, perfectly made, the joints between the bricks were calling my attention, they were perfect. Now I have to explain how I felt, step by step, but I would like to make clear that it happened all at once, I am unable to explain it in any other way. I knew all these things at once - 1st. I knew that I was “me”, but a “me” in a greater sense and more inclusive sense, than I am able to describe.

2nd I knew that I had died.

3rd I knew that my body was on the other side of the black wall.

4th I knew that I was floating in the air, and to me it seemed most natural, because I was out of my body, and this was my natural state. 5th It was a static state ( note - estática = static ecstatica = ecstatic) everything was static, but I knew that if I wanted to I could get away because I was in control.  

6th I knew that I could go through the wall. Sorry to repeat myself, but I can't explain what I felt, I was conscious of all this at once, there was no order. 7th I wanted to look at my body, so I decided to go through the wall, and see it as I was convinced my body was behind that wall. In this way I decided to go through, and the instant I decided to go through, slowly, and I was amazed, it was a kind of sliding through the air, I got to the wall, and kept on going, and going through there was no way of explaining it, there there began the most anxious part, I was in a corner, with another wall almost the same, also black, it gave me the feeling I was in a much smaller place, on the left were many pipes, but to my dismay, my body wasn't there, I knew that soon, something strange would happen, and I suddenly realized that I hadn't been able to go further, but now it was voluntarily, the moment I thought that, and I don't know how to describe it, the instant that I though this I don't know how to say it, it felt like a force sucking me in, I knew that I was going through another wall, but it frightened me, because this wall was a boundary, and I didn't know if I had gone through it . But I had the presentiment, that I shouldn't do it. Then I started to resist myself, with all my strength, and when I arrived at the wall, I heard a very strange type of sound, like a long chirp, of a door, but a bit different, a deafening and grave sound, then I knew, that I was once again in my body, and I sat up in bed, I needed air, and my heart palpitated very rapidly, as never before, and I felt the palpitations in every part of my body.

Estaba en mi casa. Me encontraba de vacaciones y mis hijos estaban conmigo, mi esposa estaba trabajando. El día anterior habíamos regresado de la casa de un familiar, habíamos ido a visitarle y pasar unos días a su casa. Fue un viaje de regreso de 650 kilómetros en coche. Como les estaba contando, me encontraba cansado desde que me había levantado, pasé la mañana en casa ordenando algunas cosas. Preparé la comida y almorzamos mis hijos y yo. Después de recoger la mesa, decidí acostarme un rato a descansar para ver si al levantarme me encontraba mejor. Mis hijos se quedaron mirando una película. Me acosté y me dormí. No se cuanto tiempo pasó, pero en determinado momento yo estaba en otro sitio. Se trataba de un sitio muy oscuro, es difícil explicarlo con palabras pero intentaré hacerlo lo mejor posible. Enfrente de mi había una pared, se trataba de una pared construida con bloques de hormigón, de esos grises como los que se utilizan para construir los almacenes, pero la pared era totalmente negra. No sé como explicarlo, yo era consciente de todo, a mi alrededor no había nada, tenía esa pared enfrente, perfectamente construida, me llamaba poderosamente la atención las juntas entre ladrillos, eran perfectas. Ahora intentaré explicar lo que sentí, paso a paso, pero quiero aclarar que sucedía todo a la vez pero no puedo explicarlo de esa manera. Yo sabía las cosas todas a la vez. Primero: sabía que era 'Yo', pero era un 'Yo' en un sentido mas amplio e individual de lo que puedo expresar. Segundo: Sabía que estaba muerto, Tercero: Sabía que mi cuerpo estaba al otro lado de esa pared negra. Cuarto: Sabía que estaba flotando en el aire y me parecía lo mas natural porque estaba fuera de mi cuerpo y ese era mi estado natural. Quinto: era una situación estática, todo estaba estático, pero yo sabía que si quería podía desplazarme porque yo tenía el control.

Sexto: Sabía que podía atravesar esa pared. Perdón por repetir, pero no puedo explicar lo que sentía, yo era consciente de todo esto a la vez, no en este orden. Séptimo: Yo quería ver mi cuerpo, entonces decidí avanzar y atravesar esa pared para ver mi cuerpo, yo estaba convencido de que mi cuerpo estaba detrás de esa pared. Así que pensé en avanzar y al instante comencé a avanzar despacio y me maravillé al hacerlo, era una especie de deslizamiento por el aire, llegué a la pared y continué avanzando, la traspasé y no puedo expresar la sensación que sentí al hacerlo. Acá empieza la parte angustiosa, me hallaba dentro de un recinto, con otra pared casi igual, también negra, me daba la sensación de ser un sitio mas reducido, a la izquierda había unas tuberías, pero para mi desconcierto mi cuerpo no estaba ahí, comprendí de pronto que pasaba algo extraño, me di cuenta que no dejaba de avanzar, pero ahora no era voluntario, al instante que pensé eso, no se como decirlo sentía como una fuerza que me aspiraba, me absorbía, de algún modo sabía que comenzaría a moverme a gran velocidad absorbido por esa fuerza y comprendí que iba a atravesar la otra pared, pero me asusté porque esa pared era como una frontera, no sabía que pasaba si la traspasaba, pero tenía el presentimiento de que no debía hacerlo, entonces entré en pánico y comencé a resistirme con toda mis fuerzas y cuando estaba llegando a la pared sentí que me liberaba junto con una especie de sonido muy extraño, como el largo chirrido de una puerta, pero era un poco diferente, un ruido sordo y mas grave, entonces comprendí que estaba nuevamente en mi cuerpo y me desperté en la cama, me faltaba el aire y el corazón palpitaba a toda velocidad, como nunca antes, sentía las palpitaciones de mi corazón en todo mi cuerpo.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?   Uncertain  Desde hace un tiempo sufro de apnea, si estoy durmiendo y me coloco boca arriba me quedo sin aire y comienzo a soñar que me asfixio, siempre me despierto con un poco de angustia, aunque nunca he sufrido un episodio grave. Debido a esta experiencia comencé a ir al médico para saber porqué me sucedía esto de despertarme sin aire cuando dormía, la doctora me dijo que se trataba de "Apnea del sueño" y podía estar ligado a algún problema cardíaco. Razón por la cual aún continuo realizándome algunos análisis.


Uncertain. For a long time I have suffered apnea, if I was sleeping and I was on my back, I would feel as if there was no air, and it would seem I was suffocating, I would always wake up, a bit anxious, although I never suffered a big episode.

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  Yes     El conocimiento lo tenía todo a la vez, era yo, me sentía libre de mi cuerpo, estaba flotando porque era natural, tenía el control, podía atravesar la pared si quería, a pesar de estar en un sitio desconocido y sumergido en la oscuridad, no tenía miedo, frio, o calor, no había sonidos ni silencio, era como si los ruidos no existieran. No sé explicarlo mejor.

The knowledge I had all at once, it was me I felt free from my body, I floated because it was natural, I had control, I could pass through the wall, if I had wanted, in spite of being in an unfamiliar place, and in darkness, I wasn't frightened, cold or hot, there weren't sounds or silence, it was as if the sounds didn't exist. I cant relate it any better.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?      En todo momento tuve un alto grado de conciencia, al final de la experiencia sentí el estado de alerta

In every moment I had a higher grade of consciousness and at the end of the experience I felt in a state of alertness.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal   Tenía un mayor sentido del 'Yo' Era un 'Yo' sin cuerpo, por eso la sensación era mucho mas consciente, ahora mi sentido del 'Yo' está compartido con mi cuerp0.

I had a better sense of “me” I was a “me” without body, through this the feeling was much more conscious, now I feel the “me” is shared with my body.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   Estaba sumergido en la oscuridad con una pared negra enfrente, con textura muy clara y marcada. Me llamaba mucho la atención la claridad de los detalles.

I was plunged into darkness, with a great big black wall in front of me, with a detailed and marked texture.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   No tenía audición. Tenía comprensión del silencio. no se como explicarlo.

I didn't have hearing I had silent understanding, I can't describe it.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   No  

What emotions did you feel during the experience?   Libertad total fuera de mi cuerpo, pero era una sensación familiar, como si ya me hubiese sucedido. Como si hubiese regresado a mi estado natural. Y eso me llenaba de una alegría inexplicable.

Total freedom away from my body, but a familiar sensation, as if it had already happened to me. As if I had gone back. As if I had gone back to my natural state.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   Uncertain   Atravesé la pared negra. Rodeada de vacío.

I went Through the black wall.

Did you see an unearthly light?   No  

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   No

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   No  

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?   No  

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   Uncertain   Tuve la sensación de que había retornado a un sitio y por eso sabía que mi cuerpo estaba al otro lado de esa pared. Pero no tuve visiones sobre mi vida.

I had the feeling that I had returned to a place and that because of that I knew that my body was on the other side of the wall.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?   Some unfamiliar and strange place
No conozco ese lugar, sin embargo tuve la sensación de saber que mi cuerpo estaba al otro lado de esa pared.

I don't know this place. Without doubt I had the feeling of knowing my body was on the other side of the wall.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?
   Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
No puedo decir si duró un segundo o una hora. Pero la sensación fue de que todo ocurrió en un segundo.

I can't say if it was a second or an hour, but the feeling was that everything happened in a second.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?   Everything about myself or others
Entendía mi situación. Era yo, estaba sin cuerpo.

I understood my situation. It was me, I didn't have a body.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   Yes
Sabía que no debía atravesar la segunda pared, por eso cuando la fuerza me atraía me resisti.

I knew that I couldn't go through the second wall because of this when the force attracted me I resisted.

Did you come to a border or point of no return?   I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life
No era consciente de regresar a la vida, era consciente de que no debía atravesar la segunda pared. Desconozco la razón, quizás, sabía que si la atravesaba no podía volver, pero no recuerdo haberlo hecho por eso.

I wasn't aware of returning to life, I was aware that I mustn't go through the second wall. I don't  know why maybe I knew that if I went through it I could never return, I don't remember having done it for this reason.

Did scenes from the future come to you?  No 

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (“life after death”)?   Yes   Si. Desde el primer momento yo tenía el conocimiento pleno de que me había liberado del cuerpo. Que estaba en mi estado natural

From the first moment I had full knowledge that I was free of my body. That I was in my natural state.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   Uncertain   Creo que detrás de la segunda pared había algo que me atraía.

I feel that behind the wall there was something that had attracted me.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Yes   Si, desde el primer momento sentí que volvía a ser 'Yo' Incluso pensé: Ya está, ya pasó, en referencia a mi vida terrenal.

Yes. From the first moment I felt I was “me” I even thought it is now, it's gone. I am referring to my earthly life.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s meaning or purpose?   Uncertain   Sentí que ya había terminado una etapa.

Uncertain, I felt that I had already reached that big step.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   No  

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   Yes   Si, supe que en mi estado natural no tengo cuerpo físico. En la experiencia supe que tenía el control de la situación, flotaba, podía moverme y atravesar paredes.

Yes. I knew that in my natural state I don't have a physical body. During the experience I knew that I had control of the situation, I was floating, I could move, and go through walls.

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience   Siempre creí que después de la muerte hay otra vida, pero no me imaginaba vivir una situación así y tomármelo con esa calma.

I have always believed that there is another life after we die. But I never imagined this situation, and to go through it so calmly.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of th   Cuando desperté no sabía que había pasado, pero al instante recordé toda la experiencia con una claridad increíble.

When I woke up I didn't know what had happened, but in an instant I remembered the entire experience with incredible clarity.

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:   Tengo mayor sensación de libertad, intento informarme mucho sobre las ECM de otras personas.

I have a great sensation of freedom, I try to educate myself a lot, about NDEs that others have had.

My experience directly resulted in:
   Slight changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?  
Uncertain   Creo que debo ser mas paciente con las personas.

I think I should be more patient with others.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?   No  

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?    
El sentido del 'Yo' fue muy profundo, no se explicarlo.

The feeling of “me” was very profound, I can't explain it.

Have you ever shared this experience with others?  
Yes  Solo la compartí con mi esposa. Ella se sorprendió. No le gusta mucho ahondar en estos temas.

I have only ever shared it with my wife. She was surprised. She didn't really like talking about these subjects.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   Yes   El conocimiento que tenía era el que me contó un amigo hace muchos años. Su padre fue ingresado por infarto. Cuando se recuperó dijo a los médicos que primero quería hablar con su hijo mayor, después que entraran los demás parientes. Cuando mi amigo entró, su padre le contó que había salido de su cuerpo y había hablado con familiares fallecidos. Mi amigo pensó que habría sido un sueño o algo así. Su padre le dijo quienes estaban en la sala de espera  y como estaban vestidos, algo que le sorprendió mucho. A los dos días de haber sido dado de alta falleció en su casa. Mi amigo me lo contó algunos años después y me dejó muy sorprendido.

The knowledge I had was what a friend had told me many years ago. His father was in hospital with a heart attack. While recovering, he said to the doctors that first he wanted to talk to his eldest son, then the rest of his family. When my friend went in, his father told him he had come out of his body, and had talked with family (that had passed on). My friend thought that it had been a dream, or similar. His father said they had been in the waiting room, and how we were dressed, something that surprised me a lot. Some 2 days later he died in his house. My friend told me some years later and it amazed me.

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was probably real   Desde el primer momento sentí que la experiencia había sido real, pero muy extraña. No vi a mas nadie, en todo momento se trató solamente de mi. Hace muchos años tuve otra experiencia, pero fue muy diferente, después de mucho pensar la di por un mal sueño. Ahora no se que pensar. En esa otra experiencia, (que fue mas larga pero haré muy corta) yo estaba probándome ropa en una tienda, me miraba en el espejo, , veía mis piernas y parte de mi cuerpo, cuando terminé de colocarme el jersey que me estaba probando levanté la vista y no era yo, es decir, sabía profundamente que era yo, pero la imagen del espejo era de otro cuerpo y otro rostro, me asusté mucho. Contemplé el rostro asustado de otro hombre, sintiendo que era yo.

The experience was probably real from the first moment I felt it had been real. I didn't see anyone else, in every moment it was just me. Many years ago I had another experience, but it was very different. After a long time I had put it down as a bad dream. Now, I don't know what to believe. In this other experience (that was much longer but I made it very short). I was trying on some clothes in a shop, I raised my gaze and it wasn't me, so as to say I knew profoundly, that it was me, but the image in the mirror, was of another body, and another face, it frightened me so. I thought about the frightening face of another man, feeling it was me.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was probably real   Por la complejidad del conocimiento que tuve durante toda la experiencia.

Experience was probably real. Through the complexity of knowledge I had during the entire experience.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   No  

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?   Me sentía libre, en mi estado natural otra vez.

I felt free. In my natural state once more.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?   Uncertain   Para algunas preguntas no tengo respuestas claras. No entré en contacto con ningún otro ser.

For some questions there are not straight answers, I never had contact with any other beings.

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?  Yes

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?            I would like to know if something similar has happened to anyone else, as if to say for me it was a normal day, I was just tired, I didn't have an accident neither was I in the ER room, I have been operated on 3 times and never experienced anything like it.