Eugenia S Experience
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Experience description:

It happened around 50 years ago, but I remember all of it.

In 1972, I was a young 25 year old, who had just been fired from my retail job. It was the Christmas season; so I didn’t want to tell my parents who would have worried about me.

It was late afternoon, and I was reading one of those small spiritual books that were common at the time. As I read the words, “Think not of Self but of Service,” suddenly a light shot out of me from the center of my heart area. This white light was not like human light. It danced and sparkled. It was alive! It was Love, and it enfolded me. I had never felt that kind of love before. This Light/Love stayed with me for the rest of the day and continued into the next one.

Sometime during the next day, the light started to coalesce into a sort of being. It gathered the light onto itself. This being appeared to have the sense of a face, but since it was light, it was not clearly outlined.

Then this Light Being communicated with me. It transmitted this message: “There is no judgment, only unconditional love.”

At that point I got a super shot of this Love. It exploded and surrounded me, inside and out. I felt the very outline of my soul. Of course words cannot begin to translate this in human terms.

So then the being melted away, but the light stayed with me and continued into the next morning. As the morning progressed, the light began to fade. And then I felt very alone.

After a while, since I felt bereft, I decided I had better get out of my apartment and around other people. So I got on a bus and went to the nearest mall. It was filled with holiday shoppers, looking for gifts and bargains.

As I was walking around, suddenly I saw the Light/Love pouring out of everyone. Every single person had this light shining forth from his/her heart area. Yet I could also see the strictly human dimension. It was like I was seeing two dimensions at once.

I wanted to go up to this very stressed looking woman and say, “Do you know who you are?” But of course, I did not.

Since that day, I have had many other strong spiritual experiences, including a Biblical-sounding voice giving me specific instructions. Those directions ended up being something that was really and truly a provable miracle. But that’s a story for another day.