Esther Experience
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Experience description:

Good afternoon, my experience is not an NDE of those that occur when you are clinically dead, it is an appearance of a supernatural being in the middle of the day, with no accident, trauma or illness.

Until now I had not dared to tell my experience to anyone, for fear of incomprehension, to seek pretexts to justify what happened to me, in short, to try to justify the unjustifiable.

But after several years of saving what happened to me, I think the time has come to share it with all of you.

Several years ago, my mother became ill.

 He was diagnosed with a terminal illness and was given a few months of life.

My family and I, we were devastated by so much suffering and so much pain, knowing that our life would never be the same after the death of my mother, who we all loved very much and we were very close.

During her illness, my mother had several episodes in which her illness worsened and they had to admit her for several days in the hospital.

One of the times, being my father, my two brothers and I in the hospital room with my mother, her health deteriorated drastically, so we called the nurse, who, seeing the situation so serious, He went to find the doctor.

The doctor and two other nurses entered the room and told us that we had to go to the waiting room and that they would let us know.

In the waiting room there was nobody, there were only us four.

My father and my brothers sat at the back of the room, but I preferred to be alone, and I sat in another place away from them.

We were waiting for the doctor to come to the room to inform us about my mother's state of health.

Suddenly, I felt arms that hugged me with a lot of love, comforted me and comforted me.

There was nobody there, visually speaking, but there was next to me, a presence of reportless energy, giant, powerful and full of love.

The dimensions did not see them physically, I perceived them, I knew that that being was big and strong.

As I said, I did not have a specific physical form, but human arms, totally recognizable.

The presence radiated love, tenderness and understanding, and I knew that he was comforting me for all the suffering that I was going through at that moment.

The hug was warm, loving, full and enveloped me, I felt invaded by an infinite love that gave and did not ask, just wanted me not to suffer.

In those moments, I was shocked, tense and I did not move from the place, although I sensed that I could move, but I did not want to, I felt very comfortable and very peaceful.

The invisible arms embraced me with a love that can not be compared to any embrace we can give or give us here on earth.

It is something much more intense, it can not be described with words.

But since I was fully aware of everything that was going on, I began to feel bad about myself for feeling so good.

A few meters away, my mother was dying and I was happy in those arms, and my anguish and sorrow seemed secondary to so much display of love that she approached me with such intendness.

I decided that I had to continue with my grief and refused to continue being consoled by that spiritual being.

I separated his arms from my body and I got up from the chair.

I repeat that the arms were human, it was the only human I could identify.

The presence did not insist. He respected my decision to continue with my grief, and not be consoled more by that being.

A few days after that my mother passed away.

I have not felt that presence again, which was all love, and came to comfort me in the hardest moments of my life.

I do not know what would have happened if I had stayed longer in that place, and how much longer that would have lasted. I have asked many times, what would have happened if I had not left there.

He did not try to talk to me, he did not need to, he came to console me, and to soften my suffering.

I have never felt such an intense love as that being detached. It was not of this world.

After that, I understand perfectly the people who go through an NDE, it is very difficult to explain it with words, it is too intense.

I did not identify that being with any person I have known in life, or with any family member.

I can say, that they were all sensations, and that I thought it was a feminine presence, it was all love and sweetness, very tender and above all very protective.



Buenas tardes, mi experiencia no es una ECM de las que ocurren cuando estas clinicamente muerto, es una aparición de un ser sobrenatural  en pleno dia, sin que haya ocurrido ningún accidente, ni trauma ni enfermedad.

Hasta ahora no me habia  atrevido a contar mi experiencia a nadie, por miedo a la incomprensión, a que buscaran pretextos para justificar lo que me ocurrió, en definitiva, que intentaran justificar lo injustificable.

Pero después de varios años guardando lo que me sucedió para mi misma, creo que ha llegado el momento de compartirlo con todos vosotros.

Hace varios años, mi madre enfermó.

Se le diagnosticó una enfermedad terminal y le dieron pocos meses de vida.

Mi familia y yo, estabamos devastados ante tanto sufrimiento y tanto dolor, sabiendo que nuestra vida nunca volvería a ser la misma depués del fallecimiento de mi madre, a la que todos queriamos mucho y estábamos muy unidos.

Durante su enfermedad, mi madre tuvo varios episodios en los que se agravaba su enfermedad y tenian que ingresarle durante varios dias en el hospital.

Una de las veces, estando mi padre, mis dos hermanos y yo en la habitación del hospital con mi madre,el estado de salud de ella empeoró drásticamente, por lo que llamamos a la enfermera, la cual, al ver la situación tan grave, fué a buscar al médico.

Entraron en la habitación el médico y dos enfermeras más, y nos dijeron que teníamos que ir a la sala de espera y que ya nos avisarian.

En la sala de espera no habia nadie, solo estabamos nosotros cuatro.

Mi padre y mis hermanos se sentaron al fondo de la sala, pero yo prefería estar sola, y me senté en otro lugar alejada de ellos.

Estábamos pendientes de que viniera el médico a la sala para informarnos sobre el estado de salud de mi madre.

De repente, sentí unos brazos que me abrazaban con mucho amor, me consolaban y me reconfortaban.

Allí no habia nadie, visualmente hablando, pero había junto a mi, una presencia de energia informe, gigante, poderosa y  llena de amor.

Las dimensiones no las veía fisicamente, las percibia, sabia que aquél ser era grande y fuerte.

Como ya he dicho, no tenia una forma fisica concreta, pero si brazos humanos, totalmente reconocibles.

La presencia irradiaba amor, ternura y comprensión, y sabia que me estaba consolando por todo el sufrimiento que yo estaba pasando en aquél momento.

El abrazo era cálido, amoroso, pleno y me envolvía, me sentia invadida por un amor infinito que daba y no pedia, solo queria que yo no sufriese.

En aquellos momentos, me quedé impactada, tensa y no me moví del sitio, aunque intuía que podia moverme, pero no queria, me sentia muy agusto y con mucha paz.

Los brazos invisibles me abrazaban con un amor que no se puede comparar con ningún abrazo que podamos dar o nos den aqui en la tierra.

Es algo mucho más intenso, no se puede describir con palabras.

Pero como yo era plenamente consciente de todo lo que estaba pasando, empezé a sentirme mal conmigo misma por sentirme tan bien.

A pocos metros, mi madre agonizaba y yo, estaba feliz entre esos brazos, y mis angustias y penas  parecian secundarios ante tanto depliegue de amor que me abordaba con tanta intendidad.

Decidí que tenia que seguir con mi duelo y rechacé seguir siendo consolada por aquel ser espiritual.

Separé sus brazos de mi cuerpo y me levanté de la silla.

Vuelvo a repetir que los brazos eran humanos, era lo único humano que pude identificar.

La presencia no insistió. Respetó mi decisión de seguir con mi duelo, y de no ser consolada más por aquel ser.

Pocos dias después de aquello falleció mi madre.

No he vuelto a sentir más aquella presencia, que era todo amor,y vino a reconfortarme en los momentos más duros de mi vida.

No se que hubiera pasado si hubiera seguido mas tiempo en aquel lugar, y cuánto más hubiera durado aquello. Me lo he preguntado muchas veces, que hubiera pasado si yo no me hubiera ido de alli.

No intentó hablarme, no hacia falta,vino a consolarme, y a suavizar mi sufrimiento.

Nunca he sentido un amor tal intenso como el que aquel ser desprendía. No era de este mundo.

Después de aquello, entiendo perfectamente a las personas que pasan por una ECM, es muy dificil explicarlo con palabras, es demasiado intenso.

No identifiqué a aquel ser con ninguna persona que haya conocido en vida, ni con ningún familiar.

Puedo decir, que eran todo sensaciones, y que a mi me pareció que era una presencia femenina, era todo amor y dulzura,muy tierna y sobre todo muy protectora.

Gracias por vuestro tiempo.