Bella C Pre-birth
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Experience description:

I was in a place somewhere. I can see earth through window below me. Earth is very beautiful and shining. I love the blue and green color. There is someone with me in that place though it was not clear who. I remembered that he or it gave me choices to which life I will be born this time. I am feeling very confident that time because it is like my second attempt and I feel like I can be successful again because in my first life on earth I became very successful. But this time I remembered that I chose a middle class life where I will start from the bottom. And my memory ended after I chose which life I want to be born with. When I was 17 or 18 years old. I have this weird feeling like a sense of a mission that I have to do something but I cannot remember what mission is that. Now I was 30 years old and have 2 kids and that feeling has faded away. However this past few months I again felt this weird sense of like I have to know or remember something that I have forgotten. Today I have these sense of finding truth about our universe. There are glimpses of weird knowledge that popping out of my mind. Like we are all different form of energies we eat energy(from plants and foods), we breathe energy(oxygen) and we use energy we are like living interconnected energies. The weirdest part of this is that there is a first universe where we all came from. Its like super giant self luminescent planet where all energies/life came from and its energy is vibrating throughout the universes. I think this is the center of the universe. It is like a giant ball of shining white light its like a sun however a million times bigger and the energy it emits is not dangerously hot. Its like a sun but its actually a planet full of life inside. And We I mean our solar system is revolving around it. I think some scientist think that universe is expanding however this solar system is moving around revolving to this giant shining self luminescent planet. Like earth revolving around the sun. I don't know if people still believe that we are in the center of the universe but actually we are very very far from the center. We are located in this darkest part of the universe. Like Pluto's location from sun but a billion lights away. This things are really weird because I am not even a scientist. I am a nurse by profession and currently I am working in medical insurance company. I dont know where this things really came from but it is really big and it just keeps popping out of my mind.

Any associated medications or substances with the potential to affect the experience?      No     

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?          No     

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No     

What was your level of consciousness and alertness during the experience?    100 percent

Was the experience dream like in any way?  I was more like a memory than a dream because I am awake when this things pops out of my mind.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?   No     

What emotions did you feel during the experience?          Weird emotions like why the hell are these things popping out of my mind

Did you hear any unusual sounds or noises?         No

LOCATION DESCRIPTION:  Did you recognize any familiar locations or any locations from familiar religious teachings or encounter any locations inhabited by incredible or amazing creatures?         Yes    Yes as I explained I am remembering this giant ball of shining white light like its a planet that where the center of the universe is located and that all the galaxies and solar systems are revolving around it.

Did you see a light?        Yes   

Did you meet or see any other beings?         Uncertain          For the prebirth memory I think there is this entities im not sure what kind of entities but they are the one facilitating us before birth like they give choices which life to choose from

Did you experiment while out of the body or in another, altered state?         No     

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?          No     

Did you notice how your 5 senses were working, and if so, how were they different? Uncertain     Not sure but I saw the earth in a window like structure beneath me then I must say sense of sight might be there

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?          Uncertain     When I was a kid I have this weird dream of flying out of my body and out from our house but it happened only once as far as i can remember and its more like a dream only not like the astral projection people are saying

Did you have a sense of knowing, special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?         Yes    Yes this is the current experience I have especially at work when Im focus on working. This knowledge suddenly pops out of my mind.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?           No     

Did you become aware of future events?      Uncertain          This is weird but I have this feeling that there should be a major event that could change the system we are living today here on earth then suddenly Covid-19 happens I don't know if its somewhat related but its just weird.

Were you involved in or aware of a decision regarding your return to the body?          No     

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience that you did not have prior to the experience?         No     

Did you have any changes of attitudes or beliefs following the experience?     Yes    There is a sudden change in belief. I am catholic since baptize. However this things has change my belief system like there is something bigger than this. Something bigger than religion and money and power.

How has the experience affected your relationships? Daily life? Religious practices? Career choices?   Not really affected because I only keep this to myself. Not until I found that site like this exist.

Has your life changed specifically as a result of your experience? No     

Have you shared this experience with others?       No          What emotions did you experience following your experience? I felt excited weird and uncertain about this things because its highly unusual.

What was the best and worst part of your experience?          Best part is like there are bigger things that I know now worst part is I don't know if its real or not

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience? None

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?       No     

Did the questions asked and information you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?           Yes    This is a far as my memory can remember. I only keep it to myself until now that i saw this site exist.

Please offer any suggestions you may have to improve this questionnaire.       I dont have any suggestion however this questionnaire somehow helped me because I was keeping this to myself for a very long time.