Alessa S Experience
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Experience description:

It was Lunar New Year Eve, and my family got together to play Mahjong till past midnight. This has been our traditional ritual to spend the last day of the year. Unfortunately, I contracted a severe cold with high fever and felt extremely ill , so I went to bed around nine o’clock.

While I was half asleep and half awake, I felt myself leaving the body, and watching it sleep in bed. The me who left the body can float around like the cartoon character Peter Pan.

I was weightless and danced like a ballerina who stands on tiptoes spinning around on top of the bed rail fence at the end of the bed.

At the time I was in a good mood without noticing the fever. I thought I was dreaming, but meanwhile I felt everything was normal.  Although my body felt sort of strange, there are no specific words to describe it. There was one special phenomenon which is that while I am floating I can see through the ceiling floor. I saw four of my family members play Mahjong in the living room, and the direction was accurate while I was watching them from up high.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?  

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  No    

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?   It felt like dreaming, very surreal.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      Less consciousness and alertness than normal.  Very surreal.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.  I did not see the ceiling but I was able to see through it.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience. Nope, I did not have an impression about any sound.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   Yes, My family was indeed in the family room playing Mahjong.

What emotions did you feel during the experience?     Very exciting, cheerful, and felt comfortable.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   No  

Did you see an unearthly light?   No  

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   No

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   No  

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?   No  

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   No  

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?   No

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?   No

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?   No

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   Yes, I was looking down from above into our family room, but I did not see the upstairs of my apartment which is on the 7th floor.

Did you come to a border or point of no return?   No

Did scenes from the future come to you?  No 

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (“life after death”)?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Yes,  I have had many lucid dreams in my life and some of the information was way beyond my knowledge, additionally I did not care about what type of information in my dreams. I am not sure if this experience is what you need because it was just a dream; however I defined it as my past life and I am still studying it now.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s meaning or purpose?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   No 

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   No 

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?  No  

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was entirely consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience.   I only felt my sprite out of my body.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of the experience.  It was very profound, I did not recall other things that occurred at that age. I must admit that I was not sure which year it happened yet I only remember I was an elementary student, but I remember clearly it was New Year's Eve.

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:   No obvious changes; however I only believed souls can leave the body, it was separable.

My experience directly resulted in:   Slight changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?   Yes,  Initially, I was not sure about the “soul theory”, but I believed it afterward.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?   Uncertain,  When I was five or six years old, I once saw a moving black shadow appear in my home. After this experience, I occasionally encountered some supernatural phenomena; such as I saw shadows passing by or watched visions during “sleep paralysis” when I was at middle school, high school, and college.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?    For all the time, I was not sure if it was my hallucination or it really existed until I was at my boyfriend’s house when I experienced sleep paralysis and saw that I was in a brand new room. I saw a man standing behind me in front of a big minor. I told my boyfriend about it after I woke up. He was stunned. He said what I described where the mirror was that actually had a big mirror there before. It was his deceased grandfather’s room which was empty due to no one using this room. It's probably because he sneaked me into this room and this made his grandfather was upset.

Have you ever shared this experience with others?   Yes,  I don’t remember if I had told my friends about it, but I did share it with my family. They thought it was a dream. It was not until recently I am sure that it was an out of body experience, then I started to talk about it with my friends. They were astonished; and also this had changed their perspective about the existence of the souls.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   No 

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was probably real.  Probably I was dreaming, I wasn't sure about it.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was definitely real.   I heard of some near-death experiences when I grew up on top of it, I also learned from the verifiable actual NDE experiences; then, I believed it was real.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?      No

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   No  

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?   Yes  

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?  Should set up a NDE-related study department and let the people who are interested in it join the research and surveys.








在經歷的過程當中,何時到達了知覺和警覺度的最高程度? 感覺像在作夢,很飄渺

和平常的意識和警覺性比較,經驗期間的意識和警覺性程度為何? 比平常意識和警覺性低 很飄渺

请将你在经历中的视觉与经历发生之前平时的视觉能力相比较。 我飄起來的時候沒有看到天花板,可以透視

請將你在經歷中的聽覺與經歷發生之前平時的聽覺能力相比較。 無,對聲音比較沒有印象

你是否感覺到知覺或意識從身體脫離開? 是的 我的家人在當時確實在客廳打麻將。

經歷過程當中你的情感是什麽樣的? 非常興奮、喜悅,覺得很舒服。










你是否到達一個邊界,或建築物的臨界點? 是的 我俯瞰了我家的客廳,但我並沒有看到我家樓上的畫面。(我家在7F/7F)





在你經驗中,你是否獲得任何特定資訊/認知表示你前世是(或不)存在? 是的 我的人生經驗中有做過數個很逼真的夢,有些資訊甚至超越我所知,也不是我在意的話題與類型。 我不確定這個資訊你們有沒有需要,因為不過就是夢,但我會把它定義成可能是我的前世,目前仍在研究中。







在您的經歷中發生的事情包括: 當瀕死經驗發生時,任何與你當時信仰相符合的細節內容。 我只有感受到靈魂脫離的感覺。 對此經驗我記得的正確程度比大約同一時間點發生的其他事件我記得的正確程度要高 對此經驗我記得的正確程度與大約同一時間點發生的其他事件我記得的正確程度一樣 太深刻了,那個年紀其他發生的事情都沒印象了。我必須說我不是很確定是哪一年,我只記得我是國小生,但我很清楚記得是除夕夜。

我生命中巨大的變化    沒有明顯改變,只是相信靈魂可以脫離肉體,這是分開的。

我生命中巨大的變化 我生命中沒有變化

經歷了這次經驗之後,你的價值觀或信念是否有任何改變? 是的 原本不確定'靈魂'論,後來我相信了。

你的經歷中是否有一些或多個部分,對你來說具有非同尋常的意義? 不確定 我5.6歲時曾經看過家中出現會移動的黑影,在此經驗發生後,我國中、高中、大學,偶爾都還是有遇到一些超自然體驗,看到晃過去的影子或是在'鬼壓床'時看到畫面。

你是否曾經與其他人分享過這個經歷? 一直以來都不是很確定我看到的到底是自己的幻覺還是真正存在的,直到我大學時在男友家鬼壓床時看到我所在的房間煥然一新的樣子,我從一面大鏡子看到有個人站在我的背後,醒來後與男友說到此事,他很震驚的告訴我我所說的位置以前真的是一面大鏡子。(那是他過世爺爺的房間,本來空著沒有人使用,可能偷偷帶我去爺爺有點不開心)

在经历之前,你了解濒死经历吗? 是的 我忘了我有沒有跟朋友說,但我跟家人說的時候,他們說一定是作夢,直到最近才開始確定是靈魂出竅的體驗,會和朋友分享,他們覺得非常驚奇,也會對靈魂的存在有些改觀


經驗絕對是真的    經驗很可能不是真的 可能是做夢,不確定。

經驗絕對是真的    經驗很可能是真的 長大之後聽到一些瀕死經驗,加上當環境樣態可以驗證,我相信就是真的。




请提供改善这张调查表的任何建议。还有任何其他问题可以帮助你說明該經驗吗? 是的

一個對瀕死體驗 (NDE) 感興趣的國家組織可以做哪些讓您感興趣的事情? 應該要成立相關的系所讓有興趣的人一起進行研究與調查。 如果有需要在台灣(Taiwan)進行相關事項研究(例如:田野調查)的人,我願意協助。