Winfit's Experience
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Experience description:               

I was reading a book and napping at the time of the experience, I was studying hard and indeed I was quite stressed because I was about to face the national test. Suddenly I saw a large black being with a strange form carrying a shroud with which he covered my body like a cocoon. At that instant the creature stood exactly above my head and pulled my spirit out through the top of my head. It really hurt, as if your hair is pulled so hard that your brain comes out. At the moment the spirit exited my body felt like ice, very cold. The most painful parts of my body were my knees, my stomach, my elbows, and my heart�it was very painful, like I was run over by a large truck. And after the spirit had exited my body completely my spirit felt like it was floating and was as light as the wind. My spirit could see life on earth. I could see my younger siblings and my parents. It was strange, as if I was inside glass. I yelled, �please help!� but not one of my family members heard me. Then the being asked the name of my prophet. I answered, �Mohammed�. Then a person invited me to a dark place where there was one who was bright and white all over. But before that I was brought through a very dark path and at the end of the path I could see a white light so I ran closer to it and discovered that the light originated from the forehead of a very handsome person. The person next to me said this was the prophet Mohammed. I could very clearly see his face, posture, and the clothing he was wearing, I could clearly see his material being. But the person next to me, which invited me there, was not clearly visible he was dark and I could not make out his features. I was invited to look at a picture of hell and also of the heaven for those who die as martyrs. Subhanaallah (God is Glorious) there are many things that I don�t understand. Was I conscious or not? But this story is sufficiently long.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?         Yes, At the time of death I met people I did not know and the prophet.

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?         Yes, I just felt extremely fearful.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?       Yes, At the time of death I was struggling with pain but at that moment I saw that the clock on the wall said 11:30 pm.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal

If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain:         Yes, At the time of death I was struggling with pain but at that moment I saw that the clock on the wall said 11:30 pm.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)?    

Yes, I could see things which can�t normally be seen by people. I could see a being.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)? 

Yes, I heard the sound of an explosion, like a bomb but other people around me did not hear it.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?     Yes

What emotions did you feel during the experience?       I am far more calm and unafraid of death, the key is to do good works. Without this preparation you should not wish for death.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?      Yes, correct, a long tunnel which was very dark.

Did you see a light?   

Yes, I saw a bright light coming from the end of a path and the light originated from the forehead of man having a remarkable countenance. He was like a helpful angel to me in this dark and unfamiliar tunnel.

Did you meet or see any other beings?     Yes, I saw people and my relatives which had passed on. In the heaven for martyrs I saw a person I know, Ustad, but this person is still living.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life?          Yes, I now study religion more and ask questions.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?  Yes, I saw the death of my sibling and my friend in a dream and also events that endanger me are usually revealed in my dreams.

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions?            Yes, a beautiful place where all was white and peaceful.

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?           Yes, it felt like an extremely long time, however when I returned to consciousness I then slept for 2-3 days.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?       Yes, that the things which happen on this earth don�t have much meaning and in the end it will not be asked how many possessions we have, nor our education, children, husband, or so on. There we only see pictured good works or bad.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?          Yes, what happened was as if I entered a glass ball. People could not see me but I could see people in this world. A world which is dark and very bright.

Did you become aware of future events?  Yes, I have received knowledge through dreams, events which will happen to me, or the deaths of friends and family members.

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?    Yes, I can see auras or the internal condition of people though their countenances and behavior. And I can see spirit beings.

Have you shared this experience with others?    Yes, a year after my NDE I told about it and the person I told was astonished and frightened and asked many questions.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?     No, I had never heard of an NDE. On the contrary I just found out and it was 17 years ago when I died.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:            I feel it was real but I am confused, the story line seems unreal and outside the thoughts of a healthy mind.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you?     Yes there was, I was happy to meet the prophet Mohammed.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience:        What I saw at that time was real but the experience was strange and confusing. I don�t know who to ask about it because it has rarely happened to others.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?           Yes, I am more calm, and I love to help and give advice to people with problems. I have become less emotional and more calm when facing difficulties.

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes, I am more sensitive and careful following my religion.  My ritual prayers have become more focused.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?   No, because of this experience I can�t return without permission from God.

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience?       I wish to be able to ask someone that has also experienced an NDE.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?      No, I have told everything, long story.

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience?    Was a person or being encountered which invited you to look upon worlds of light and dark, and did he have form?


saya saat itu sdg membaca buku sambil tiduran saya belajar giat dan memang sedikit agak stres karena akan menghadapi ujian nasional.saat itu saya tiba2 melihat ada mahluk besar hitam dg wujud aneh membawa kain kafan dan kain kafan menutupi tubuh saya seperti pocong/kepompong. saat itu mahluk itu berdiri tepat diatas kepala dan mencabut ruh saya dari atas kepala. sakiit sekali rasanya seperti rambut kita dijambak sampai otak keluar dan saat ruh keluar perlahan tubuh kita terasa beku dan dingin.pd saat ruh keluar bagian yg plg sakit adlh kedua lutut kaki,perut,kedua siku tangan dan ulu hati/jantung...sakit rasanya sprti dilindas truk besar. dan ketika ruh keluar smua dr tubuh. ruh kita rasanya melayang,ringan sekali seperti angin. ruh saya bisa melihat kehidupan dunia.saya bisa melihat adik2 dan ortu saat itu.aneh seperti kita ada didlm kaca.saya berteriak minta tolong tp anggota keluarga tdk satupun mendengar saya. kmudian mahluk itu bertanya nama nabi saya.saya jwb muhammad.kmudian ada seseorg mengajak saya kesuatu tempat yg gelap dan ada jg terang serba sebelumnya saya dibawa melewati lorong yg gelaap sekali dari ujung lorong ada cahaya putih terang mk aku lari mendekatinya trnyt cahaya itu brasal dari jidat/dahi seseorg yg tampan yg disebelah saya mengatakan itu nabi muhammad.saya liat sngt jelas wajah,posturnya dan jg pakaian yg dia pakai saya liat jelas org yg disamping yg mengajak saya,samasekali tdk jelas nampak gelap tdk bisa kulihat. saya diajak melihat gambaran syurga neraka dan jg syurga utk org2 yg mati syahid.subhanaallah bnyk hal yg tdk kumengerti.apakah saya sadar atw tidak tp cerita ini cukup panjang

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words? Yes     saat sakratul maut,bertemu orang2 yg tdk dikenal dan nabi

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?          Yes     hanya rasa takut yg luarbiasa

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?    pd saat sakratul maut saya berontak kesakitan tp saat itu saya melihat jam didinding menunjukan pkl 23.30 malam hari

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness?    More consciousness and alertness than normal

If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain:            pd saat sakratul maut saya berontak kesakitan tp saat itu saya melihat jam didinding menunjukan pkl 23.30 malam hari

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)?  Yes     ya saya bisa melihat hal2 yg tdk dilihat org pd umumnya.trkdang saya bisa melihat mahluk

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?
            Yes     ya.saya pernah mendengar suara ledakan2 keras seperti org disekitar saya tdk mendengarnya

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body?     Yes

What emotions did you feel during the experience?            saya jauh lbh tenang.dan tdk takut kematian krn kuncinya hanya satu amal sholeh.tnp persiapan itu jgn coba2 berkeinginan utk mati

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?          Yes     ya betul. gelap terowongan panjang dalam gelap sekali

Did you see a light?           Yes     ya saya liat cahaya terang sumbernya dari ujung lorong dan cahaya itu brasal dr dahi laki2 berwajah luarbiasa. bagaikan malaikat penolong disaat kita brada diterowongan gelap dan asing

Did you meet or see any other beings?           Yes     ya saya melihat org2 atw keluarga saya yg sdh wafat.bahkan disyurga org yg mati syahid saya melihat org yg saya kenal seorg ustad tp saat ini org tsb msh hidup

Did you experience a review of past events in your life?    Yes     ya,saya belajar agama lebh bnyk dan bertanya

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later?          Yes     kematian saudara dan teman saya lihat melalui mimpi dan kejadian yg membahayakan saya biasanya keluar lwt mimpi

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions?            Yes     ya,alam indah serba putih dan tenang

Did you have any sense of altered space or time?   Yes     ya krn waktu terasa lama sekali ternyata saat sadar saya tidur slama 2-3hari

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose?     Yes            bahwa apa2 yg terjadi didunia ini tdk ada nilainya dan tdk ditanyakan bnyknya harta,pendidikan anak2 suami dll.disana hny dilihatkan gambaran amal baik dan buruk

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes     yg terjadi adlh kita seperti memasuki dunia bola kaca. org tdk liat kita tp kita bisa liat org2 didunia. dunia yg gelap dan terang sekali

Did you become aware of future events?       Yes
            ya ttg pemberitahuan lwt mimpi suatu kejadian yg menimpa saya atw kematian teman dan keluarga

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?     Yes     saya bisa liat aura atw kondisi bathin seseorg lewat wajah,dan prilaku dan melihat mahluk2

Have you shared this experience with others?         Yes     setahun stlh kejadian mati suri saya cerita dan org yg saya ceritakan takjub,takut merinding dan bnyk bertanya

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?    No            saya belum pernah mengetahui cerita pengalaman mati suri. justru baru saat ini saya tahu baru 17thn lalu saya pernah mati

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:            Experience was probably not real         saya merasa itu nyata tp saya biugung alur ceritanya seperti tdk nyata diluar akal sehat

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you?    ya ada. bahagia bertemu nabi muhammad

How do you currently view the reality of your experience:            Experience was probably real    apa yg saya lihat saat itu nyata tp pengalaman ini aneh dan bingung hrs bertanya pd siapa krn jarang terjadi pd org lain

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?           Yes     saya lbh tenang.dan senang membantu dan nasehati org yg ada masalah,saya jd lbh tdk emosional menanggapi masalah lbh tenang

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?           
Yes     ya saya lbh sensitif dan lbh berhati2 dlm menjalani aliran2 dlm agama.sholat jd lebih fokus

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience?         No       krn kejadian tsb tdk dpt kembali kec ijin dari Allah.

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience?        saya ingin brtanya pd org yg pernah mengalaminya jg.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?         No       blum semua saya ceritakan panjang ceritanya

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience?   apakah seseorg atau mahluk yg mengajak anda melihat alam hitam dan putih.terlihat dan berwujud?