Victor C Experience
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Experience description:

Durante el sueño sentí que me sentaba en la cama con las piernas dobladas, es decir que estaba sentado sobre los talones. Me dejaba caer hacia atrás mientras sentía una relajación como nunca antes había experimentado. Sentí que hasta la última gota de energía abandonaba mi cuerpo. De repente siento que me desprendo de mi cuerpo y me elevo, ingresando a través de un túnel de color blanco hacia una especia de nube de luz de color blanco. Al acercarme a esa nube de luz comencé a sentir un inmenso amor y un inmenso gozo espiritual al mismo tiempo que sentía calor intenso en el pecho. Supe inmediatamente que estaba en contacto con Dios. Sólo atiné a decir 'Dios es amor' y lo dije con voz de niño. Continué fusionándome más y más con Dios y sintiendo un amor y un gozo más y más intenso, a la vez que el calor en el pecho se volvía un fuego intenso. De pronto sentí que si continuaba fusionándome con Dios me moría. Era como que yo tenía que decidir si seguía uniéndome a Dios o si volvía a mi vida física. No tuve tiempo de pensar ya que de repente regresé a mi cuerpo y allí me desperté.


During the dream I seemed to be sat on the bed, with my legs crossed, which we call “sat on your heels”. I fell backwards while I felt a relaxation as I had never before experienced. I felt the last drop of energy drain from my body. Suddenly I felt myself come out of my body and rise, going through a white coloured tunnel, towards a kind of white cloud. As the cloud of light  approached me, I started to feel an immense love, and an immense spiritual pleasure, while at the same time I felt an intense warmth in my heart. I knew immediately that I was connecting with God. I just managed to say “God is love” and I said it with the voice of a child. I continued joining myself more and more with God, feeling a love and enjoyment  more and more intense, at the same time the warmth in my chest became an intense fire. Suddenly I knew if I continued joining with God I would die. I didn't have the chance to think at that point, but suddenly I came back to my body, and then I woke up.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  No    

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?         Durante todo el transcurso de la experiencia tuve plena conciencia de lo que estaba experimentando, si bien la experiencia ocurrió durante el sueño normal.

During everything that happened in the experience, I had full consciousness of that which I had experienced, yes, well the experience happened during normal sleep.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal   Nunca había experimentado un amor tan intenso ni un gozo tan intenso.

I have never experienced a love that intense nor a pleasure that intense.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   El sentido de visión fue más o menos el mismo que tenía en mi vida cotidiana. Durante la experiencia yo podía ver claramente la luz blanca, esa nube de luz blanca que ya describí. La experiencia fue un 99%

The feeling of the vision was more or less the same as I have in my daily life. During the experience I could clearly see the white light, that cloud of white light that I mentioned before. The experience was 99% emotional.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   La experiencia transcurrió en total silencio.

The experience happened in total silence.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   No  

What emotions did you feel during the experience?   Amor, inmenso amor, inmenso gozo espiritual. El gozo tenía una leve semejanza con el orgasmo sexual pero era mil veces más intenso. Digamos que era 1% sexo y 99% amor.

Love, immense love, immense spiritual pleasure. The pleasure had a level similar with a sexual orgasm, but it was one thousand times more intense. We could say that it was 1% sex and 99% love.  

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   Yes   El túnel era de paredes de luz y no era muy extenso e iba hacia arriba. Después de un breve recorrido por ese túnel entré en contacto con Dios.

Yes the tunnel had walls made of light and wasn't very long and went upwards. After a short journey through the tunnel I was in contact with God.

Did you see an unearthly light?   Yes
   Era como una nuble de luz blanca, como si el Ser con quien estaba entrando en contacto estuviese hecho de luz blanca.

It was like a cloud of white light, as if the being with which I had met was made of white light.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
Al entrar en contacto con ese Ser supe inmediatamente que se trataba de Dios.

On making contact with this Being, I knew straight away that it was God.

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   No  

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?   No  

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   No  

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?   A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
La experiencia consistió en entrar en contacto con Dios y fusionarme progresivamente con

The experience was making contact with God and joining myself more and more with Her / Him.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?   No

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?   No

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   No

Did you come to a border or point of no return?   I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life
Comprendí claramente que si seguía fusionándome con Dios moriría.
Estuve aproximadamente 1 segundo sin poder tomar ninguna decisión y entonces regresé a mi cuerpo sin que yo hiciera ningún esfuerzo para ello.

I clearly understood that if I continued joining with God I would die. It was for about 1 second that I was unable to take a decision and then I returned to my body, without being able to do anything about it.

Did scenes from the future come to you?  No 

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (“life after death”)?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?  
   Cuando me encontré con ese Ser que se manifestaba como una nube de luz blanca sentí un inmenso amor y supe inmediatamente que se trataba de Dios. Tal es así que dije 'Dios es amor'.

Yes, when I met with this being that manifested as a cloud of white light, I felt an immense love and I knew immediately that it was God. So it was that I said “God is love!”

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   Yes  
El único sentimiento de unidad que experimenté fue la comprensión de que en Dios todo lo bueno se une.

The only feeling of union that I felt was the understanding that in God everything good unites.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s meaning or purpose?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   Yes   La experiencia fue 99% emocional. Pude aprender por experiencia que Dios es amor y que el amor produce un inmenso gozo espiritual en el alma a la vez que un intenso calor en el pecho. 

The experience was 99% emotional. I was able to learn from experience that God is love and that this love produces an immense spiritual pleasure in the soul, and at the same time a warmth in the heart.

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   No  

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   No  

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was entirely consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience   Yo creía en la existencia de Dios y sabía por la Fe que Dios es amor.

I believed in the existence of God, and I knew by faith that God is love.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of th   La experiencia me quedó grabada en la memoria como si la hubiese tenido anoche.

The experience was etched into my memory as if it happened last night.

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:   Después de la experiencia tomé un decisión muy importante que fue la de estudiar Ingeniería Nuclear. He podido terminar esa carrera y después hice una Maestría en la Universidad de Sussex en Inglaterra sobre el tema 'Technology and Innovation Management'. Los estudios que realicé, sumados a mi trabajo como profesor universitario, me permitieron alcanzar un desarrollo intelectual importante. Sin embargo todo esto se refiere al área intelectual, mientras que mi experiencia de Dios fue 99% emocional. Me llama la atención haber seguido un camino tan intelectual después de la experiencia emocional tan intensa que tuve.

After the the experience I took the very important decision to study nuclear engineering. I had finished this career and then become a master in the university of Sussex in England, on the subject of “Technology and innovation management” the studies that I did, comprised of my work as a professor, and allowed me to reach an important intellectual level of development. Nevertheless all this was in the area of the intellect, while my experience of God was 99% emotional. It came to my attention that I had followed a road so intellectual after such an emotional experience such that I had had.

My experience directly resulted in:   Large changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?  

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?   No       

Have you ever shared this experience with others?  
Yes  Pasaron aproximadamente 30 años hasta que decidí o pude verbalizar mi experiencia y contársela a alguien. Las personas a las que se lo conté fueron todas mujeres con las cuales tenía una relación de pareja o bien una amistad. Ellas reaccionaron de manera poco expresiva, como si no entendieran realmente la importancia de la experiencia.

Yes. Approximately 30 years had passed when I decided or was able to put my experience into words, telling someone. The people that I told were all women, with whom I had had a relationship, as a partner or a friend. They reacted with little emotion as if they didn't understand and that what I had said had no importance.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   No  

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was definitely real   Si bien la experiencia ocurrió durante el sueño normal, yo la sentía y sigo sintiendo como muy real.

Yes, well, the experience happened during normal sleep, I felt it, and continue to feel it as a very real experience.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was definitely real   Sigo pensando y sintiendo que la experiencia fue muy real.

I continue feeling and thinking that the experience was very real.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   Yes   En el año 2009 soñé con una compañera de trabajo y al despertarme experimenté un amor muy intenso hacia ella, al punto que me quemaba el pecho. Era un amor igual al amor de Dios que experimenté en la experiencia pero menos intenso.

In 2009, I slept with a work companion, and on waking up felt a love so intense towards her, that burnt my chest. It was a love equal to the love of God that I felt in the experience but not as intense.

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?   Durante la experiencia no experimenté ningún juicio acerca de mi vida terrena.

During the experience I never experienced any judgement of my earthly life.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?   Yes   He descrito de manera precisa y exhaustiva la experiencia. No tengo mucho más para decir. Sólo que tuve la experiencia de entrar en contacto con Dios y que sentí intensamente que Dios es amor.

I have described the experience in a precise and exhaustive manner, I don't have that much more to say. Just that I had an experience of making contact with God, and that I felt so intensely that God is love.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?                     No, creo que está bastante bien así. Muchas gracias

No  think it is quite good as it is. Thank you very much! !