Scott T's Experience
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Experience description:

NDE Phenomenology related Remote Viewing.

"On a clear day, we can see forever..." Dr Russell Targ, Remote Viewing founding researcher. Stanford Research Institute.


In this regard, I am finding it difficult to present this material without establishing the context of Remote Viewing, it's functional state of operation, and the developmental progression of understanding and results driven observation. As I have not completed a formal science degree (not that one in this field is available also), please forgive my lack of academic formatting in this report. I also accept full liability for personal mistakes made in the attainment of these materials, and/or any misunderstanding, or deviation, of the technology established by the 'founders'. This report is offered in full openness with no institutional or commercial motivations.


The following material has been derived through the methods of Coordinate Remote Viewing, as developed by SRI for the CIA and US DIA programs. This technology was deemed suitable for Freedom of Information release by civilian administrators in the mid 90's and is now openly available, including the actual operations manuals. The military formatting used is highly technical, as was the nature of their inquiries. The format used for the material in this report is derived from this methodology following all functional processes of the SRI technology but simplified, as both training and personal scope were at their limits. Additional teaching was gained through the published works of scientists, former operational military remote viewers, and astonishing naturals. The works of Dr Harold Puthoff, Dr Russell Targ, Ingo Swan, Joe Mcmoneagle, Robert Monroe and Dr Courtney Brown were crucial to the development of the methodology used in these viewings.

It must be stated that none of the previously listed individuals, nor the following Association, are associated with this work in any way.

Please see the International Remote Viewing Association at for further information regarding the history and scientific developments of Remote Viewing.

Operational Remote Viewing Methodology Used In This Material

Operational remote viewing is a technical method of a clairvoyant experience. Being quite similar to technically learning music. Everyone can 'hum a tune', but some people then go on to learn technical classical music. This is the key difference between military RVers and others. The experiences may be the same for each, but the technical training of RV may produce better quality notes, insights, descriptions and may offer greater freedom to explore the 'target' and its implications. The military 'mentality' to the development of this technology was also very appealing to myself. The utilitarian-ism, and a very short tolerance for anything 'airy fairy', or things that simply don't produce results, was excellent in the developmental years of RV. But the utilitarian military nature of the organizations themselves, lead to a lack of real evolution from the materials and experiences attained; not so much for the operational viewers themselves, but definitely from the conflict of interests from the greater organizations the viewers supported and were facilitated by.

The RV method (basically) is utilized by following a formula/matrix (as it is known), from a deeply centered internal state, that both flows with, and enhances the perception of a new conscious experience. Following the neurology of a natural, 'first impression situational awareness response' reaction. This reactional state has been vital in survival in the wild for as long as we've been evolving. The defense against (large!) ambush predators, and life threatening situations were possibly the triggers for its greater expression, but also would appear to be inherent factors in all life. Granted the military has quite unique access to life and death situations, it is in hindsight not surprising they managed to trigger and express this heightened neurological response from some of their more challenged members. They developed a process relating to this phenomena with research and insights from master naturals like Ingo Swan. Ingo Swan's immense efforts personally and with the team at SRI, enabled a clarification and ordering of the sequential flow of this consciousness response pattern, which is now utilized as the pattern of flow of the technical RV process.

This method is still just a tool though, and it is the responsibly of the consciousness engaged in the viewing to operate itself appropriately, have the utmost respect for truth, and to avoid the 'perils of freedom'. Important operating conditions include several factors crucial to attaining 'operational quality data', and are the following:

-Never assume Anything, never draw conclusions based on assumptions, chaos theory points directly at this.

-A state of non-conditional awareness is needed, non-conditional being something more deliberate than the unfocussed unconditional state, perhaps.

-There is nothing more detrimental to this openness than 'front loading', the prior knowledge (or speculation) of a target.

-Understanding an artifact of consciousness known as Analytical Over Lay 'AOL', where the mind tries to guess at something, or liken it to something you already understand. As the term states 'Analytical' implies a secondary level of consciousness to the experience, and as such is identified as not being inherently from the target's prime signal feed.

-Subjects or targets of a technical nature will require technical understanding of them to be analyzed. Without a prior understanding, elementary notes have to be accumulated until a greater picture or understanding appears and can be tested.

-External calibration of target information should always be sort if possible.

For targets without means to verify data, (as with most of the examples shown below), multiple oracle sources have been sort such as the I-Ching, Tarot, and Runes. This is not something endorsed by the scientists, but granted the (possibly quantum) synchronistic implications of these systems and the nature of the subject matter itself, they are of great value and offer the objective opinion needed at times. Totally new perspectives of the subject matter may result, allowing constant reappraisal of the subjective understanding developing. Scientific note taking and journal keeping are of absolute necessity. Subject matter, especially of this nature, may be so inherently complex there is no way of comprehending it in any single viewing. Water is a simple example of such a topic, after 15 viewings each giving an insight into it's many natural states and uses, you'll know why you needed to keep notes. Also, once you have established a clearer overview, say many viewings of fluid water for example, you may return to your notes and review your observations to calibrate the quality of your work in a way. If you have simple descriptions in your notes like -is a liquid, -is naturally transparent, -becomes a gas at higher energy levels; you may have had no idea at all at the time of what you were observing, but at least your observations were later found to be correct. A viewing may be so complex the implications of it's contents may be almost entirely missed until you thoroughly review your notes, something I'm embarrassed by later, but at least you were focused on attaining the data itself at the time. It is always more important to just get '2', than to project an assumption of '200'. As I was told rather sternly once, - ' are nothing more, or nothing less, than exactly what you are..'. This principle is at the heart of individualism of every single 'physical form'.

At this point, it is necessary to clarify the important fact that I am not a actual NDEr. I have not had my biological life stopped, and the natural soul experience induced as a complete experience. I have had a range of experiences though, that strongly point to a analytical comparison of this phenomenon. Also importantly, at best, this work may point to 'How to's' and 'Where's' related to these experiences, it is not attempting to explain 'Why' or 'How' a system like this is formed. Identifying and establishing has been the focus of this work, amongst a topic that will require far greater intelligences than mine to explain.

(An analogy of sorts, of this work has presented itself. {When men first went in search of the highest mountains of the world, it was explorers who led the way, they made scientific observations and gave directions to actual scientists who achieved the measurements of the peak's truths. When hiking to, or approaching, a climbing mountain for the first time and you are filled with anxious intrepidation, one appreciates the foot prints in the path of those who came before you. Even more so, the prints coming in the opposite direction of those returning, who have done it, faced the challenges and survived. When you realize those prints are yours, and this is in fact your path, it is deeply humbling}. This is how it was shown to me in a viewing.)

First Sense Hypothesis

Firstly I'd like to propose a clarification of sorts. Ingo Swan has brought to our attention a fundamental issue presently concerning consciousness related phenomena research, nomenclature. It is apparent that you simply cannot accurately explain something of a totally new phenomenon with descriptions based on old terminologies. So until such work is done I will endeavor to explain the terminology I'm using.

In this regard, I would like to propose a challenging of the concept/description/term '6th sense'. It has become clear that this is quite incorrect, and that 'clairvoyant, psychic or altered state of consciousness' is actually related to the '1st sense' or primary conscious state. Physical senses are used by the body to provide information to the mind/brain about it's state of being and environment. But if there is no 'computational cognition' of the sense�s signals, there is no real point to a sense's perception. A brain dead patient in Intensive Care is an example of this. Although a pin prick to the patients toe may be recorded by a E.E.G. as a functioning nerve signal firing in the brain, without a reaction neurologically the patient is considered brain dead. It maybe said that without a 'first sense' there is no real point to the other senses, of which, maybe themselves are bi-products of the needs and inherent ability of this 'first/primary sense'. This first sense state is the place of the self, it is the consciousness of the awareness of dreams, it is the place of meditative strength, the expression of love, is in essence the true 'you', and is the place of control for remote viewing. I would also like to claim it is not the place of the 'soul', it is the soul. It will be this part of a Being that continues to be the individualized expression of a 'self' after the conclusion of a physical life event. It is what/who a medium is in contact with when doing their work i.e.: communicating. It is also the point of experience of the lucid dream and OBE. All of which I have experience with.

The First Sense Experience of the Soul

The remote viewing experience although bi-located in the physical for note taking, is essentially a non-physical purely intellectual experience of conscious thought. This is the state of the natural soul, a state of pure cognitive thought/intelligence, which is essentially non-physical.

Somewhere along the line of evolution, the intelligence of the creating source of all things, realized not everything could be experienced or accomplished as a singularity, and the multiverse was brought into existence. In trying to experience itself innumerably, the creating source engaged smaller 'packets' of it's intelligence to experience and learn from within this multiverse as agents of consciousness. 'I think, therefore I am', literally comes from the top down.

A biological specie undergoing progressive evolution develops skills and abilities to both perceive and utilize it's physical environments. The bio diversity of life on a planet, and the evolutionary development of it's constituent species, gives scope to the type of experiences one of these non-physical source originated intelligence 'packets' can access during a physical, biological life event/experience. At the end of a biological life event, the non-physical intelligence 'packet' returns to the source, via a streaming 'tunnel' of light, from which it originated. This 'tunnel' works like a two way connection feed from the source to the multiverse, and is the same tunnel described in the NDE events. These experiences also describe tunneling effects caused by super fast velocities attained during the motion of passage to this source.

Pre Remote Viewing Experiences

As a child and young adult I had a number of experiences that taught me there was more to life than the societarian life I was engaged in. Premonitions, and lucid dreaming filled my nights. On laying down to sleep I would be absorbed by a feeling of being in the corner of an immense space. A deeply natural feeling of 'it's fine doing what you do in the day, but now reality starts...' would come with it. By 14 I had a understanding/idea that ghosts, God, and ufos were all utilizing this other state of consciousness. There were a number of significant experiences that contributed to my development, but the most important is as follows.

About the age of 20 I was a dedicated surfer, and young environmentalist. It was an important time of significance in my developing view of the world. I had started a new position with Greenpeace at the magazine and was promptly shown about 10 hours of their footage showing the horrendous pollution filling the oceans and Earth. To say it left me shattered is an understatement. Humans were already destroying everything I loved, this just confirmed it. This resulted in a deeply seated contempt for humanity with a feeling of there being little point to it's existence, resonating from the very bottom of my heart. A place of deeper than usual sincerity. A couple of days passed like this but nothing changed. So, there is nothing like a good surf to clear the head, and despite having a quality surf late one afternoon, this place in the heart remained. Sunset arrived and the sky was filled with color and a patch work of little puffy clouds, the mountains are some distance from where I was at the Spit on the Gold Coast. The distance back to the mountains makes them appear small in your view with an immense sky. As I left the water something happened, as I walked up the beach there was a large area of wet sand which was reflecting the colors and clouds of the sunset. As I walked into this scene the wet sand reflection filled my foreground view, only 3cm of distant mountains separated the wet sand reflection from the sky. As I reached the focal point of this scene something quite incredible occurred. The view of the sunset and it's reflection on the sand merged. The Sun changed from being the Sun to an immense tunnel of streaming unconditional life, time and intelligence. This immediately filled me with a powerful natural awe. The light in this tunnel then began communicating. In a fairly patronizing response it stated 'do you think you can destroy all this? this is Creation. and it will continue forever'. It then showed me a scene of layers of soil from like a archeological dig, and said '...the human may destroy, damage and pollute it's time here on earth, but this will only be done to it's layer in the soil, and like all the previous epochs, it's time will end and the process of the creation of life on Earth will continue for ever'. The whole experience only lasted a few seconds I guess, I held it together wandering past the other people on the beach, got to my car and spent 15 minutes chewing the corner of my towel, wondering how many other people just saw that, and how many experiences like this must go down every day on this natural frontier. The experience was powerful, not at all subtle. It challenged and changed my point of view, and gave me reason to positively manifest my view of life and my place in humanity. I also knew without question the entity of GOD existed as an immense, powerful, natural intelligence that resonated incredible creational light. It was a physical experience with a power I have not experienced since.

Remote Viewing Related Experiences

Remote viewing is a lot like art or music. Technical methods are taught from universalized platforms but it is the individuals expression of these skills we enjoy. Every artist sees things a little differently, every painting is uniquely different. It is this variety that produces vastly different views of the same thing, one artist may see the brilliance of color in flowers, while another sees the art on the vase, and yet another may see the vase as a foreground object to another picture. This organic variety is crucial in obtaining a wider view. It is also important to foster this uniqueness as new discoveries may be made. This sort of artistic license proved valuable to the military viewers as 4 people may have reported similar things, while a 5th might see something everyone else missed, or had a specific talent for something the others missed. Fissionable nuclear materials were an example of this.

First contact

The next event to report is not directly NDE related, but in the context of the just previously mentioned developmental license it is important to the NDE materials reported here.

My experience with remote viewing began in mid '97 with a ABC late night documentary. The Real X-files Americas Psychic Spy Program, made by Jim Schnabel and produced by Channel 4 in the UK. I'd been looking for this, demystified and utilitarian in nature, I some how knew within seconds this was for me. I then spent the next year trying to contact anyone involved in the US DIA program, which had been a deeply secret program with the people involved being intelligence service professionals. So establishing initial contact was near impossible at the time. I approached the producers at Channel 4 and received a raw cut copy of the documentary thankfully, but that was it for many months. My girlfriend at the time was a librarian with a PhD. in literature. She could read a large novel by lunch. When I returned books to the library for her it was by milk crates. While there one day and frustrated by my lack of progress with my hunt for RV materials I grabbed a book from the new release display thinking screw it, I need to read something. That book was Cosmic Explorers by Dr Courtney Brown and as it turned out was pretty much one of the first modern books written about, and from, remote viewing, and amazingly exactly what I was looking for.

The materials in this paper were mainly produced while on my Uncle Wayne's property, in the rainforest of Currumbin Valley in the Gold Coast hinterland, where I lived as the care taker for over 10 years. Country life is beautiful how it disengages the routine patterns of 9 to 5 society and allows one to spend endless hours pursuing the thing of one's interest. The next day I was set, I would be alone, I was free to read and focus on this book, with a bit of awe and cautious wonder too.

By about 11:30pm I finished the book fairly blown away. I knew enough to know what was in it was real and that it was truly awesome. I love astronomy and was taught early on the importance of volumetric awareness to cognitive ability, so the stars are the best way to stretch the mind. The large and small Magellanic clouds are favorites and the country valley makes for dark nights. So I got up from the table I'd been at for several hours to stretch and check out the stars. I walked a few steps outside and turned to look towards the south and the Magellanic clouds. Instead, my attention is immediately drawn to a strange, oval shaped, white light half hiding behind a large bushy tree in my back yard about 20 feet away and 20 feet from the ground. At first I tried to not jump to any assumptions −this could be the power company boys, or neighbors maybe, or someone?, but a quick peripheral sound check and there is nothing but crickets and the water sounds of the creek, at least the animals hadn't been put off, ...but that light is high enough off the ground below it to be alarming. I was more puzzled at how this light was moving slightly back and forth related to my subtlest movements, always remaining slightly/half hidden by the tree. The more I tried to look around the tree the more the light moved behind it, so I thought maybe if I move back it will come out more, so I did until it was clear of the tree and out in the open. I thought 'ah got ya...?', it instantly shot sideways to half hiding again behind the next tree to the left.

Things got heavy right then, I had to try and control my fear as I'd been taught, and the realization of what was occurring set in. Information or rather strong impressions stated coming from the light/object. A feeling of stern seriousness seemed to be coming from it, something who's inherent complexity and life style was far beyond mine - more like 'asking a UN soldier in a battle zone for a holiday snap, while you walk past oblivious of the situation'. 'Confronted' in relation to the issue is how you would put it, not a new age enlightened approach at all. Aspects of the �alarmingness� of the situation became more important, getting sucked off the planet while alone on a rural property suddenly had a real possibility to it, and the fact this thing was not resonating a 'this is cool vibe' wasn't helping. I was taught to accept all factors in a situation, and two that were even more puzzling were, that these 'guys?' felt more like locals somehow, and?, that a feeling of 'me' was somehow coming from the object. I had no clue as to why, but I'm taught not to discard information, even as is often the case, it is seemingly totally random. At this point a feeling like 'my soul trying escape the situation through the base of my spine' took over, so that was it, I figured you ignore that feeling at your peril. I went inside, and watched a snowboarding video hoping this would change my head space. I must have gone into a shock I think, it wasn't until about 2pm the next day that I even remembered the event. Afterwards, looking at the tree in the backyard produced a sort of post traumatic shock response where my mind would flash the scene back to remind you with contrast, that although not there now, it was then. This lasted a couple of months. This was a vital experience in my work and urged me to work on it for the next 10 years. I began pursuing RV to learn and gradually got enough information to start my first attempts. Three years later I did a viewing that after an orbital approach arrived above a small cabin in the forest at night, I didn't recognize it at first because I wasn't used to seeing my house from above. I then noticed myself! standing on the lawn in bewilderment, and I realized this is the event with the light from that first night. I half laughed, lent forward in the viewing and projected a 'you don't know shit yet sunshine' feeling at my other self on the lawn. I had now come full circle with that event, AND those other People of that event. The necessity to gain gradual understanding of the natural system, and hence (including) the NDE, has been crucial for me to be able to communicate with these people and grasp insights into their reality. Put it this way... when someone from another planet comes, and they know more about Nature and the true planet you're on than you... you are the alien.

This also taught me the 99% 1% rule. Many people seem to spend 99% of their time on 1% of the answer. Yes or No is 1% of the answer, 99% is what it is!

For more information you can go to Scott's website:

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?   No  

Was the experience difficult to express in words?....Yes....

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?....Normal consciousness and alertness    Always....

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.    More wide angle

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.    normal

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?    Yes   By-located

What emotions did you feel during the experience?....Powerful natural awe, unconditional creation, immensely deep love, friendship, caution, shock, wonder, high speeds, expanded intelligence, openness  

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?....Yes....I at times I hang out in the tunnel, it is large, cosmic in form, immensely deep/ long- scales of distance at that point are not describable, it is possible to look sideways while moving and look into the other dimensions as you pass them, I have several times seen what appear to be scenes of situations from life moving 'down' the tunnels sides which appear to be input from the source. I have done the 'flight' both ways i.e.: before birth, and after death

Did you see an unearthly light?....Yes....Unconditional life light, pure

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?....I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin    This is an excerpt from a paper I wrote for the Australian Paranormal Research Institute from Adelaide University.

My 15th viewing came up in a most interesting place. A high orbital position above the Earth which appeared with the left side of the planet lit by the Sun, and the right in the darkness of night. The Sun was clearly visible as a natural star. This became my Home Point and still is today. Quite an awesome experience in itself. It has taken many viewings to learn about this point and the themes used during the communication in the viewing. How all of this is happening is still not completely understood, but it does... From this point the question of where to go next may arise. Quite simply, while one is floating surrounded in the darkness and volume of space, the NDE reports of 'seeking the light' or 'I followed the light' seemed as appropriate a thing to try as any. So from space there is one very big light to draw your attention, the Sun.

Now technically the Sun is physically, a gravitational ball of rawing nuclear fusion of no apparent intelligence, or it should be at least. The Sun is not just this though, it is such a thing in it's physical appearance but it has a non-physical aspect as well.

'Cueing' is a term derived from the map coordinates used in the developmental beginning of RV as a targeting system, and is now used to instigate movement or responses during a viewing to give greater freedom to investigate or explore. When targeting the Sun, or Cueing from within a viewing, a very different Sun may appear.

This brings me to movement beyond the speed of physical light, which as a mental concept is actually easy to show the mind. At night look outside at a star, now look at the star next to it. It takes a split second to move your focus from one to the other, an actual distance of many light years. You just defeated the speed of light 100 000 times, intellectually at least. From the orbital home point, 'cueing' the light will cause you to start to fly towards the Sun/the light. From this non-physical limitation free perspective you rapidly exceed the speed of the physical light, at which point something remarkable occurs. The Sun and the physics, including time, of the physical universe recedes, the Sun becomes an enormous tunnel of streaming light surrounded in nebulous clouds. Scales of things beyond this point are not explainable. The longer you proceed into this 'tunnel' the faster and faster you go, which covers more and more distance. The frequency of the energy involved also gets faster. You can say the energy of the physical frequency of light is resonating so fast, it simply cannot maintain it's physicality, and fuzzs out. But energy itself does not end at the edge of the diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum, it continues well beyond the physical state. In fact if you follow it all the way, further and further through at higher and faster frequency speeds, you will come to it's source.

Now, I am not religious, I was not brought up that way, and I have never read the bible. So to arrive in an area filled with streaming cosmic life-light that fills your heart with a love beyond anything you've felt during your life, to feel the total unconditional life force streaming from it, at scales beyond comprehension is surprising enough. Then to realise there is a situation going on with other entities, things escalate rapidly. Something that's abit hard to describe is that many aspects of this location are familiar to us. There are clouds which look the same, colors are the same, even many of the people are the same, and for one very good reason, everything in the physical universe comes from here. The first approach I made didn't go well. On arrival I tried to analyze the situation from a physics perspective, maybe God itself is just a gravitational type field thing with intelligence within the field that we personify to feel better about? Pop, end of viewing instant return to the room, complete shutdown! This is the only time this has ever happened, it was actually a bit shocking, and pretty much a complete failure as a remote viewing task. It really made me think.

Remote Viewing really requires you not to know of your target at all before you seek it, so I had to wait for this opportunity to randomly arise again from the selected target pool. Second attempt went very differently, through and into the light tunnel with the flow, on arrival I took things more cautiously. I noticed a line of people moving into the cloud formation, they were being greeted. I had a sudden realization that this was 'Heaven', as it is called by Earth's religions, which suddenly meant GOD must be here also. I turned into the light and it was. I suddenly found myself in an unbelievable situation with my maker. I stopped frozen in awe, I stopped everything, bowed my head and thanked it for giving me a life across time and for giving me a place in your creation, as humbly as I could. Much to my total surprise I was answered with a smiling simplicity thanks, that said 'Thanyou, thankyou for going, do you understanding how much more you are than a inanimate object, you are an agent of consciousness', surprisingly, we resonated with a light hearted smiling openness. I happily departed this intense state and returned to the outer cloud area abit more comfortably. That meeting had sort of cleared me in a way, and I approached the line of people. I came to the line from the side which generated some weird looks from the people doing the greeting. I put my hands up and said 'I'm here informally' and was warmly greeted by a truly elegant being of the most pleasingly elegant nature, we smiled and held hands in greeting. This meeting was actually considered cool, different, and special as it is them who usually have to come to see us (the ghosts). I then said with smiling curiosity 'show me something?'. This being reached over my shoulder and pointed to a little blue dot in the distant darkness, the Earth, then very rapidly shot me back to the room I was doing the viewing from. For me, this was my Mt Everest summiting. But what in fact I learned was that I was already on the summit here at life camp Earth, and that I had actually gone/come back to home.

I have been many times now to this place, though I really don't go right into the immense depth of the light. This seems to be a clear difference between myself and a Medium. Mediumship for me is a byproduct of knowing the way there. Quite often when meeting the newly departed, they will need some time to readjust to this old but seemingly new reality, depending upon their recent perspectives of life on Earth especially. For this reason they are more to the edge of the light quite literally. After a month or so though, they will be deep in the light and are much a part of the scene. I don't go to this depth often, I figure I'll spend enough time there later, and the contrast between this life and that can be a bit hard to take personally. 'They' usually meet me at the edge, and always know when I'm coming, including the pets that are sitting waiting for you. The true natural Mediums come up deep in this place of the Light to start with. I have meet a lady Medium that can make your soul feel like cool ice water, someone you might call a angel on Earth literally. They deserve the highest respect. But this ability is also a specialty, and the relative exploring I've done is quite contrasting for them also. You can also see why the ancients worshipped the Sun. 

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?....Yes    I have been asked several times by friends about recently deceased family and pets, I have seen all of my deceased family, and have had a group meeting with all the pets I've known. I was once communicated with by a Friend who had been killed by a boulder while climbing and who's body was still under it at the time of the viewing, I found out it was him 3 days later. I experience a range of physical mediumship phenomena

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?....No....

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?....A clearly mystical or unearthly realm....See website paper

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?....Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning....There is an immediate loss of physical time as a nonphysical purely intellectual experience, but time seems to return at the source area but not in a lateral flow, like time comes from there... like the seconds are all flying around in the air instead of being lined up laterally

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?....No....Although it was there for the asking

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?....No....

Did you come to a border or point of no return?....I came to a definite conscious decision to "return" to life....

Did scenes from the future come to you?....No....

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?....Yes....

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:....Large changes in my life....I have come light years from where I begun.....

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?    Yes    

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?....Yes     A far developed ability. Other excerpts from APRI paper:

First Sense Hypothesis

Firstly I'd like to propose a clarification of sorts. Ingo Swan has brought to our attention a fundamental issue presently concerning consciousness related phenomena research, nomenclature. It is apparent that you simply cannot accurately explain something of a totally new phenomenon with descriptions based on old terminologies. So until such work is done I will endeavor to explain the terminology I'm using.

In this regard, I would like to propose a challenging of the concept/description/term '6th sense'. It has become clear that this is quite incorrect, and that 'clairvoyant, psychic or altered state of consciousness' is actually related to the '1st sense' or primary conscious state. Physical senses are used by the body to provide information to the mind/brain about it's state of being and environment. But if there is no 'computational cognition' of the senses signals, there is no real point to a sense's perception. A brain dead patient in Intensive Care is an example of this. Although a pin prick to the patients toe may be recorded by a E.E.G. as a functioning nerve signal firing in the brain, without a reaction neurologically the patient is considered brain dead. It maybe said that without a 'first sense' there is no real point to the other senses, of which, maybe themselves are bi-products of the needs and inherent ability of this 'first/primary sense'. This first sense state is the place of the self, it is the consciousness of the awareness of dreams, it is the place of meditative strength, the expression of love, is in essence the true 'you', and is the place of control for remote viewing. I would also like to claim it is not the place of the 'soul', it is the soul. It will be this part of a Being that continues to be the individualized expression of a 'self' after the conclusion of a physical life event. It is what/who a medium is in contact with when doing their work ie: communicating. It is also the point of experience of the lucid dream and OBE. All of which I have experience with.


The First Sense Experience of the Soul

The remote viewing experience although bi-located in the physical for note taking, is essentially a non-physical purely intellectual experience of conscious thought. This is the state of the natural soul, a state of pure cognitive thought/intelligence, which is essentially non-physical.

Somewhere along the line of evolution, the intelligence of the creating source of all things, realized not everything could be experienced or accomplished as a singularity, and the multiverse was brought into existence. In trying to experience itself innumerably, the creating source engaged smaller 'packets' of it's intelligence to experience and learn from within this multiverse as agents of consciousness. 'I think, therefore I am', literally comes from the top down.

A biological specie undergoing progressive evolution develops skills and abilities to both perceive and utilize it's physical environments. The bio diversity of life on a planet, and the evolutionary development of it's constituent species, gives scope to the type of experiences one of these non-physical source originated intelligence 'packets' can access during a physical, biological life event/experience. At the end of a biological life event, the non-physical intelligence 'packet' returns to the source, via a streaming 'tunnel' of light, from which it originated. This 'tunnel' works like a two way connection feed from the source to the multiverse, and is the same tunnel described in the NDE events. These experiences also describe tunneling effects caused by super fast velocities attained during the motion of passage to this source.

'Whoever has heart's doors wide open, could see the sun itself in every atom.' Rumi  

Have you ever shared this experience with others?   Yes  

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?....Yes    

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:....Experience was definitely real   

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:....Experience was definitely real....Experientially, and externally calibrated material.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?....Yes....:)

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?....Yes   

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?....Yes    Before RV this event occurred

About the age of 20 I was a dedicated surfer, and young environmentalist. It was an important time of significance in my developing view of the world. I had started a new position with Greenpeace at the magazine and was promptly shown about 10 hours of their footage showing the horrendous pollution filling the oceans and Earth. To say it left me shattered is an understatement. Humans were already destroying everything I loved, this just confirmed it. This resulted in a deeply seated contempt for humanity with a feeling of there being little point to it's existence, resonating from the very bottom of my heart. A place of deeper than usual sincerity. A couple of days passed like this but nothing changed. So, there is nothing like a good surf to clear the head, and despite having a quality surf late one afternoon, this place in the heart remained. Sunset arrived and the sky was filled with color and a patch work of little puffy clouds, the mountains are some distance from where I was at the Spit on the Gold Coast. The distance back to the mountains makes them appear small in your view with an immense sky. As I left the water something happened, as I walked up the beach there was a large area of wet sand which was reflecting the colors and clouds of the sunset. As I walked into this scene the wet sand reflection filled my foreground view, only 3cm of distant mountains separated the wet sand reflection from the sky. As I reached the focal point of this scene something quite incredible occurred. The view of the sunset and it's reflection on the sand merged. The Sun changed from being the Sun to an immense tunnel of streaming unconditional life, time and intelligence. This immediately filled me with a powerful natural awe. The light in this tunnel then began communicating. In a fairly patronizing response it stated 'do you think you can destroy all this? this is Creation. and it will continue forever'. It then showed me a scene of layers of soil from like a archeological dig, and said '...the human may destroy, damage and pollute it's time here on earth, but this will only be done to it's layer in the soil, and like all the previous epochs, it's time will end and the process of the creation of life on Earth will continue for ever'. The whole experience only lasted a few seconds I guess, I held it together wandering past the other people on the beach, got to my car and spent 15 minutes chewing the corner of my towel, wondering how many other people just saw that, and how many experiences like this must go down every day on this natural frontier. The experience was powerful, not at all subtle. It challenged and changed my point of view, and gave me reason to positively manifest my view of life and my place in humanity. I also knew without question the entity of GOD existed as an immense, powerful, natural intelligence that resonated incredible creational light. It was a physical experience with a power I have not experienced since.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?    Yes    But there is obviously far more if you wish.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?     ALL

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?....Seek and ye shall find!