Romero I's Experience
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Experience description:

I was in a house similar to the home where we now live (my parents house), my wife and grandson were there, we were sleeping with him because of circumstanaces around the loss of our daughter, and as is the custom the child moves all the time, leaving me only a small space in the bed when suddenly due to the position they were in I was upside down, with an arm supported on the pillow, I felt something going out from above my head, somehow I knew that I was dreaming, and then it changed into a lucid dream, or something very similar.

I remember a couple of experiences that I had when I was little, something similar that allowed me to rise, my head began to buzz and from there the sensation began to spread to the whole of my body, I felt as if my body trembled a little, my legs started to move in an involuntary way, and it was as if something wanted to come out of them. I was anxious I began to come out of myself and “spread myself” around I arose in a transparent body, of blue heavenly light. I saw myself in the distance, I went through the walls, and I began to look for something, I didn't know what it was, maybe the anxiety of the experience stopped me from focusing, I couldn't get up and fly as with the previous times, and I began running through the streets, but to me it was like a parrallel  universe, it dragged me through places, including flat moist grassland, there were little puddles of water, but at great speed and something made me return to my body, which was still lying in the same position, with my wife and grandson at my side, but again my head began buzzing, and I started to feel myself spreading, I felt the tremours in my legs, and i started to see this body, of heavenly blue light that left, I really wanted it, now I had a clear objective, I just did it with the idea of seeing my deceased daughter that had died a little over three months previously. And to talk to her.

Again I passed through the walls, my house continued to look the same as the one where I live, when strangely and suddenly my wife and my grandson were going down the stairs like ours, and I passed by them flying in front of them. They didn't see me, and it was as if I understood that this was the moment to look for my daughter,  I walked around, until I found myself in a cottage, flying at great speed, and I found her. Oh my God! How happy I am! I shouted her name, she seemed as if she didn't hear me. I entered from the back door, where there was an estuary bordering the land, it was a small rural town, I spoke to her and it seemed that she couldn't see me, she gave the impression that she was with her family, her husband was a type of tall man wearing a hat, with chestnut hair, mustache, and something of a beard, quite stocky, with jeans and a shirt, a little girl or boy was there and was running around, they had their appliances and white goods, they were tallking about them, she was lovely, slim, and her hair a little short, and dyed dark blonde, dressed simply with trousers and a plaid blouse, a bit different to her usual way of dressing, when she was alive she was dedicated to art, she was a singer. 

It was the afternoon, I insisted in talking to them and tried to touch her but I couldn't, my hands went straight through her, it troubled me, I looked at her husband, confused and it was as if I blamed him, I tried to hit him, but I couldn't. Nothing happened, I gave up hope, and I fled running towards the door, I flew again shouting “Noooo!!” I was flying so rapidly, that things changed their shape, they turned into coloured spots, and all I wanted was to stop, I didn't want to carry on living, (Maybe I wasn't alive) I began to see a point of light on the edge of my space, I just wanted to go to that point, and suddenly I went through a tunnel, but it wasn't a tunnel made of substances of our universe, it was a tunnel formed by the torsion of space on itself, and the light at the end all the while became greater, and I approached the end of it, a mountain of images of my life appeared from everywhere thousands and thousands surrounded me, curiously I felt good, it was like returning home, a home where everyone loves you, and cares for you. I jumped out of the tunnel, and there were “people”, or presences representing these people, Lots of light, a feeling of being surrounded with the imeasureable, with the infinite, everything around was like a plasma of clouds, lights, peacefulness, and tranquility, that I craved so much, I wanted to stay there, and suddenly I remembered my family in this bed that I had left, I missed them and something told me that it wasn't my time, not said in words, but this was the message “It's not your time” my body felt thrown from the waist, and a very strong attraction made me return, although I wanted to stay in this lovely place, so much mine, but at great speed I came back to my body, and my life, with all it's habits, sadnesses, nostalgias, and despairs...

I awoke in the dream, and I also awoke from the dream, in the same positon that i saw myself when I left my body... Everything was so real, I asked myself if I had lived in another reality, I would have visited another parrallel universe, where my daughter was alive, and where I couldn't interact because I didn't belong to that physical environment, and I would have prefered to end this existence... everything was so real... I spent days thinking about this experience, sometimes I prefer to assimilate it, as a dreamlike construction of something or someone, to teach me that what happens in the process of death and in this way maybe I would be able to apply it to this terrible pain that I carry.


Estaba en una casa parecida al lugar donde actualmente vivimos (casa de mis padres), estaban mi esposa y mi nieto, dormíamos con él por las circunstancias que atravesamos de la perdida de nuestra hija, y como es costumbre el niño se movía a cada momento, relegándome a un pequeño espacio en la cama, de repente en la posición en que estaba, boca abajo y con un brazo apoyado en la almohada, sentí que algo salía por la parte de arriba de mi cráneo, de alguna manera sabía que estaba soñando y se transformó en un sueño lúcido o algo parecido, recordé un par de experiencias que tuve cuando era joven de algo parecido al desdoblamiento y me dejé llevar, mi cabeza comenzó a zumbar y desde allí esa sensación se extendía al resto del cuerpo, sentí mi mis miembros temblando un poco, las piernas iniciaban un movimiento involuntario,  y parecía que algo quería emerger de él, tenía ansiedad porque volviera a salir y comencé a 'desprenderme', se levantaba un cuerpo transparente y de luces azules y celestes. Me ví afuera, salí por las paredes y comencé a buscar algo, no sabía que era, tal vez la ansiedad de la experiencia no me dejaba enfocarme, no podía alzar el vuelo como las veces anteriores, y comencé a recorrer calles, pero se asemejaba a una realidad paralela, me arrastraba por lugares, incluso entre terrenos llenos de hierba y húmedos, con pequeños charcos de agua, pero a mucha velocidad, algo ocurrió y regresé a mi cuerpo, seguía acostado en la misma posición y mi esposa y mi nieto a mi lado, otra vez la cabeza comenzó a zumbarme y volví a sentir ese desprenderme, sentí los temblores en las piernas y volví a ver aquel cuerpo de luz azulada y celeste que salía, lo anhelaba profundamente, ahora tenía un objetivo claro, solo lo hacía con la idea de ver a mi hija fallecida hace poco más de tres meses, y conversar con ella, volví a atravesar las paredes, mi casa seguía siendo muy parecida a la que vivo, de repente y extrañamente mi esposa y mi nieto bajaban por una escalera como la nuestra y yo pasé volando delante de ellos, no me vieron y era como entender que era el momento de buscar a mi hija, recorrí lugares, hasta que dí en una casa de campo, volaba a gran velocidad, la encontré, oh Dios, que felicidad la mía, le grité por su nombre, ella pareció no escucharme. Entré por una puerta trasera donde tenían un estero delimitando el terreno, parecía una pequeña ciudad rural, le hablé y parecía no verme, daba la impresión que estaba con su familia, su esposo era un tipo alto con sombrero, de cabello castaño, bigote y algo de barba, un tanto fornido, con jean y camisa, una niña o niño pequeño estaba con ellos y corría, tenían sus enseres y electrodomésticos, hablaban entre ellos, ella estaba preciosa, delgada, y su cabello un poco corto y pintado de rubio oscuro, vestía sencilla con pantalón y blusa de cuadros, un poco distinto a su habitual manera de vestirse cuando vivía dedicada al arte, ella era cantautora, era de tarde, insistí en hablarle e intenté tocarla y no pude, mis manos la atravesaron, me molesté, miré a su esposo confundido y como encontrando culpa en él,  intenté golpearlo y tampoco pude, no sucedía nada, me desesperé y salí corriendo hacia la puerta, volé nuevamente gritando ¡nooo!, volaba tan rápido que las cosas perdían su forma, se transformaban en manchas de colores, y solo pensaba que prefería que termine todo, no quería seguir viviendo (tal vez ni siquiera lo estaba), comencé a ver un punto de luz en la frontera de mi espacio, solía quería ir al punto, y repentinamente atravesaba un túnel, pero no era un túnel construido correspondiendo a la materialidad de nuestro universo, era un túnel formado por la torsión del espacio sobre sí mismo, y la luz al final se hacía cada vez mas grande, me acercaba al final del mismo, un montón de imágenes con hechos de mi vida aparecían por todas partes, miles y miles rodeándome, y curiosamente me sentía bien, era como el retornar al hogar, el lugar donde todos te aman y te cuidan, salí del túnel de un salto y había 'gente' o presencias representando a esas gentes, mucha luz, una sensación de estar rodeado por lo inconmensurable, por lo infinito, todo alrededor era como un plasma de nubes, luces, tranquilidad y la paz que tanto anhelaba, quería quedarme allí y de pronto recordé a los míos en esa cama que había dejado, los extrañé y algo me dijo que no era mi momento, no expresado en palabras pero ese era el mensaje, “no es tu momento”, mi cuerpo sintió un tirón desde la cintura, una atracción muy fuerte me hacía regresar aunque yo quería permanecer en ese lugar “tan mío”, a toda velocidad retorné a mi cuerpo, y a mi vida, con todos los habituales, sus tristezas, nostalgias y desesperanza... desperté en el sueño y también desperté del sueño, en la misma posición que me ví cuando salí de mi cuerpo... Todo fue tan real, me pregunto si habré vivido otra realidad, habré visitado un universo paralelo donde mi hija estaba viva y donde yo no podía interactuar porque no pertenecía a ese entorno físico, y prefería terminar con esta existencia... todo fue tan real... llevo días pensando en esa experiencia, a veces prefiero asimilarla como una construcción onírica de algo o alguien, para enseñarme que sucede en la experiencia de la muerte y así tal vez logre aplacar un tanto este dolor que llevo.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  Uncertain
     Algunos eventos no podrían ser explicados con palabras habituales del lenguaje, como por ejemplo, la composición del espacio, la fuente de luz, realidades paralelas, espacio curvándose sobre sí mismo en el túnel.

Some events can't be explained with the ordinary words of the language, as for example, the composition of space, the source of light, parallel realities curved space and above all the tunnel.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?    practicamente desde que inició la experiencia tomé consciencia de todo, mi realidad, la de mi hija, la del entorno, etc.

Almost from the beginning the experience I was aware of everything, my reality, that of my daughter, that of the environment, etc.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal
   Sabía que esta era una experiencia atípica y trataba de captar toda la información posible, fijarme en detalles.

I knew that this was an unusual experience, and tried to gather all the information possible, focusing on details.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   Padezco de miopía desde los 12 o 13 años, y no puedo ver bien sin mis lentes, en esta experiencia todo era perfectamente visible, con una gran capacidad del detalle.

I have suffedred from myopia from the age of twelve or thirteen, and I can't see well without my contact lenses, but during this experience everything was perfectly visible, with a great amount of detail.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   Normal

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   No  

What emotions did you feel during the experience?   Felicidad, ansiedad, decepción de que mi hija no perciba mi presencia, rabia, anhelo, tranquilidad y profunda paz cuando ingresé y salí del túnel.

Happiness, worry, disapointment that my daughter couldn't sence my presence, anger, desire, tranquility and profound peace when I entered and left the tunnel.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   Yes
   El túnel apareció ante mí como una vía de comunicación con otro espacio, otra dimensión o realidad, pero no era algo construido con elementos materiales propios de nuestro universo y necesarios para su permanencia, era algo más parecido a una torsión del espacio sobre sí mismo, como si la pared única del túnel, ya que era circular, correspondiera a un espacio curvándose sobre si mismo, translúcido hasta cierto momento.

The tunnel appeared before me, like a method of communication with another space, another dimension or reality, but it was not something made of materials pertaining to our universe and necessary for its permanence, it was something more like a twist in space, in itself, as if the only wall of the tunnel we know is circular, which should correspond to space curving in on itself, translucent up to a certain point.

Did you see an unearthly light?   Uncertain
   No podría determinar la fuente de luz del espacio donde llegué luego del túnel, estaba en todas partes. Cuando experimenté la salida de mi cuerpo, era una presencia de luz azulada con celeste la que emergía.

I wouldn't be able to determine the source of the light of space where I arrived then the tunnel, I was everywhere. When I experienced the exit from my body, there was a presence of heavenly blue light which came out.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   No

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   No

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?
   Yes   Si, estaba consciente que tenía que buscar a mi hija fallecida hace poco más de tres meses, la ubiqué, pero en una realidad diferente, como un universo paralelo donde ella vivía y yo no participaba de él, quise hablar con ella, incluso tocarla pero no pude.

Yes I was aware that I had to look for my daughter that had passed on, a little more than  three monthis previously, I found her but in a different reality, like a parallel universe, where she lived, and I couldn't participate in it, I wanted to talk to her, and to touch her but I couldn't.

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   Uncertain
   Ví escenas no detalladas de mi vida en el túnel, miles de imágenes que pasaban a mi alrededor.

I saw less detailed scenes from my life, in the tunnel, thousands of images that passed by me.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?
   Some unfamiliar and strange place Desconocido en ese momento, pero con el pasar de los segundos familiarmente agradable, con la sensación de pertenencia al hogar.

Unrecognizible in that moment, but seconds later familiarly pleasant, with the sensation of belonging to this place.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?   Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
Perdí sentido del tiempo

I lost sense of time.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?
   Everything about myself or others
Entendía que era un proceso natural el desprendimiento, el túnel, el lugar donde llegué, la luz, la paz, la tranquilidad, y el conocimiento.

I understood that spreading was a natural process, and the tunnel, as was the place where I arrived, the light, the peace, the tranquility and the knowledge.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   No

Did you come to a border or point of no return?   I came to a barrier that I was not permitted to cross; or was sent back against my will

Did scenes from the future come to you?

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (“life after death”)?  
   Me pareció un proceso natural de evolución de la vida.

I think it is a natural process of the evolution of life.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   No

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Yes   Me pareció muy familiar el viaje hacia el otro espacio, el túnel, la atracción y el espacio donde llegué

Yes it seemed very familiar a journey to another place, the tunnel, the attraction, and the place where I had arrived.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   Yes
   Una procedencia común y un retorno hacia el origen.

Yes a common procession and a return to our origin.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s meaning or purpose?   Yes

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life’s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   No  

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   Yes
   Más que del amor, una sobredosis de paz y tranquilidad cuando llegué al espacio luego del túnel.

Yes more than that of love, an overdose of peace and tranquility when I arrived at the place after the tunnel.

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   Yes   Encontrarme en un universo paralelo donde mi hija vivía y yo no. Esa experiencia me tiene muy inquieto.

I found myself in a parallel universe where my daughter lived, and I didn't. This experience made me very anxious.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   Yes
   Mi experiencia parecía construida para que yo viviera el tránsito hacia el más allá y la conciencia de que existen universos paralelos de existencia.

My experience seemed to be constructed so that I should experience the transition to far away, and become conscious that parallel universes actually exist.

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your exp
   Era muy consistente en el viaje al más allá, pero no de la existencia de universos paralelos de existencia donde yo no participara.

The journey to far away was very consistent, but not the parralel universes, of an existence where I couldn't participate.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of th

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:
   Nunca acepté la 'verdad' de las religiones occidentales, básicamente las cristianas, aunque veía mucha riqueza en las filosofías orientalistas, preferentemente en el budismo, y su coincidencia con eventos de la física. Ahora, mi riqueza espiritual, se fundamenta en adquirir el conocimiento y la seguridad de la vida después de la muerte.

I never accepted the “truth” of western religions, basically christians, although I had seen that eastern philosophies were very rich, and I preferred Budhism and its agreement with physical events. Now my spiritual riches are based on the acquisition of knowledge, and the certainty of life after death.

My experience directly resulted in:

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?  
   Si, en la posible existencia después de la muerte y la probabilidad de 'vivir' en universos paralelos. Lo único que no me quedaría claro aún es la división del espíritu en experiencias distintas en universos distintos.

Yes in the possible existence after death and the probability of living in parallel universes. The only thing I am not clear about is the division of the spirit in different experiences, in different universes.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?    
Ver a mi hija en otra vida paralela y el retorno el origen.

To see my daughter in another parralel life and the return to our source.

Have you ever shared this experience with others?  
  La misma noche le comenté a mi esposa, al siguiente día a mis padres y a una persona de un grupo en internet.

Yes that night I mentioned to my wife, the next day to my parents, and a person in a group on the internet.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   Yes
   La Dra. Elizabeth Kübler, El Dr. Michael Newton y otros doctores de los cuales no recuerdo el nombre en este momento.

Yes   The Dr. Elizabeth Kübler, The Dr. Michael Newton and other doctors, whose names I don't presently remember.

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was probably real
   Fue una experiencia tan vívida, tan intensa, tan 'real'...

It was a very real experience. Very intense, very vivid.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was probably real
   Fue una experiencia tan vívida, tan intensa, tan'real'...
It was a very real experience. Very intense, very vivid.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   No  

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Yes   Deseo más experiencia, deseo intentar por medio de la meditación una ECM

Yes. I want more experience, I want to try an NDE through meditation.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   No

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?   Yes   Creo que sí, quizá la parte de visitar realidades paralelas no está contemplada en el cuestionario de preguntas y me parece fundamental.

Yes I believe so, maybe the part dealing with visiting other realities wasn't well thought out, in asking the questions, but is to me, fundamental.

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?      Tener voluntarios, como los donantes, de que su posible muerte pueda ser constatada y filmada en laboratorios, y la información del entorno pueda ser corroborada por un grupo previamente preparado de experimentación, sin apegos religiosos, solo buscando la verdad de la continuidad de la vida.

To have volunteers, as with benefactors, such that there possible deaths could be recorded and filmed in laboratories, and the information of the environmnet could be corroborated by a group previously prepared by experimentation, without religious attachments, just looking for the truth about life after death.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?                        Si se tuvieron experiencias de haber visitado realidades alternativas, como 'universos paralelos'

Yes if people had experiences of having visited alternative realities, such as “Parallel universes”.