Okskai Z's Experience
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Experience description:

At the age 17 I was going through tough faze in my life and it was one of the reasons that I wanted to learn what is  the meaning  and sense of life .

At this time I heard about meditation techniques leading to out of body experiences. I thought that I would like to try that . I was hoping that this will help me better understand the world I'm living in. I was also curious if this is possible at all.

One night I started my " experience " laying in my bed. I was laying motionless with closed eyes , I was trying to relax. At first nothing was happening, then after one hour  I started feeling strange sensations in my body. My heartbeat got slower and slower but I could still feel it beat strangely hard .My eyes were still closed and I started seeing light flashes but the when I opened them it was all dark around. I was still laying motionless and started feeling my body " filling with energy " , I could feel pleasant euphoria that started grow stronger and at some point I could feel mild pressure deep inside my brain. I could describe this feeling as brain being " turned on " by switch. All this energy that caused euphoria in my brain in split of a second escaped my body upwards. I found myself out of my body, at first I could see only my body then next I was looking at our planet Earth.

That's true that my out of body experience wasn't  caused by illness or accident or near death experience but it was unfolding the same way as those experiences. Suddenly I realized that till now I was living in kind of half dormant state and in this other state I am so much more knowledgeable.

First thing that amazed me it was the colors, I never saw such colors in my life, the Earth was surrounded by hard to describe blue- violet- pink like haze. The space was filled with this color haze as well and it was completely translucent. I noticed that I can see at very long distance and at wider angles than before. On the Earth I saw strange blue shining points and around the globe I saw several human like silhouettes. Everything seemed so natural to me that's why I wasn't afraid only curious. Suddenly strange feelings started entering me, all kinds of memories from my life but only the ones that had impact on me. Specific words and thoughts that led to deeds and feelings that I wasn't proud of. This wasn't pleasant, it felt like experiencing  myself whatever wrong I did to others and sorrow I caused. After this I felt cleansed and light. Next I was feeling that in 'distance' there is something that draws me to it like a magnets, I knew that I want to go there but I didn't exactly know what it is, I had this feeling that I belong there, like this is my home.

At first I didn't give up to this feeling but it got stronger and stronger and finally pulled me and engulfed, it was like traveling with lightning speed towards the source of light, I was in even deeper layer of reality, I don't know how else to describe this. It was such a beautiful feeling, like suddenly all my wishes came through. I was euphoric and I knew that there is no boundary for all the love and knowledge I received, the more I wanted the more I got.

At some point I got so much that I got completely ' lost ' in it and I felt that I'm one with it. I got so much information about everything, whatever question I had I got answer instantly like on interactive internet. I could feel that this "knowledge" is present everywhere across the Universe. Everything was known , why things happen, when  and what will happen, what's the reason, what's the outcome, why we act the way we act, what we feel, what we think. I understood that everything happens the way it should happen, our deeds create events but those are foreseen and determined ahead. Even the most horrible things happen for reason and eventually over series of new events lead to better outcome. It is hard to explain and understand unless you experience it.

When I came up with a question if there exists a life on other planets ( it was pure curiosity, in this state there is no secret, whatever lays in your 'heart' is formed as a question to which you get answer right away ) I got possibility to observe from distance another planet with some different life forms. When I wanted to get closer I could do that but only under circumstance that I would never get back in my human body. I got reminded that there on Earth I left a body that belongs to me. That was something that I forgot about  with all the emotions and flow of information that I received it seemed dimmed and strange. When I got reminded about that I saw the Earth again and I could feel its pulling force. I was still outside my body but I realized that there is some kind of connection with it however I didn't see that 'silver cord' that some used to mention, I just could feel that part of me is there. Suddenly I was approached by shiny golden hue energy with humanoid form which asked me what I have decided - do I go back in my body and continue with my life or choose new direction. In some way it was scary feeling, that's how I would describe it. I was communicating with this being in a strange way, not exactly by thoughts but rather feelings. It knew what I feel and I knew its feelings. Its consciousness was so clear that I could see my thoughts inside it. I could compare this to mirror reflection of my soul , this way it was much easier to decide what I want. In this form there are no lies, mistakes or misunderstandings  just whatever really is inside us.

So finally I decided to go back to this radiating suffering place from the heavenly place that I just experienced. I realized that if I can help to lessen the suffering on this planet during my life then it is worth it. After my decision I got back in my body rapidly. I realized where I am, got up from the bed and was still in a state of euphoria. I drank some water. I couldn't  really feel my body weight and I felt like I was sleeping for a week. In the dark I could see some strange flashing points  like speeding particles colliding. After about half an hour all those feelings disappeared and got replaced with disturbing feeling that now I am disconnected from the ' source '. It was very painful feeling, I felt like I'm falling apart. It took me a while to get back and get used  to my normal everyday life.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life threatening event?

Uncertain. This was the first time in my life that I have tried out of body meditation technique and as a result my heart rate gradually fell down to practically zero, I could feel that ( my out of body meditation lasted for almost 3 hours )


Was the experience difficult to express in words ?

Yes. It is hard to describe all those colors, feelings, thoughts, "views", information that I didn't experience while in human body, there's not enough words for that.


At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness ?

When I was in "heavenly place", this was a point when I felt so knowledgeable and a part of source.


How did your highest level of

consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?

More consciousness and alertness than normal. I did understand correlations , reasons why things happen. There was no doubt and no fear just pure feeling of love, everything seemed so clear.


Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.

I was always calm and quite happy person but since my experience I see everything in different way- the life , myself, the others , deeds. I'm not saying that right now  there  are no clouds on my horizon , I realize that I could be so much happier in this other place but I know that it's not about my happiness only, especially in this short life. I became somewhat reserved in many ways, my feelings calmed down, I became more aware of my subconscious desires.


Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.

I didn't notice any change in my hearing.


Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness/awareness was apart from your physical/earthly body?

Yes. While out of my body I saw energy points on Earth. In split of second I traveled far away from my body so I didn't notice other events.


What emotions did you feel during the experience?

Overwhelmed at beginning then feeling of love and compassion followed by feeling of  cleansing and peace.


Did you pass into or through a tunnel?

Uncertain. I would compare my travel towards the light to being sucked into the source of light. It wasn't exactly travel in time and space but rather towards the deeper layers of reality. It is like a vortex in the ocean that goes deeper into itself.


Did you see an unearthly light?

Yes. It was this source that pulled me towards it right after I left my body, it can be described as unearthly light.


Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence or hear an unidentifiable voice?

I encountered a definite being or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin.

When I was looking at the Earth from distance I saw human like beings that  looked like they are taking part in some teaching, they were listening to their teacher. I could say that the source itself was a mystical "being "

being but it was so much more than that.


Did you encounter or became aware of any beings who previously lived on Earth who are described by name in religions( for example Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc)?

Uncertain. It' s hard to tell , I don't remember any name being mentioned. What I experienced was more straightaway. My "helper" golden hue being that helped mi decide where I want to go, had very high level of knowledge and I was sure that at some point he lived on Earth as a human, experienced a lot and that's why he was able to understand what I feel and help me with my choice.


Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased ( or alive) beings ?



Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience ?

Yes. After I left my body I experienced intense feelings and thoughts about things I did in my life, I re- lived them.


Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?

A clearly mystical or unearthly realm.

After leaving my body I found myself outside of Earth in the space .This as well as unearthly light can be described as unearthly realm.


Did time seem to speed or slow down?

Everything seemed to be happening at once: or time stopped or lost all meaning.

It's hard to decide. I felt like I relived long life - I learned so much and received incredible amount of information in such a short time when you compare it to earthly time. When I stepped in the" light " time lost all meaning.


Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?

Everything about the Universe.

I had a feeling that I am omni present and I can understand everything and everybody.


Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure ?



Did you come to a border or point of no return?

I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life. I got a chance to freely decide either I want to continue my life in human body or not. However when I compared suffering on Earth to this state of ultimate harmony I knew that I cannot  keep it for myself, others have to understand that there are endless possibilities inside each one of us. It's part of us from the moment we are born.


Did scenes from the future come to you?

Scenes from the world's future.

It happened several times that I dreamt about things that happened later on.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information/ awareness suggesting that there either is ( or is not) continued existence after earthly life ("life after death")?

Yes. I understood that human life is only very small however important part of our existence.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information that God or a supreme being either does ( or does not) exist?


I call it a "source ". Source of knowledge, everything comes from it and returns there.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information/awareness that you  either did( or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?


I have some memories of "prior" lives but never really paid attention to this, always thought that only present counts , whatever happened before leads to present that's why present is most important.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information/ awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/ oneness either does ( or does not ) exist?

Yes. There is a connection between every being. The higher the level of knowledge the tighter a connection.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information/ awareness regarding earthly life's meaning or purpose?

Yes. I could feel very intensely suffering radiating from our planet, sign of ignorance and lack of love.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information/ awareness regarding earthly life difficulties, challenges or hardships?

Yes. Same as above.


During your experience did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?


After this experience I reevaluated meaning if love and now it means so much more for me. To me love is an imprint of the Source/God.


During your experience did you encounter any other specific information/ awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?

Yes. I learned that the we all should be less judgmental  and more understanding and forgiving towards ourselves and others , it is very important.


Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?


I think that what I experienced is achievable by anyone, the only difference is that I know about this specific place ( I remember it) while in the others it's in their subconsciousness .I would be glad if more people would know about that and experienced what I did.


What occurred during your experience included: Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience.

Before my experience I had some kind of belief but whatever I knew about religions was not enough for me, something was missing. The picture of God that I knew before my experience has changed afterwards, it got so much closer and personal.


How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?

I remember experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of it.

I remember it much more accurately than any other event, I couldn't even describe what I did yesterday as accurately as I described my experience even though It happened 10 years ago. Although I feel that lot of my experience is hard to express in words, it was so complex that sometimes I catch myself having trouble with understanding it when I think back about this.


Discuss any changes that might have

occurred in your life after your experience:

I had my experience when I was still young so it didn't change me in such a way as it would if I have had established ideology. However my behavior and relationships have changed, I became mire thoughtful and compassionate. I value life much more than before.

Quite often I find that I still know very little. I don't give up to stress, don't sweat the small stuff.

I pay bigger attention to my health, much bigger than before but I don't go too far, don't want to live forever in this body.


My experience directly resulted in :

Moderate changes in my life.


Did you have any changes in your values of beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?

Yes. My relationships with other people and with myself got stronger. Now I know for sure that life continues after our  body dies. I experienced presence of higher power. After all this I don't follow religion.


Do you have any psychic, non- ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?

Uncertain. Right after experience for about 30-40 minutes I felt very light like the gravitation didn't have effect on me. My vision became much sharper, sometimes in my dreams I see future events, some of this came through. I dream quite often about other worlds, beings.


Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?

It was very meaningful for me to understand everything happens for a reason even if it's hard to understand and accept. There are no accidents or mistakes. All our deeds are excusable. We are condemning  ourselves  till we accept what we did. There is no good or bad by itself, it's  a question of point of view.


Have you ever shared this experience with others?


At first I told my closest family about my experience, all together maybe 3 people within 1-2 days after it happened. I knew right away that it will be hard to express everything with words, I just told them the best I could, they were pretty interested in it and some were scared.

After this I didn't talk too much about this, maybe only on special forums where I could talk to people with similar experience. Whenever a topic comes up I talk about this but never force my experience on others.


Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience ?



What did you believe about the reality  of your experience shortly ( days to weeks) after it happened :

Experience was definitely real.

I was so much more knowledgeable in this state. I would rather question my present life events before I question anything that I experienced in this state.


What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:

Experience was definitely real.

At one point in my life I was searching for explanation to my experience - something scientific .This topic however is not too popular in scientific circles.


Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?

Yes. I am avoiding company of some type of people while I am looking for the other kind. I try to control what I say and what I do to not hurt the others.


Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience ?

Yes. I used to attend the church in younger age but now  I do this only on special occasions . Even without that I still feel close to whatever I " believe" in. I experienced this so to me it's not belief anymore but knowing.


At any time in your life has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?

Uncertain. Once I had a dream that I died and entered this place again, I could feel this love and oneness again but it didn't last long, I woke up.


Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?

Yes. There were so many questions so I don't think that I left out anything. I described exactly all that I experienced.


What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?

I would read whatever comes out about this topic. It is very important to share all those experiences with as many as possible.


Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?

This topic is quite hard to express, one can just try the best to describe the experience. The more questions the better the chance to express the experience. On the other hand if there are too many questions the one tries to speed the process of answering. I think that amount of questions you asked me was just right.



In Hungarian  


17 �vesen kiss� nehezebb �letszakaszomban j�rtam �s t�bbek k�z�tt emiatt is, szerettem volna tudni mi �rtelme az �letnek egy�ltal�n, illetve mi�rt olyan amilyen. Akkoriban hallottam a test elhagy�sos medit�ci�s technik�kr�l, �s gondoltam ha t�nyleg lehets�ges ez, akkor ki k�ne pr�b�lnom. Rem�ltem k�zelebb ker�l�k ahhoz ez �ltal, hogy meg�rtsem jobban a vil�got, de �nmag�ban is �rdekelt t�nyleg lehets�ges e ez egy�ltal�n.

Egy este el is kezdtem a 'k�s�rletemet' az �gyamon fekve. L�nyeg�ben mozdulatlanul fek�dtem csukott szemmel �s pr�b�ltam ellazulni. Eleinte nem is t�rt�nt semmi, gyorsan eltelt �gy 1 j� �ra, de azt�n elkezdtem �rz�kelni szokatlan �rzeteket a testemben. A sz�v ver�sem megv�ltozott,lelassult �s m�gis furcs�n erősen �reztem, de nem f�jt. K�zben csukott szemem ellen�re f�ny felvillan�sokat vettem �szre, de ha kinyitottam a szememet teljesen s�t�t volt. Tov�bbra sem mozogtam �s �reztem ahogy 'felt�ltődőm energi�val', legal�bb is �gy tudn�m jellemezni, ez egyfajta kellemes, l�gy euf�ri�t kezdett el okozni, ami azt�n fokoz�dott, folyamatosan egyre jobban. Eg�szen addig am�g �reztem egy enyhe nyom�st az agyamban valahol m�lyen k�z�pen. Ahhoz tudn�m hasonl�tani ami ut�na t�rt�nt mintha egy kapcsol� felkapcsol�dott volna az agyam egy pontj�n olyasmi �rzet volt. A rengeteg energia ami a testemben az euf�ri�t okozta pedig egy pillanat alatt felfel� szinte 'kiv�g�dott'a testemből. Ezt k�vetően a testemen k�v�l voltam, egy r�vid időre l�ttam csak a testemet, ut�na szinte kiszippant�dtam onnan(legal�bb is ehhez tudn�m hasonl�tani) �s m�g jobban d�bbenve n�ztem, hogy k�v�lről n�zem a F�ldet.

Igaz nem a klasszikus baleset okozta testen k�v�li, illetve hal�l k�zeli �lm�nyk�nt kezdőd�tt, de egy�rtelműen �gy folytat�dott.

Ahogy d�bbenten r�j�ttem, hogy mi is t�rt�nhetett alig tudtam elhinni, hogy ez lehets�ges, de m�gis sokkal val�s�gosabb volt minden. Mintha addig csak egy f�lig alv� �llapotban �ltem volna �s ez az �llapot tűnt sokkal tudatosabbnak.

Elősz�r a sz�nekn�l tűnt fel, hogy olyanokat l�tok amilyeneket eddig m�g nem. P�ld�ul a F�ldet k�r�lvette egy k�kes-lil�s-r�zsasz�nes nehezen le�rhat� sz�nes felhőszerűs�g. Illetve az űrben aminek s�t�tnek k�ne lenni is �rz�keltem egyf�le mindent �that� halv�ny lil�s-r�zsasz�neshez hasonl�that� k�d�t, ami teljesen �tl�that� volt. �szrevettem, hogy nagyon messzire ell�tok �s j�val nagyobb sz�gben �rz�kelem a teret magam k�r�l. A F�ld�n m�g 'l�ttam' furcsa k�kesen izz� nagy energia pontokat, amiket nem tudom igaz�n micsod�k, illetve n�h�ny embernek tűnő alakot is l�ttam a bolyg� k�r�l, de nem foglalkoztak velem vagy csak nem �rz�keltek.

Minden olyan term�szetesnek hatott egyre ink�bb ahogy ebben az �llapotban voltam, emiatt nem f�ltem, de nagyon k�v�ncsi lettem. Furcsa �rz�seim t�madtak, elkezdtek eml�kek z�porozni bennem az �letemből, de azok csak amik nagy hat�ssal voltak r�m addig. Bizonyos szavak, gondolatok amik tettekhez vezettek, �rz�sek amikre nem voltam b�szke stb... Ez nem volt kellemes mintha minden kellemetlen vagy �ltalam okozott m�soknak kellemetlen tettet �jra �t�ltem volna saj�t magamon. Ezt k�vetően viszont egyf�le megtisztul�s �rzetem volt, mintha valami neh�z teher esett volna le a v�llamr�l. Nyilv�n nem volt hangom abban a helyzetben, de ahhoz tudn�m hasonl�tani mintha ord�tottam volna egy nagyot f�jdalmamban, de azt�n megk�nnyebb�ltem teljesen.

Ekkor �reztem, hogy a 't�volban' van valami ami nagyon vonz mint valami erős m�gnes, �reztem hogy oda akarok menni, de nem tudom megfogalmazni mi volt az, csak azt �reztem hogy oda tartozok, hasonl� az otthon �rzethez. Eleinte ellen�lltam ennek az �rzetnek, de egyre erősebb lett. V�g�l mint egy vill�mgyors utaz�s egy f�ny forr�s fel�, �gy tudn�m le�rni oda vonzott mag�hoz teljesen ez az �rzet. Olyan volt mintha egy m�g m�lyebb r�teg�be utaztam volna a val�s�gnak, nem tudom m�shogyan le�rni. Teljesen k�rbe fogott ez a f�ny, mindenhol �rz�keltem ahogy bele ker�ltem. Csod�latos �rz�s volt, mintha minden kellemes amit csak szeretn�nk megval�sulna ahhoz tudn�m hasonl�tani azt �rzetet, amit ebben az �llapotban vagy 'vil�gban, dimenzi�ban' tapasztalni lehet. Teljesen euforikus �s k�zben tudtam, hogy ez az eg�sz amiben vagyok tudatos, tele szeretettel amiből min�l t�bbet k�v�ntam ann�l t�bbet kaptam egyszerűen nem volt hat�ra.

Egy bizonyos ponton annyit kaptam, hogy szinte teljesen 'elvesztem' benne mint egy�n �s �reztem ahogy egy� v�lok az eg�sszel, �rz�keltem, hogy tele volt inform�ci�val tud�ssal mindenről, ami csak megjelent k�rd�s m�r kaptam is az inform�ci�t r�la, mint valami interakt�v internet. Volt egy pont ahol teljesen �reztem, hogy mindenhol jelen van ez a 'tudat' nincs hely az univerzumban ahol nem. Emiatt teljesen meg�rtő, mindent tudott mi mi�rt t�rt�nik, mi mi�rt fog, ki vagy mi, mit mi�rt tesz,�rez, gondol. Pont emiatt nem �t�lt el semmit, mert mindent meg�rt �s mindennek az ok�t �tl�tja, m�g a meg nem t�rt�nt val�sz�nű v�gkifejlet�t is tudja. Meg�rtettem, hogy  minden �gy t�rt�nik ahogy t�rt�nnie kell, nem nagyon tudom m�shogyan le�rni, a tetteink sz�lik a t�rt�n�seket, de ezek nagyban meghat�rozhat�ak �s előre �tl�that�ak egy bizonyos szinten. M�g a legborzalmasabbnak tűnő dolgok is okkal t�rt�nnek, amik v�g�l olyan esem�nyekhez vezetnek amiből valami �j rem�nytelibb esem�ny sz�lethet. Neh�z megfogalmazni �s meg�rteni is ha nem tapasztalja az ember ezt.

Mikor előj�tt bennem a k�rd�s van e m�s bolyg�n is �let (csak term�szetes k�v�ncsis�g volt, ebben az �llapotban nincs titok, ami a 'sz�vben' van az r�gt�n elő is ker�l k�rd�sk�nt amire j�n is a v�lasz bizonyos m�dokon) akkor megkaptam a lehetős�get, hogy t�volabbr�l is megn�zhessek egy �lettel lakott a F�ldtől elt�rő m�sik bolyg�t. Amikor k�zelebb akartam menni csak azzal a felt�tellel lehetett volna, ha nem t�rek vissza az emberi testembe, erre kaptam egy�rtelmű utal�st. Eml�keztet�st kaptam, hogy a F�ld�n van egy testem ami hozz�m tartozik. Erről t�nylegesen meg is feledkeztem, olyan sok inger �s inform�ci� �rintett r�vid idő alatt, hogy ez teljesen elhalv�nyult akkor, sőt kifejezetten idegennek tűnt a dolog.

De mikor ez előj�tt, �jra a F�ldet l�ttam m�r k�v�lről, mintha amire gondoln�k ott teremn�k, mag�hoz h�zott ami �rdekelt. M�r �gymond �jra egy�nk�nt �rz�keltem magam, a f�ny vil�g tudatosod�s�b�l 'kiv�lva', de intenz�v eml�kk�nt bennem. Olyan jellegű tudati �llapotban voltam �jra mint mielőtt ebbe a forr�sba visszat�rtem volna, de anyagi test n�lk�l m�g, mint k�zvetlen�l test 'elhagy�som' ut�n. Teljesen nem hagytam el az emberi testemet egyf�le k�tőd�s maradt, de nem l�ttam azt a bizonyos 'ez�st zsin�rt' amit szoktak eml�teni csak �reztem, tudtam hogy egy kis r�szem ott van.

Ezut�n egy f�nyes, arany sz�nű energia alak, aminek humanoid emberszerű form�ja volt k�zel�tett meg, valami�rt azt k�v�nta tudni hogyan d�nt�k. Visszat�rek e a testembe �s folytatom ahol abbahagytam, vagy befejezem �s m�s utak fel� indulok. Egyf�le k�s�rő volt, �gy tudn�m le�rni. Furcsa m�don kommunik�ltunk, nem csup�n gondolatok r�v�n, hanem �reztem amit �rez �s ő is �rezte amit �n �rzek. Tudta amit gondolok �n is amit ő. Annyira tiszta volt a tudata azt egy�rtelműen �szrevettem, hogy j�form�n csak az �n viszonylag a (hozz� k�pest) mondhatni kev�sb� letisztult �rzelmeimet �s gondolataimat l�ttam benne viszont. Kicsit olyan volt mint egy l�lekt�kr�t mutatott volna �nmaga �ltal �s �gy sokkal k�nnyebb volt eld�ntenem, mit is akarok, hogyan d�nts�k, l�nyeg�ben seg�tett nekem. Itt nincsenek hazugs�gok, �nbecsap�sok, megt�veszt�sek, az van ami t�nylegesen benn�nk van �s az alapj�n is hozunk d�nt�seket.

Sz�val v�g�l arra jutottam, hogy nem sz�vesen j�v�k vissza egy messzire kisug�rz� szenved�st �raszt� helyre, ebből a paradicsomi �llapotb�l.  Viszont m�gis tudtam, hogy ha csak egy kicsit is seg�thetek hogy kevesebb legyen ez a  szenved�s �s nem n�velem azt, m�r van �rtelme visszamennem n�h�ny �vtizedre. Mert l�nyeg�ben azt meg�rtettem, hogy itt a F�ld�n is az lenne a c�l, hogy a forr�shoz (Istenhez, de nem tudom megfelelő e ez a titulus) tudatosabban csatlakozva, egy minden form�ban j�val szenved�s mentesebb a t�nyleges vil�gunk �tfog�bb ismeret�vel  l�tezz�nk emberk�nt is. Ami pedig egy ahhoz hasonl� szeretett teljes �llapotnak �rhat� le mint ami a forr�sban is jelen van. Sajnos ettől m�g �gy tűnt messze 'vagyunk'.

Sz�val �gy d�nt�ttem, hogy visszat�rek a testembe, majd ez gyorsan meg is t�rt�nt. Magamhoz t�rtem, felkeltem az �gyb�l nagyon euforikus �rz�sem volt egy darabig, illetve szinte olyan �reztem mintha lebegn�k, mik�zben mentem ki hogy igyak egy poh�r vizet. Sz� szerint nem �reztem a test t�megemet �s teljesen fel voltam t�ltekezve, mintha egy h�tig aludtam volna folyamatosan. A s�t�tben egy darabig �rz�keltem furcsa felvillan� pontokat, mintha a gyorsan mozg� r�szecsk�k �tk�z�seinek a felvillan�sait l�tn�m de nem tudn�m megmondani mi volt ez konkr�tan. Viszont �gy f�l �ra eltelt�vel ezek az �rzetek eltűntek �s j�tt helyette egy nagyon kellemetlen �rz�s, ahogy r�d�bbentem mennyire el vagyok z�rva ettől a 'forr�st�l'. Ez nagyon sz� szerint f�jdalmas volt, �gy �reztem �sszeroppanok. Azt�n szerencs�re valahogy siker�lt erőt vennem magamon �s sz�p lassan visszat�rni az �jra megszokott emberi h�tk�znapokhoz, de ez az�rt időbe ker�lt.

At the time of your experience was there an associated life-threatening event?   Uncertain  Akkor �ltemben elősz�r kipr�b�ltam egyf�le test elhagy�sos medit�ci�s technik�t. Ez konkr�tan azzal j�rt (amit csak �rzetileg tudok le�rni, mert a pontos folyamatot nem ismerem), hogy rengeteg energia termelőd�tt bennem, �s ezzel egyidejűleg a sz�vver�sem szinte 0-ra reduk�l�dott fokozatosan, ezt �reztem is (ehhez k�zel 3 �r�t medit�ltam folyamatosan).

Was the experience difficult to express in words?  Yes     Sok �rzetet, sz�nt, gondolatot, "l�tv�nyt", inform�ci�t amit emberk�nt nem tapasztaltam, szavunk sincsen r�, neh�z k�rbe �rni.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?            Egy�rtelműen mikor a "f�nyvil�gban\dimenzi�ban vagy mennyorsz�gban" voltam, az volt a pont ahol legtudatosabbnak �reztem magam a forr�s r�szek�nt.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal everyday consciousness and alertness?      More consciousness and alertness than normal   Mint m�r eml�tettem, �rtettem az �sszef�gg�seket a dolgokban. Az okokat, okozatokat mi mi�rt t�rt�nik. Nem volt k�tely, f�lelem, csak tiszta szeretet �rzet �s teljesen �tl�that� t�rt�n�sek.

Please compare your vision during the experience to your everyday vision that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   Egy�bk�nt is viszonylag nyugodtabb, vid�m ember voltam, de ezt az �lm�nyt k�vetően, teljesen m�sk�ppen l�tok mindent. Az �letet, magamat, m�sokat, a tetteket. Azt nem mondom, hogy jelenleg felhőtlen�l boldog lenn�k, hiszen tudat�ban vagyok, hogy enn�l j�val boldogabb is lehetn�k m�shol. Viszont azt is tudom, hogy nem kifejezetten az �n boldogs�gom a fontos, főleg egy r�vid �let idej�re. Kiss� visszafogottabb lettem ezzel egy�tt sok mindenben, �rzelmeim nyugodtabbak lettek, a tudat alatti v�gyaim j�val tudatosabbak lettek, de jobban �tl�tom mi�rt vannak, illetve kev�sb� tartom fontosnak a v�gyaim hajkur�sz�s�t.

Please compare your hearing during the experience to your everyday hearing that you had immediately prior to the time of the experience.   A hall�somon sok v�ltoz�st nem mondhatn�m, hogy tapasztaltam, de lehet csak nem tűnt fel.

Did you see or hear any earthly events that were occurring during a time that your consciousness / awareness was apart from your physical / earthly body?   Yes   Amit l�ttam az mag�n a F�ld�n l�vő energia "foltok" vagyis annak tűnő term�szeti jelens�gek voltak. Mivel pillanatok alatt messze ker�ltem a testemtől, sok m�s dolgot nem �rz�keltem.

What emotions did you feel during the experience?   Megd�bbents�get eleinte azt�n felszabadults�got, szeretetet �s egy�tt�rz�st. Ut�na letisztults�got �s teljes nyugalmat.  

Did you pass into or through a tunnel?   Uncertain   �n az utaz�st mikor a f�ny fel� mentem, �gy tudn�m le�rni, mintha nagyon gyorsan mag�ba szippantana ez a f�ny forr�s. De nem kifejezetten t�rben �s időben val� utaz�s, sokkal ink�bb a val�s�g m�lyebb r�tege fel� tudatosul�s. Mint egy v�zt�lcs�r az �ce�nban ami csak �nmag�ba m�lyebbre megy.

Did you see an unearthly light?   Yes   Maga az a k�zeg ami mag�hoz vonzott, nem sokkal a testemből kil�p�s ut�n f�ld�nt�li f�nynek is le�rhat�.

Did you seem to encounter a mystical being or presence, or hear an unidentifiable voice?   I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin
Mikor F�ldet �rz�keltem k�v�lről, �szrevettem embernek mondhat� l�nyeket hasonl� k�zegben mint amiben �n is voltam a "testemen k�v�l", akik mintha valami tan�t�son vettek volna r�szt, volt egy tan�t�juk akit hallgattak. Nem tudom kik vagy mik lehettek ők.

Illetve a forr�s maga egy tudatos "l�ny" volt mondhatni, de ann�l az�rt t�bb.

Valamint testembe visszat�r�s előtt, egy "energia l�ny

Did you encounter or become aware of any beings who previously lived on earth who are described by name in religions (for example: Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, etc.)?   Uncertain   Neh�z megmondani, mivel semmilyen megnevez�sre vagy n�vre nem eml�kszem, hogy eml�tettek volna ilyesmit. Enn�l sokkal k�zvetlenebb volt amit tapasztaltam. Nem tudn�m biztosra mondani ez alapj�n. De tudatilag a "seg�tő" nagyon magas szinten volt, tippelni viszont nem akarok, azt tudom hogy m�r �lt a F�ld�n emberk�nt, meg�lt sok mindent, ez�rt is tudta teljesen meg�rteni mit mi�rt gondolok �rzek, �s ez alapj�n seg�tett nekem d�nteni.

Did you encounter or become aware of any deceased (or alive) beings?   No  

Did you become aware of past events in your life during your experience?   Yes   Nem sokkal testemből val� kil�p�s ut�n, �reztem olyan erőteljes �rz�seket, gondolatokat, amiket tettem �s ezeket �jra �t�ltem. Illetve l�ttam magam k�v�lről 1-2 szitu�ci�ban ami a m�ltamban t�rt�nt.

Did you seem to enter some other, unearthly world?   A clearly mystical or unearthly realm
A testemből val� kil�p�s ut�n, gyorsan a F�ld k�r�li űrben voltam. Szinte biztosan amiatt, mert r�szben szerettem volna megismerni t�bb mindent a vil�gb�l �s ebbe gondolatba ez a ter�let is beletartozott. Illetve a f�ny vil�g ami egy m�g m�lyebb r�teg�nek tűnt a val�s�gnak, szint�n ide sorolhat�.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?   Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning
Nehezen meghat�rozhat�. L�nyeg�ben olyan volt mintha le�ltem volna egy hossz� �letet az emberin bel�l, olyan sok inform�ci� �radatot kaptam egy egy�bk�nt viszonylag r�vid idő alatt ha a F�ldi �r�t n�zz�k. Mikor a "f�ny vil�gba" bel�ptem, teljesen időtlen k�zegbe ker�ltem, ez�rt mondhatni ott elvesztette a jelentős�g�t.

Did you suddenly seem to understand everything?   Everything about the universe
Egy v�gtelennek tűnő pillanatban �reztem, hogy jelen vagyok minden�tt, �s ez alatt egy�rtelműen �gy �reztem mindent �s mindenkit meg�rtek.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure?   No

Did you come to a border or point of no return?   I came to a definite conscious decision to return to life
A lehetős�get megkaptam, hogy szabadon d�ntsek folytatom e az emberi �letemet vagy sem.

Viszont mikor �sszehasonl�tottam a F�ldi szenvedős k�r�lm�nyeket azzal az �llapottal ami t�k�letes harm�ni�nak nevezhető, valami�rt �gy �reztem ezt nem tarthatom meg magamnak �s m�soknak is meg kellene tapasztalnia �rtenie, a benn�nk rejlő szinte korl�tlan lehetős�geket. Ez m�r sz�let�s�nktől fogva a r�sz�nk, de nagyon nehezen �bred�nk r�.

Emiatt illetve a tapasztalat miatt, milyen ezzel az eml�kkel emberk�nt le�lni egy �letet �gy d�nt�ttem, hogy visszat�rek abba a testbe amibe itt megsz�lettem.

Did scenes from the future come to you?  Scenes from the world's future 
Előfordult az�ta, hogy �lmodtam olyat ami azt�n megt�rt�nt velem, de olyan is ami csak r�szben val�sult meg.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness suggesting that there either is (or is not) continued existence after earthly life (�life after death�)?   Yes   Egy�rtelműen tapasztaltam, hogy az emberi �let csak egy nagyon kis, de l�nyeges szelete a l�tez�s�nknek. A folytat�lagos l�tez�s a klasszikus �rtelemben nem teljesen �llja meg a hely�t. Az amit szem�lyis�g�nknek nevez�nk itt, az �let�nkkel lassan felold�dik �s letisztul. �gy vettem �szre, hogy kisgyerekekn�l l�that� milyen is az, mielőtt egy�nis�g�k kialakulna tiszt�n azok akik egy�bk�nt is, csak kev�sb� tudatosan.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that God or a supreme being either does (or does not) exist?   Yes   Ezt az egyszerűs�g kedv��rt "forr�snak" nevezem. A tudatoss�g forr�sa, minden ami tudatos belőle ered �s t�r vissza oda. Jelenl�te �that mindent �gy tapasztaltam.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that you either did (or did not) exist prior to this lifetime?   Uncertain   Bizonyos eml�keim vannak, illetve j�ttek felsz�nre az�ta "előző" �letekről. Nem foglalkoztam vel�k m�lyebben, mert neh�z biztosra venni ezeket bizony�t�kok n�lk�l. �gy gondolom mindig a jelen a l�nyeges, a t�bbi esem�ny�nk mind csak �t ami a jelenbe vezet, ez�rt mindig a most a fontos. Ebből nem tartom b�lcs dolognak a tud�s mer�t�s�t, kiv�ve ha term�szetes m�don j�n a felsz�nre adott szitu�ci�kban.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness that a mystical universal connection or unity/oneness either does (or does not) exist?   Yes   Minden tudatos l�tező k�z�tt kapcsolat van. A tudatoss�g min�l m�lyebb szintje fel� megy�nk, ann�l szorosabb �s �rezhetőbb a kapcsolat mindennel �s mindenkivel.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s meaning or purpose?   Yes   Nagyon erőteljesen lehetett �rezni az emberek szenved�s�nek kisug�rz�s�t az eg�sz bolyg�r�l. A tudatlans�g �s a szeretetlens�g keserűs�g�nek tudn�m le�rni.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding earthly life�s difficulties, challenges, or hardships?   Yes   Nagyon erőteljesen lehetett �rezni az emberek szenved�s�nek kisug�rz�s�t az eg�sz bolyg�r�l. A tudatlans�g �s a szeretetlens�g keserűs�g�nek tudn�m le�rni.

During your experience, did you encounter any specific information / awareness regarding love?   Yes   A szeretet mint fogalom �t�rtelmeződ�tt �s t�bb tartalommal rendelkezik sz�momra, ezut�n a a tapasztalat ut�n. A szeretet ahogy �rtelmezni tudom a forr�s\Isten "lenyomata", hogy jelen van vel�nk, m�g akkor is ha mi kev�ss� tudatos �llapotunkban alig �rz�kelj�k. Mondhatn�m azt is, hogy kisug�rz�sa a mindenhat�nak, ami persze �ltalunk, rajtunk kereszt�l az ő r�szeik�nt is kinyilv�nulhat sokszor.

During your experience, did you encounter any other specific information / awareness that you have not shared in other questions that is relevant to living our earthly lives?   Yes   �sszefoglalva amit nagyon fontos tanuls�gnak tapasztaltam, hogy min�l kevesebbet �t�lkezz�nk magunk �s m�sok f�l�tt, pr�b�ljunk min�l megbocs�t�bbak lenni �s meg�rtőek (val�ban pr�b�ljuk l�tni �s meg�rteni az okokat mi mi�rt t�rt�nik, ez nagyon fontos). Ne m�st �s m�sokat okolni a probl�m�k�rt az �let�nkben, akkor sem ha l�tsz�lag k�lső forr�sa van a probl�m�nknak. Mert minden rajtunk m�lik mindig, a "kis" egy�neken. Ha minden egy�n csak saj�t tetteire, gondolataira, besz�d�re figyelne oda �s felelőss�get is v�llalna az�rt amit tesz, minős�gben rengeteget javulna az �let�nk, minden szinten.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge or purpose?   Uncertain   Igaz�b�l azt tudom, hogy ez amit �t�ltem b�rki sz�m�ra el�rhető, emiatt nem gondolom hogy b�rmiben is k�l�nleges lenn�k. Az egyetlen k�l�nbs�g csak abban van, hogy �n tudat�ban vagyok egyfajta vil�g ismeretnek (teh�t eml�kszem r�), ami m�sokban tudat alatt van. Annak �r�ln�k ha ez t�bb ember sz�m�ra tudatosabb lenne �s min�l t�bben tapasztaln�k meg amit �n is

What occurred during your experience included:   Content that was both consistent and not consistent with the beliefs you had at the time of your experience   Az �lm�nyem előtt is rendelkeztem egyf�le hittel. De nem igaz�n el�gedtem meg azzal amit vall�sokr�l tudtam, �rzetem hogy valami hi�nyzik belőle. Az a fajta Istenk�p ami a tapasztalatom előtt l�tezett bennem igen csak �talakult. Sokkal szem�lyesebb �s k�zelebbi lett. El sem tudtam k�pzelni előtte, hogy ennyire tudatos szinten lehets�ges "valaminek" a l�tez�se.

A vall�s mint c�l arra, hogy t�rekedj�nk megismerni mi is ez az eg�sz amit �letnek, l�tez�snek nevez�nk �s a benne l�vő miszt�riumokat, �gy gondolom eredetileg egy inspir�l� dolog volt. Ma m�r ink�bb az ellent�te sokszor, �gy vettem �szre.

How accurately do you remember the experience in comparison to other life events that occurred around the time of the experience?   I remember the experience more accurately than other life events that occurred around the time of th   J�val pontosabban �s r�szletesebben eml�kszem r�, mint b�rmi m�sra. Konkr�tan a tegnapi napomat nem tudn�m ennyire pontosan felid�zni mint ezt az �lm�nyemet, pedig m�r t�bb mint 10 �ve t�rt�nt. Igaz �gy is �gy �rzem, hogy rengetek mindent nem tudok �tadni belőle �r�sban sem mert annyira �sszetett volt �s n�ha �n magam is nehezen fogom fel, mikor eml�kezni kezdek r�. Maga az �rz�s amit akkor �t�ltem az ami legink�bb elhalv�nyult az idő alatt �s persze az a fajta tudatoss�g. Ez�rt is neh�z pontosan visszaadni ezt az �lm�nyt.

Discuss any changes that might have occurred in your life after your experience:   Mivel viszonylag el�g fiatalon t�rt�nt velem ez az �lm�ny, nem okozott akkora v�ltoz�st mintha egy teljes vil�gn�zettel rendelkeztem volna. Viszont �gy is az emberekkel val� kapcsolatom, viselked�semen jelentősen v�ltoztatott. J�val megfontoltabb vagyok �s jobban odafigyelek m�sokra is. Az �letet nagyon fontosnak tartom, jelentősebbnek mint előtte. Furcsa m�don a tudom�nyos-materi�lis ismeretek sokkal jobban vonzanak, de nem nagyon tudom ezt elv�lasztani a spiritu�lis ismeretektől.

Gyakrabban �rzem, hogy nagyon keveset tudok m�g a dolgok műk�d�s�ről.

Kev�sb� jellemző r�m hogy stresszes lenn�k, k�nnyebben �lem meg a dolgokat, esem�nyeket ak�rmilyen kellemetlenek vagy nehezek is, de a kellemesekkel is ugyan �gy vagyok.

A testem eg�szs�g�re igyekszem odafigyelni m�g jobban tal�n mint előtte, ez�rt eg�szs�gesebb is vagyok, azonban nem �rzem hogy ezt t�lz�sba k�ne vigyem. Nem akarok v�gtelens�gig �lni ebben a testben csak am�g sz�ks�ges, semmivel sem tov�bb.

My experience directly resulted in:   Moderate changes in my life

Did you have any changes in your values or beliefs after the experience that occurred as a result of the experience?   Yes   Fontosabbnak tartom m�s emberekkel �s �nmagammal val� kapcsolatot mint előtte. Megerős�tette bennem, hogy van l�tez�s a fizikai test�nk elpusztul�sa ut�n is �s egy nagyon magas tudatoss�g� szintű l�ny jelenl�t�t is megtapasztalhattam. Ezzel egy�tt kev�sb� lettem vall�s k�vető.

Do you have any psychic, non-ordinary or other special gifts after your experience that you did not have before the experience?   Uncertain   Az �lm�ny ut�n �gy 30-40 percig k�l�n�sen k�nnyűnek �reztem magam, mintha nem lenne hat�ssal r�m a gravit�ci� �s k�l�n�s f�nyeket �rz�keltem (ez hamar elm�lt). A l�t�som �lesedett, ezzel egy�tt jobban zavar az erős f�ny, ak�r term�szetes ak�r nem. N�ha vannak előre l�t� �lmaim, volt ami meg is val�sult. Stabilabb vagyok �rzelmileg, de m�g is �rz�kenyebb bizonyos "pozit�vnak" mondhat� �rzelemre.

Gyakran �lmodom m�s vil�gokr�l, l�nyekről.

Are there one or several parts of your experience that are especially meaningful or significant to you?     Ami nagyon jelentős volt sz�momra mikor meg�rtettem, hogy minden �gy t�rt�nik ahogy megfelelő, m�g ha neh�z is elfogadni, meg�rteni sz�munkra. Nincsenek v�letlenek �s mindennek oka van. A tetteink ak�rmilyenek is megbocs�that�ak. V�gső soron egyed�l �nmagunkat �t�lj�k meg �s el, eg�szen addig m�g el nem tudjuk fogadni amit tett�nk. A nehezen elfogadhat� tetteink mind tudatlans�gb�l t�rt�nnek, m�g a sz�nd�kosak is. Olyan hogy j� �s rossz �nmag�ban nincs, ez mindig n�zőpont k�rd�se. De azt is �rhatn�m, hogy minden tudattal rendelkező l�tezőben benne van "Isten", min�l tudatlanabbak vagyunk ez ann�l kev�sb� �rz�kelhető �s ann�l jobban szenved�nk.

Have you ever shared this experience with others?   Yes  Elősz�r csal�don bel�l osztottam meg ezt az �lm�nyemet ott is csak legk�zelebbi 3 csal�dtaggal, 1-2 nappal az esem�ny ut�n. R�gt�n tudtam, hogy igaz�n nem fogom tudni elmondani szavakba �nteni ami t�rt�nt amennyire tudtam az�rt elmondtam. �rdekelte őket, de volt aki megijedt ettől, olyan is aki elfogadta, de nem �rtette meg igaz�n, ami persze �rthető. Olyan is volt akinek volt hasonl� �lm�nye ez�rt jobban elfogadta ezt.

K�sőbb azt�n nem igen besz�ltem r�la �vekig, csak hasonl� t�m�j� f�rumokon kerestem t�rsas�got ahol olyanokkal tudtam besz�lni akik tapasztaltak ilyesmit. Majd egy hozz�m k�zel �ll� szem�lynek �jra besz�ltem r�la majd 8 �v eltelt�vel. Sz�val sz�vesen besz�lek r�la annak akit �rdekel �s valahogy a t�ma felj�n, de nem erőltetem, főleg hogy sok ma elterjedt n�zettel ellent�tes, ami az erős szem�lyis�gű emberek sz�m�ra csak vita forr�st jelent.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience?   No  

What did you believe about the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened:   Experience was definitely real   Sokkal tudatosabb voltam abban az �llapotban. Mondhatn�m azt is, hogy a mostani �letem val�s�goss�ga j�val megk�rdőjelezhetőbb mint amit a testen k�v�li �lm�nyem sor�n tapasztaltam. Egy�rtelműen tudtam akkor is, hogy ez a vil�gunkba egy j�val tudatosabb m�lyebb szinten val� betekint�se lehetett. Fel sem mer�lt bennem, hogy nem volt val�s, csak megd�bbentem hogy ilyen is l�tezik.

What do you believe about the reality of your experience at the current time:   Experience was definitely real   Volt egy időszak mikor kerestem magyar�zhat� ok�t ennek a tapasztalatnak. Teh�t valami tudom�nyosat. De azt kellett tapasztalnom, hogy ezzel a t�m�val sőt �ltal�ban a tudat műk�d�s�vel nem igen foglalkoznak tudom�nyos k�r�kben. Vannak r� pr�b�lkoz�sok, de olyan hat�rt kell ennek meg�rt�s�hez �tl�pni, amit műszerekkel egyenlőre nem igen tudunk m�rni.

Ma is azt gondolom, hogy teljesen val�s�gos volt ez az �lm�nyem. A tudatoss�ga a tapasztalatnak �s az �vek alatt ki nem t�rlődő eml�ke is ezt bizony�tja sz�momra.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Yes   Bizonyos t�pus� emberek t�rsas�g�t kev�sb� keresem, m�sok�t pedig jobban. Pr�b�lok min�l kev�sb� gondot okozni m�soknak �s jobban odafigyelni arra amit teszek vagy mondok.

Have your religious beliefs/spiritual practices changed specifically as a result of your experience?   Yes   Templomba j�rtam r�gebben, ezt az�ta nem igaz�n teszem csak bizonyos alkalmakkor. E n�lk�l is k�zel �rzem magamhoz azt amiben "hiszek". Pontosabban amit meg is tapasztaltam, teh�t nem csak hit sz�momra m�r hanem ismeret.

At any time in your life, has anything ever reproduced any part of the experience?   Uncertain   Volt olyan �lmom amiben konkr�tan meghaltam, ezt k�vetően ebbe a f�nyvil�gba ker�ltem �s �jra �reztem ezt a szeretetet �s egys�get. De nem tartott sok�ig hamar fel�bredtem.

�gy tapasztaltam, hogy tudatoss�g f�ggv�nye ez nem is annyira az esem�nyek�. Orrunk előtt is lehet a "f�nyvil�g" ha nem vagyunk azon a tudatoss�gon nem sokat fogunk �t�rezni, �t�lni belőle.

Is there anything else that you would like to add about your experience?   �gy gondolom minden l�nyegeset le�rtam ami most eszembe jutott.

Did the questions asked and information that you provided accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?   Yes   A k�rd�sek soksz�nűs�ge miatt �gy gondolom nem hagytam ki semmi fontos r�szletet. Teh�t pontosan le tudtam �rni amit tapasztaltam. M�r amennyire szavakban ez visszaadhat�.

What could a national organization with an interest in near death experience (NDE) do that would be of interest to you?    Igaz�b�l b�rmit ami ezzel kapcsolatos tapasztalat vagy ismeret ebből ad�d�an, sz�vesen olvasom. Valamint nagyon fontosnak tartom, hogy ezeket az �lm�nyeket meg lehet �gy osztani m�sokkal is, akiket ez �rdekel. �gy tal�n seg�ts�g�re is lehetek m�soknak ezzel, akik ezt kutatj�k.

Are there any other questions that we could ask to help you communicate your experience?                    Ez egy el�g nehezen le�rhat� t�mak�r, igaz�b�l csak k�r�l �rni lehet. Sz�val min�l t�bb a k�rd�s ann�l pontosabb az �lm�ny le�r�s. Viszont a t�l sok k�rd�s arra �szt�n�zheti az embert, hogy elsiesse a dolgot. Sz�val �gy gondolom ennyi k�rd�s bőven elegendő, legal�bb is sz�momra.