Marcos A's Experiences
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My experience is not the most usual one. In order to give you an idea of it, I have had intuitions about things since my childhood. In the period of childhood and puberty I had a strong psychic perception. I remember that as a boy, when I saw people as I walked in the street, I knew them, what their secrets were, and I always knew when they were lying or telling the truth.

Apart from this, like many people after having an NDE, from childhood and before the experience, "flashes" came to me, at least that's what I call them. These were images which came into my mind and lasted only a second, always coming when least I expected them and although they lasted such a short moment, I could see quite easily and in detail everything which was being shown to me (only those who have experienced this will understand).

In addition, I also had experiences with spirits. Since I was a boy I've had the faculty of sensing when there is a presence in a place, and when there is not. It was not only spirits, for example when my sister came up behind me to surprise me, and I could not hear her, I could always sense her there, and I always frustrated her plan to startle me. I can only describe this as being as if the air has been stolen from me, that is, when there is another person with me in the room I can easily sense it because it is as if they are stealing my air. I cannot explain this any better, anyway, I always felt presences with a sensation in the chest. This is something that runs in my family, since my grandmother and my cousin are also quite perceptive. My grandmother had bought a flat in the city, and I always knew that there was a "lady" there who spent her time moving objects about.

Before I was born, my grandmother had paranormal experiences in that house. Things were moved about and for a while she could hear scratching sounds in the wardrobe, but when it was opened up, there was nothing there. (She and the rest of her family all heard it.) The fact is that in this house my cousin saw a woman in his bedroom one night, and from that moment he never went back to stay in the house.

Lateer I was born, and I certainly sensed it in a more powerful form. I remember one day when I was about 13, I went to my grandmother's house. I came from school and there was no one home.

I remember that no sooner had I entered than I stopped in my tracks. I don't know how to explain it, but I felt someone there with me, but in a powerful and faceless form. The temperature was colder than outside, and there was something there which filled the entire entrance hall. I stayed quite still in the entrance and looked all around me but could see no one. I remember that, without knowing about the incident with the wardrobe, I entered that room. Without knowing what had happened there, I felt in this more confined space that the presence was far stronger. So, quite scared, I ran from the house and waited for my grandmother on the steps of the building.

Another example involving that house, which was  very important in my life, happened one morning when I was also 13, eating breakfast, getting ready to go to school. I was late, for a change, and my grandmother was pressing me, saying the lift was already waiting. She put my uniform on a chair in the kitchen and when I finished breakfast, I got up, went to the chair to take my pants and get dressed. Just at this moment, as I bent forward, I felt a great pressure around my waist. I was paralysed with fear, as I realised that the stronger the pressure got, the more clearly I felt the hand of a person there. My body was a slab of solid cement, as always when I had these sort of experiences my reaction was not to run or cry out or anything like that, but to be paralysed with fear.

What happened was that my mind speeded up, heaps of thoughts came to me at the same time, and meanwhile I was not able to concentrate on any one of them. For this reason I would say that I was partly blanked out.

I remember thinking that this thing can touch me, that is to say, if I run out of the kitchen it can shut the door against me or touch me again, pull my hair or even throw a knife at me because I'm in the kitchen. I remember that knowing that it could affect physical things meant that if I ran away and made it angry it would be able to touch me again or attack me.

So all I could do was go away, turning very  very slowly, making no sudden gestures to avoid angering this thing, and trying to see who was the person who had touched me. There was no one there, but I still could feel that I was face-to-face with a person. What's more, I knew at that moment that it did not touch me to ask me for help or anything of that sort; I felt that it had done it with the sole purpose of alarming me and I could feel that it was a woman, even without seeing her.

Years later, I discovered that my cousin saw "a woman", so my suspicion was confirmed.

I've had other experiences with spirits, seeing and hearing them, but I don't want to go on about this, I will pass on to the experience which I wanted to describe here.

OK, the last thing, in addition to all this was my dreams, which is where I had this experience. My dreams as a child and teenager were not simple dreams. Often I dreamed of concepts, objects, names, people I did not  even know, then days later I would discover that those things I had dreamed about existed, or happened (premonitory dreams). My grandmother too has had them. When she was 18, she dreamed about a man she did not know, nor had ever seen, then days later she met him in line at a store. These things always scared  her, so she left the shop without paying, she was so scared to see the man in her dream.

The fact is I not only dream about things which will happen, but also things which have happened already, but I don't take account of these (past) things.

To fill in the picture, I was living in a house in the country from the age of 3, until 15, and every night, I had a repetitive dream about some children who lived there in the year 1890. The dreams were not just repeated, but connected, that is to say, in one dream I found the bodies of these children dressed  in clothes of the period, and buried under some stones which were in that area. In a further dream a farmer who had a shotgun was puruing me and in this dream I knew that this man was after me  because in the previous dream I had found the bodies which he had buried there, in other words it was he who had murdered the children (a long story). As well as these dreams, in that house in the country things moved in front of my eyes, such as my grandmother's rings, which I first found on the ground (when she had put them on top of the furniture), then one day I saw one of these rings falling by itself to the ground, among other objects which were rolling out of place.

Now that I've explained how my dreams are sometimes - hard to express this - messages or signals, or things which have nothing to do with interpretations of my unconscious, I am going to describe the experience.

I was 16. I lay down to sleep and was then living in a house which was fairly old, I think that by now it is about ninety-odd years old.

Just for a change, in this house I also experienced things, and so did others who went there!

I will relate the dream:

I was in a commercial district, where I met up with a boy who happened to have the same name as me. He had not seen me and I began to follow him.

In the dream it was Christmas, though in reality it was May.

I followed him and followed him, through the alleys of the shopping centre, until suddenly he stopped in front of a Christmas tree,   ( which only had large yellow light-bulbs on it) and then he vanished before my eyes.

I thought "Where has he gone?" and a voice in my mind (never in spoken words, always in the mind) said:

"If you want to go where your friend is you have to think you do not exist".

I was puzzled, since I could not see this man (since it was a masculine voice) who was speaking telepathically to me. Still I paid attention, my curiosity being stronger than my distrust.

I thought, with my eyes tightly closed:  "I do not exist, I do not exist" and for a second I managed even to believe it myself.

At this exact moment I opened my eyes and began to se the lights of the Christmas decorations starting to shine in a very intense way. The light expanded to fill the whole area of the shopping centre, and even though it was so bright it did not dazzle me in any way.

I remember that at no time did I move towards it, the light expanded and came nearer and nearer to me, begane to envelop me and then I found myself floating within it.

I can give a description of this light, it is not light, it is energy. I knew this when I found myself inside it. I can try and give a comparison to clarify this. Once inside this light, it was experienced not as liquid or gas, just energy, as I said before.

If you want an idea of how I saw it, I would say that if you look at the surface of a road at a distance on a hot day, that sensation that there is something seeming to move (the optical illusion produced by the heat), that is more or less how it was. That is, not liquid, but definitely energy.

I have no words to describe the sensations and emotions I felt in that place. The word "peace" is what most resembles what I felt, though I am still aware that this word falls short of the concept of what is felt there. It is a total plenitude, infinite happiness, peace impossible to feel here on earth. I remember that I smiled with all my being, I could not stop smiling, as never, even in glimpses, had I felt such an intensity of happiness. I remember looking down and seeing myself floating in that place.

I looked and looked everywhere, but saw neither my friend, nor anyone else. But after some moments, the same voice spoke again to my mind. It said, "To return, you must think that you exist." I remember hearing this in my mind, but I felt his presence above me.

I was so happy there... but I did not want to disobey, so I thought "I do exist, I do exist" and I returned to earth (in the dream).

On my return the Earth was completely in ruins, destroyed, and all that feeling of peace and indescribable, infinite happiness turned to fear and anguish.

I saw a man there, and I asked "What has happened?" and he replied:  "Jupiter has destroyed the Earth".

That was the whole dream. Then I woke up and the first thing I felt on waking was rage, I did not want to return here. Up there I was going through a delicate experience, and this world I felt as hostile, hard, full of suffering, and when I saw that I had returned again I became very angry. But I did feel fortunate to have felt what I suppose very few people have managed to feel without having to die first. I felt lucky because that man, that voice, which I know to be my spiritual guide, or spirit of light, as I also call him, showed me that place. My connection since childhood with that other side allowed me to see that wonderful place which others have seen after suffering a near-death experience.

When I went down to the kitchen I said to my grandmother: "Grandmother, last night I was in heaven." She, who has a fear of all such things, looked at me with a face which said "I don't want to know about it", and she said nothing more.

Years later I discovered in a documentary that meteorites destroyed the dinosaurs, as a result of Jupiter passing too close to the asteroid belt, causing the them to divert towards the Earth.

Could this be a sign that the same thing will happen again? Because at the beginning I did not know this about Jupiter, so OK, who knows, sometimes in dreams messages appear which seem very symbolic, everything depends on whether you are perceptive enough and know how to decipher what has been shown you.

This change of perception which may people undergo after  NDEs, I experienced from childhood. That is, that connection which people who suffer these experiences feel, I have always felt and even now go on feeling.

Now that I am grown up my perceptions have reduced, but anyway, it has been a pleasure to share my experience with you all.

Warmest greetings


In Spanish

Mi experiencia no es la m�s usual de todas.

Para que podais haceros una idea, yo desde ni�o siempre he sentido cosas.

En ese tiempo de ni�ez y pubertad ten�a una gran percepci�n ps�quica.

Recuerdo que de ni�o cuando caminaba por la calle y ve�a a las personas yo ya sab�a como eran, que secretos guardaban y siempre sab�a cuando me mentian o decian la verdad.

Aparte de esto como muchas personas tras tener una ECM, a mi desde ni�o y antes de la experiencia me ven�an ''flashes'', o al menos as� los llamo yo. Son unas im�genes que me ven�an a la mente y que duraban solamente un segundo, siempre llegaban cuando menos me lo esperaba y aunque duraban tan poco, pod�a ver con todo lujo de detalles todo lo que se me mostraba, (solo las personas que lo hallan pasado podr�n entenderme).

Aparte de todo esto, tambi�n ten�a experiencias con los esp�ritus. Desde ni�o siempre he tenido la facultad de percibir cuando hay una presencia en un lugar y cuando no. No solo me pasaba con esp�ritus, por ejemplo, cuando mi hermana ven�a detr�s de m� para asustarme y yo no la o�a, pero pod�a sentirla y siempre le fastidiaba el susto que quer�a darme. Solo puedo explicarlo diciendo que es como si me robaran el aire, es decir, cuando hay otra persona conmigo en una habitaci�n lo siento f�cilmente porque es como si me robara el aire a m�, no s� explicarlo mejor, de todas formas, siempre sent�a las presencias con una sensaci�n en el pecho.

Esto a m� me viene de familia, pues mi abuela y mi primo son tambi�n bastantes perceptivos. Mi abuela hab�a comprado un piso en la ciudad y yo siempre supe que all� habia ''una se�ora'' que se dedicaba a mover las cosas de lugar.

Antes de yo nacer, mi abuela ten�a experiencias de tipo paranormal en aquella casa. Se le mov�an las cosas de sitio y durante un tiempo o�a aru�azos dentro del armario, y una vez desarmado alli no habia nada (lo o�a ella y el resto de su familia).

El caso es que mi primo en esa casa vi� una mujer en su habitaci�n una noche y desde ese momento no volvi� a quedarse nunca m�s en aquella casa.

Luego nac� yo, y yo si lo sent�a de una forma m�s fuerte.

Recuerdo un d�a con 13 a�os, que entr� en casa de mi abuela. Yo ven�a del colegio y no hab�a nadie en la casa.

Recuerdo que nada m�s entrar me par� en seco. No s� como explicarlo, pero all� conmigo pod�a sentir a alguien, pero de una forma muy fuerte y descarada, la temperatura era m�s fr�a que fuera y all� hab�a algo que llenaba toda la sala del hall. Yo quieto en la entrada miraba a todos lados y no ve�a a nadie.

Recuerdo que sin saber lo que le pas� a mi abuela con el armario, entr� en esa habitaci�n sin ser consciente de lo que ocurri� alli y all� al ser un espacio m�s peque�o pod�a sentir esa presencia mucho m�s fuerte. As� que medio asustado me largu� de la casa y esper� a mi abuela en las escaleras del edificio.

Otro ejemplo de esa casa muy importante en mi vida fu� una ma�ana con 13 a�os tambi�n que estaba desayunando, listo para ir al colegio.

Llegaba tarde para variar, y mi abuela me apresuraba y me dec�a que el ascensor ya estaba listo. Ella me pon�a el uniforme en una de las sillas de la cocina y yo tras terminar de desayunar, me levant�, me dirig� a la silla a coger mi pantal�n para vestirme y justo en ese momento que me inclin� hacia delante sent� una gran presi�n en la cintura. Yo me qued� paralizado del miedo porque me daba cuenta que a medida que esa presi�n se iba haciendo m�s fuerte iba sintiendo perfectamente la mano de una persona. Mi cuerpo era un trozo de cemento s�lido, porque siempre que me ocurr�an este tipo de cosas mi reacci�n no era correr ni gritar ni nada de eso, sino paralizarme del miedo.

El caso fu� que mi mente estaba acelerada, me ven�an montones de pensamientos al mismo tiempo y a la vez no era capaz de centrarme en ninguna de ellas, por eso digo que en parte estaba en blanco.

Recuerdo que pens�, esta cosa me puede tocar, es decir, que si salgo corriendo de la cocina puede cerrarme la puerta o volverme a tocar, tirarme del pelo, o incluso lanzarme un cuchillo porque estoy en la cocina. Recuerdo que el saber yo que pod�a tocar cosas fisicas podr�a hacer que si sal�a corriendo y lo hac�a enfadar ser�a posible que volviera a tocarme o a agredirme.

As� que lo �nico que pude hacer es irme girando muy muy lentamente, haciendo gestos pausados intentando no enfadar a aquella cosa y ver quien era la persona que me hab�a tocado. All� no hab�a nadie, pero sin embargo pod�a sentir que estaba cara a cara con una persona. Es m�s, supe en ese momento que no me toc� para pedirme ayuda ni nada por el estilo; sent� que lo hab�a echo literalmente para asustarme y pude sentir que era una mujer, a�n sin verla.

A�os m�s tarde, descubr� que mi primo vi� a ''una mujer'', as� que mi sospecha era acertada.

He tenido m�s experiencias con los espiritus, los he visto y he o�do, pero no quiero extenderme, pasar� a la experiencia que me ha tra�do a escribir aqu�.

Bueno, por �ltimo adem�s de todo esto estaban los sue�os, qu� es donde yo tuve la experiencia.

Mis sue�os en la ni�ez y en la adolescencia, no eran simples sue�os.

Muchas veces so�aba con conceptos, objetos, nombres, personas que ni conoc�a y d�as m�s tarde descubr�a que esas cosas que yo so�aban exist�an o sucesos que luego ocurr�an (sue�os premonitorios). Mi abuela tambi�n los ha tenido. Ella so�� con un hombre a los 18 a�os que no conoc�a, ni jam�s hab�a visto y d�as m�s tarde se lo encontr� en la cola de una tienda. La pobre siempre le di� miedo todo esto y sali� sin comprar de la tienda del espanto que sinti� al ver al hombre de su sue�o.

El caso es que no solo so�aba con cosas que luego pasaban, sino con cosas que han pasado, pero que yo no tengo conocimiento de ello (de cosas pasadas).

Para que se hagan una idea, yo estuve viviendo en una casa de campo desde los 3 a�os, hasta los 15 y ''cada noche'' ten�a un sue�o repetitivo con unos ni�os que vivieron all� por el a�o 1890. No solo eran sue�os repetitivos, sino que se enlazaban, es decir, en un sue�o yo encontraba los cuerpos de esos ni�os con ropa de �poca enterrados bajo unas piedras que hab�an por all�. En el sue�o posterior un granjero que pose�a una escopeta me persegu�a y yo en ese sue�o sab�a que ese hombre me persegu�a porque en el sue�o anterior yo hab�a descubierto los cuerpos que ese hombre hab�a enterrado all�, es decir, que era el que hab�a matado a esos ni�os (una larga historia). Aparte de esos sue�os, en esa casa de campo las cosas se mov�an delante de mis narices, como los anillos de mi abuela, que al principio los encontrabamos en el suelo (y ella los habia puesto encima del mueble), hasta que un d�a vi como uno de los anillos ca�a solo al suelo, entre otros objetos que se rodaban de lugar.

Tras explicar el por qu� mis sue�os a veces son...como decirlo...mensajes o se�ales o cosas que no tienen nada que ver con interpretaciones de mi mente voy a explicar la experiencia.

Ten�a 16 a�os. Me acost� a dormir y viv�a en una casa que se era bastante antigua, creo que ahora mismo tiene unos noventa y pico a�os. Para variar en esa casa tambi�n me ocurr�an cosas, tanto a mi como a otras personas que iban a la casa.

Relato el sue�o:

Yo estaba en un centro comercial. Y me encuentro con un ni�o que casualmente se llama como yo. �l no me hab�a visto y yo me puse a seguirlo.

En el sue�o era Navidad (pero en la realidad era Mayo).

Lo segu� y segu� por los pasillos del centro comercial hasta que de repente se plant� delante de un �rbol de navidad (que solo conten�a bombillas amarillas y grandes) y se desvaneci� delante de mis narices.

Yo pens� �a d�nde ha ido? Y una voz en mi mente (jam�s por comunicaci�n oral, sino mental), me dijo:

- Si quieres ir a donde est� tu amigo tienes que pensar que ''no existes''.

Yo me extra��, pues no ve�a a ese se�or (porque era una voz masculina), que me estaba hablando mentalmente, pero a�n as� le hice caso, era m�s mi intriga que mi desconfianza.

Pens� con los ojos fuertemente cerrados, no existo, no existo y por un segundo llegu� incluso a cre�rmelo.

En ese justo momento abr� los ojos y empec� a ver como las luces de los bombillos de navidad empezaban a brillar de una forma muy intensa. La luz se expand�a por todo el espacio del centro comercial y a�n siendo tan intensa no me deslumbraba en absoluto.

Recuerdo que yo jam�s me dirig� hacia ella, la luz se expand�a y se iba acercando a m�, empez� a envolverme alrededor y luego qued� flotando dentro de ella.

Puedo describir c�mo es esa ''luz'', no es luz, es energ�a. Lo supe cuando qued� dentro de �sta.

Puedo hacer una comparaci�n para que os hagais una idea. Esta luz una vez estando dentro, no era ni l�quida ni gaseosa, era como he dicho antes energ�a.

Para que pod�is saber m�s o menos como la vi, os dir� que si mir�is al borde de una carretera a lo lejos en un d�a de calor, esa sensacion de que hay algo como en movimiento (el fen�meno �ptico que produce el calor), pues era m�s o menos as�. Es decir no era l�quido, pero s� energ�a.

Lo que no tengo son palabras para describir las sensaciones y sentimientos que sent� en aquel lugar.

La palabra paz es la que m�s asemejo a lo que sent�, aunque sigo sintiendo que esa palabra se queda corta al concepto que uno siente alli.

Era una plenitud total, una felicidad infinita, una paz que es imposible sentir aqu� en la Tierra. Recuerdo que sonre� con todas mis fuerzas, no pod�a parar de sonre�r, porque jam�s ni por asomo hab�a sentido tal cantidad de felicidad. Recuerdo mirar hacia abajo y verme flotando en aquel lugar.

Mir� y mir� a todas partes y no v� ni a mi amigo, ni a nadie m�s.

Pero pasados unos instantes, la misma voz volvi� a hablarme mentalmente.

Me dijo, para volver, tienes que pensar que s� existes.

Recuerdo que lo o�a en mi mente, pero sent�a su presencia por encima de mi.

Estaba tan feliz alli...pero no quise desobedecer, pens�, si existo, si existo y volv� a la Tierra (en el sue�o).

Cuando llegu� la Tierra estaba totalmente derruida, como destru�a y todo ese sentimiento de paz y felicidad indescriptible e infinito se volvi� en temor y angustia.

Vi un se�or por all� y le pregunt�, �qu� ha pasado? y me dijo, ''J�piter ha destru�do la Tierra''.

Es lo �nico que so��. Luego despert� y lo primero que sent� al despertar fue rabia, no quer�a regresar a aqu�, encima estaba pasando un momento delicado y este mundo lo sent�a hostil, duro, lleno de sufrimiento, y cuando v� que hab�a vuelto de nuevo me enfad� much�simo, pero me sent� afortunado de sentir lo que supongo yo, muy poca gente ha conseguido sentir sin tener que morir primero. Me sent� afortunado porque ese se�or, esa voz, que yo s� que fu� mi gu�a espiritual o esp�ritu de la luz como tambi�n llamo, me mostr� ese lugar, mi conexi�n que desde ni�o he tenido con ese otro lado me permiti� ver ese lugar maravilloso que otros han visto tras sufrir una experiencia cercana a la muerte.

Cuando baj� a la cocina le dije a mi abuela - abuela, anoche estuve en el cielo-. Ella que le teme a todo esto me mir� con cara de -no quiero saber nada-y no dije nada m�s.

A�os m�s tarde descubr� en un documental que los meteoritos que destruyeron a los dinosaurios, cayeron debido a que ''J�piter'' pas� demasiado cerca al cintur�n de asteroides e hizo que se desviaran a la Tierra.

�Ser� una se�al eso de que ocurrir� lo mismo? Porque al comienzo no entend�a eso de J�piter, pero bueno, quien sabe, a veces en los sue�os se mezclan mensajes como cosas muy simb�licas, eso depende de si eres suficientemente perceptivo y si sabes como descifrar lo que se te muestra.

Ese cambio de percepci�n que muchas personas sienten despues de una ecm, yo ya la sent�a desde ni�o. Es decir, que yo esa ''conexi�n'' que sienten las personas que sufren estas experiencias yo ya las sent�a de siempre, a�n hoy lo sigo sintiendo.

Ahora que he crecido mis percepciones son en menor grado, pero bueno, me ha gustado compartir mi experiencia con todos ustedes.

Un gran saludo. Aar�n.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words? No

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event?

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? En el momento que estuve dentro de la luz, fu� cuando mis sentidos se hicieron mas fuertes, lo ve�a todo n�tidamente y la paz me hizo sentir en total plenitud.

At the moment when I was inside the light, that is when my senses were at their keenest, I saw it all clearly and the peace made me feel in total fullness.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? Normal consciousness and alertness. At the moment when I was inside the light, that is when my senses were at their keenest, I saw it all clearly and the peace made me feel in total fullness.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)? Yes S� fue diferenete, recuerdo que ten�a varios puntos de �ngulos de visi�n, es decir, que pod�a ver al mismo tiempo distintos puntos alrededor de mi eje, no s� explicarlo, es como si viera mi parte de los pies (cuando me vi flotar), mi parte de atras y la visi�n de lo que ten�a delante, todo al mismo tiempo.

Yes, it was different, I remember that I had various points of view at the same time, that is I could see various point at the same time around my own axis, it is difficult to explain; as if I could see from my feet (when I saw myself floating) from behind, and also the vision of what I had in front of me, all at the same time.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?
Uncertain No, eso ya no lo s� con seguridad.

Pod�a o�r los pensamientos de ese se�or, pero no con los o�dos, sino con mi mente.

Uncertain. No, I do not know with certainty. I could hear the thoughts of the man, but not with the ears, only the mind.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body? No

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Paz, felicidad, plenitud. Pero que por mucho que yo lo ponga con estas palabras, ya digo que se quedan muy muy lejanas a lo que verdaderamente sent�.

Sumadle a esos sentimientos la palabra infinito.

Peace, happiness, fullness. But however much I use these words, I have to repeat that they remain very very far from what I really felt. One must add to these feelings the word "infinite".

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure?
Yes S�, en un centro comercial, si es que eso cuenta.

Yes , a shopping centre, if that is what this means.

Did you see a light? Yes

Did you meet or see any other beings? Uncertain No lo v� y personalmente no lo conoc�, pero sent� su presencia, que aunque no estaba visible, yo sab�a que hab�a estado conmigo durante toda la experiencia.

Uncertain. I did not see him personally and did not know him, but felt his presence, which although it was not visible, I knew had been with me throughout the experience.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life? Yes Como ya dije, yo no soy una persona que tiene experiencias muy comunes. No v� en esa luz ni durante la experiencia im�genes en diapositivas de toda mi vida.

Pero cuando ten�a 4 a�os, me ocurri�, yendo de mano con mi abuela.

�Recordais los flashes que dije que ten�a de siempre? Bueno las personas que hallan tenido una ecm y hallan visto su vida pasar ante sus narices, as� es como yo los he tenido, solo que yo los llamo flashes.

Se reconocen porque todo se vee en ''un segundo'', pero todo se vee con lujo de detalles.

El caso que cuando tenia 4 a�os, iba por la calle con mi abuela de mano a coger un autobus.

Recuerdo que cuando pas� una de las esquinas me vinieron los sucesos de mi vida a mi mente. Todo transcurri� en un segundo y recuerdo que al ser muy peque�o me qued� sorprendido, porque me asust� de la impresion de ver eso, que no ten�a nada que ver con mis pensamientos.

�Es usual que una persona viva le ocurra esto? Por eso desde el principio estoy diciendo que me ocurren desde ni�o cosas inusuales.

He visto pasar mi vida de 4 a�os, pero en esa luz no.

Yes, as I said, I'm not someone who has very ordinary experiences. I did not see in this light, nor during the experience, images or slides of my whole life. But this did happen when I was 4 and holding my grandmother's hand. Remember the flashes I said I had always had? Well, people who have had NDEs and see their lives pass before them, I have had something like it, but I call them flashes. They are recognizable because everything is seen in a second, but in the greatest detail. I was with my grandmother, holding her hand, to catch a bus. I remember that as we went round a corner, the events of my life came into my mind. Everything happened in a second and I recall that, as I was very young, I was surprised, it startled me to have these impressions, which had nothing to do with my own thoughts.

Is it usual for thes things to happen to a living person? That's why I said all along that from childhood I have unusual experiences.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later? No

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions? Yes Un lugar de energ�a, lleno de paz y felicidad. Era imposible sentir un sentimiento negativo all�.

Yes, a place of energy, full of peace and happiness. It was impossible to feel anything negative there.

Did you have any sense of altered space or time? Yes All� como dije me vi flotando y comprob� que el espacio all� no contaba, y con lo del tiempo, cuando despert� sent� que hab�a pasado poco tiempo en la luz (no s� si lleg� al minuto) y ya era de d�a, es decir, habian transcurrido horas.

Yes, as I said, I saw myself floating there ascertained that space there did not count for anything. As for time, when I awaoke I felt that I had spent a short time in the light (maybe less than a minute), yet it was already daylight, so several hours had passed.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? Yes Por supuesto.

Como he dicho, yo he sentido y comprendido todo desde un punto espiritual que no todos los de mi alrededor entend�an y me llamaban ''raro''.

Despu�s de la experiencia solo pude corroborar que lo que ya sent�a y sab�a era cierto y no solo eso, todos los seres humanos siempre y digo siempre estamos en el punto de mira de esos espiritus o seres que nos encontramos en la luz. Los que pasan las experiencias cercana a la muerte lo sienten tras la experiencia, yo es algo que ya sentia desde antes.

Yes, of course. As I said, I have felt and understood everything from a spiritual standpoint, which not everyone around me understood, so they treated me as an oddity.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? No

Did you become aware of future events? No

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience? Yes Desde que nac�. A mi me ocurri� lo contrario. A los 19 a�os (hoy d�a), mi don por llamarlo asi ha disminuido.

Yes, since I was born. To me the opposite has occurred. At 19 (now, that is) my gift, to call it that, has diminished.

Have you shared this experience with others? Yes Bueno, con la persona que lo compart� fu� con mi abuela. La misma que ten�a sue�os premonitorios, y como ella siempre ha visto algunos de fen�menos paranormales que he vivido, pues ella siempre me cree.

Se lo cont� a los 2 a�os. Antes todas mis experiencias me las guardaba por miedo al rid�culo.

La reacci�n de mi abuela fu� decir que ''era un simple sue�o'', y yo le record� que no todos mis sue�os son ''sue�os'', y ella en ese momento se di� cuenta de que era cierto porque ella misma habia tenido esos sue�os que eran mensajes.

Influenciada no, porque ella siempre ha intentado evadir estos temas, pero cuando vemos por ejemplo Entre Fantasmas (ghost whisperer) y hablan sobre la luz y la cara de paz que ponen los espiritus en la serie, me siento tan identificado que siempre hago comentarios delante de ella.

Me sorprendi� la primera vez que lo v�, como pueden reflejar eso que viv� en una serie y todo el tiempo.

Yes. In fact the person I shared it with was my grandmother. She is the same one who had premonitory dreams, and as she always has seen some paranormal phenomena which I have been through, she has always believed me. I told her about it when I was 2. Before that I kept all my experiences to myself, for fear of ridicule. My grandmother's reaction was to say it was a "simple dream", and I reminded her that all my dreams are not "dreams". She then realised that it was true, since she herself had had these dreams which were messages.

She has not been influenced, as she has always tried to avoid these subjects, but when we watch for example Ghost Whisperer, and they talk about the light and the face of peace which the spirits don in the series, I am so identified with it that I always make comments in front of her. I was surprised the first time I saw it, as they reflect what I lived through, in a series which keeps on being shown.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? Uncertain No creo que no.

Lo �nico de que si tenia conocimiento era de fenomenos paranormales de algunos de mis amigos o familiares en sus casas o historias o leyendas, cosas de ese tipo.

I believe not. The only thing I did have knowledge of was paranormal phenomena involving my friends, familiars in their houses, stories or legends, things of that sort.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened?Experience was definitely real .  Pues quer�a volver a ese lugar durante las semanas siguientes. Me sent�a afortunado por el hecho de que mis guias quisieran que viera esa realidad, ya que solo ten�a experiencias con espiritus ligados al plano fisico.

Experience was definitely real. I even wanted to return to this place in the following weeks. I felt lucky for the fact that my guides should want me to see this reality, since I only had experience of spirits tied to the physical plane.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you? Est� claro que estar dentro de la luz es algo que jam�s he o�do a nadie, siempre hay un punto de retorno, pero sin embargo yo estuve flotando en ella y es estar en un estado que ojal� aqu� existiera.

It is obvious that being inside the light is something which I have never heard anyone talk about, there is always a point of return, however I was floating in it and it is a state of being which would that it existed here!

How do you currently view the reality of your experience? Experience was definitely real Sigo sintiendo lo mismo que el primer d�a despu�s de la experiencia.

Experience was definitely real . I still feel the same about it as the first day after the experience.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? No

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? No

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience?
No. Todo est� bien explicado.

No, everything is well explained

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience? Yes Si, creo que definitivamente todo lo expliqu� tal cual sucedi�

Yes, I think definitely everything has been described just as it happened.

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience? No, todo est� bien como est�.

Lo que s� pedir�a es que alguien se comunicara conmigo a trav�s de mi correo para decirme si mi experiencia se va a publicar, o si alguien quiere entrevistarme o hacerme preguntas sobre otras cosas.

Un saludo y gracias.

No, everything is just fine as it is. What I would like to ask is if someone could communicate with me by email to tell me if my experience is going to be published, or if someone is going to interview me or question me on other things.

Thank you, sincerely.,