Kathleen's Experience
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Experience description:

I was in a kind of light/water but at the same time, it was no matter. It was blue, I was floating in it. It was warm, comfortable and there was some beautiful music. I was being prepared to what was about to come, to life. I was there for an eternity and at the same time it was only a brief moment, time didn't exist. Suddenly, I was in a dark tunnel. It was very long, ca. 50 m. I was afraid of being alone. Thanks God, a woman with long blond hair was walking in front of me, holding hand with a small blond girl. I hurried quickly after them because I was so afraid of being alone, because I didn't know where to go. They turned left at the end of the tunnel, climbing up some 5-6 stairs. I ran after them. At the end of the stairs there was a very bright light and I saw the lights of the operation theatre.

Ich war in einer Art Licht/Wasser und doch war es keine Materie. Es war blau, ich schwebte darin. Es war warm, angenehm und da war eine sch�ne Musik. Ich wurde auf das vorbereitet, was kommt, aufs Leben. Ich war eine Ewigkeit dort und doch nur kurz, Es gibt keine Zeit. Pl�tzlich war ich in einem dunklen Tunnel. Er war sehr lang, etwa 50 m. Ich hatte Angst vor dem Alleinsein. Vor mir lief Gott sei dank eine Frau, mit langen blonden Haaren, an ihrer Hand ein kleines blondes
M�dchen. Ich lief schnell hinterher, weil ich solche Angst vor dem Alleinsein hatte, weil ich nicht wusste, wo ich hin sollte. Sie gingen am Ende des Tunnels links ab eine Treppe rauf, etwa 5-6 Stufen. Ich lief hinterher. Am Ende der Treppe war ein sehr helle Licht und ich sah die OP-lichter. Aus.
Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words?  Uncertain, The light from where I came was like liquid or air, but at the same time, it was not. Time and space didn`t exist. The tunnel hat walls and at the same time it had none.
Das Licht aus dem ich kam, war wie eine Fl�ssigkeit oder Luft und doch nicht. Zeit und Raum existieren nicht. Der Tunnel hatte W�nde und doch keine.

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? I was protected, my state of consciousness was constant because of this. After the birth it decreased. 
ich wurde geborgen, mein Bewusstseinsgrad war damit konstant. Nach der Geburt wurde er niedriger.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal
If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain:   I was protected, my state of consciousness was constant. After the birth, it decreased.
ich wurde geborgen, mein  Bewusstseinsgrad war damit konstant. Nach der Geburt wurde er niedriger.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)?  No
Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?  No
Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body? Yes

What emotions did you feel during the experience?  Being protected and simultaneously, I experienced fear.
Geborgenheit und gro�e Angst

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? Yes  The tunnel was very dark, circular, without walls but at the same time, there were some walls. It was long, ca 50 m. I was afraid of being alone. Thanks God, a woman with long blond hair was walking in front of me...(story continued with the same sentences as above)
Der Tunnel war sehr dunkel, rund, ohne W�nde und doch mit  W�nden. Er war sehr lang, etwa 50 m. Ich hatte Angst vor dem Alleinsein.  Vor mir lief Gott sei dank eine Frau, mit langen blonden Haaren, an ihrer Hand ein kleines blondes M�dchen. Ich lief schnell hinterher, weil ich solche Angst vor dem Alleinsein hatte, weil ich nicht wusste, wo ich hin sollte. Sie gingen am Ende des Tunnels links ab eine Treppe rauf, etwa 5-6 Stufen. Ich lief hinterher. Am Ende der Treppe war ein sehr helle Licht und ich sah die OP-lichter. Aus.

Did you see a light? Yes The light from which I went was of a warm, fair blue that cannot be desribed.
Das Licht aus dem ich kam war in einem warmen, unbeschreiblichem hellen Blau

Did you meet or see any other beings? Yes A woman with long blond hair was walking in front of me, holding hands with a small blond girl. Both were in the tunnel. I didn't know them, I was just watching them from behind. I just followed them quickly. We didn`t talk at all. But they were mother and daughter, I was certain of this.
Vor mir lief eine Frau, mit langen blonden Haaren, an ihrer Hand ein kleines blondes  M�dchen. Beide waren im Tunnel. Ich kannte sie nicht, ich sah sie nur von hinten. Ich lief nur schnell hinterher. Gesprochen wurde mit mir nicht. Aber es waren Mutter und Tochter, das wusste ich.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life? No
Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later? No
Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions? Uncertain I guess I came from a sphere of light.
Ich vermute ich kam aus einer Lichtebene.

Did you have any sense of altered space or time? Yes I was in the light for an eternity and at the same time it was only for a short while, the tunnel had some walls and at the same time, there were none. The light was like water or air but at the same time it was different. there were no walls in the light, were I was floating, but at the same time, there was a kind of boundary.
Ich war ewig im Licht und doch nur kurz, Der Tunnel hatte W�nde und doch keine.  Das Licht war wie Wasser oder Luft und doch anders. Da gab es keine  W�nde, wo ich im "Licht" war/ schwebte und doch war eine Begrenzung da.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? Yes I knew that I was being prepared and that it had to be that way.
Ich wusste, ich wurde vorbereitet und dass es sein muss.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes The boundary was at the end of the stairs. I didn`t know about what was located behind, that it was my life because inside the tunnel, my degree of consciousness was already lower. 
Die Grenze war am Ende der Treppe. nein, ich wusste nicht, was dainter war, dass es das Leben ist, denn im Tunnel war mein Bewusstsein bereits niedriger als im Licht.

Did you become aware of future events? Uncertain It is possible that I knew about it while in the light but then, one forgets willfully! That is the game!
Es kann sein, dass ich es im Licht noch wusste, aber man vergisst absichtlich! So ist das "Spiel".

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience? Uncertain, I am synesthetic. I am experiencing numbers, music and letters in colors. I am often reached by signs from the other side ( the clock stops at the moment of death etc.). On rare occasions, I have lucid dreams. 
Ich bin Synesthetiker. Zahlen, Musik und Buchstaben haben Farben. Mich erreichen �fter Zeichen von dr�ben. (Die Uhr bleibt beim Tod stehen etc.) Selten habe ich Klartr�ume.

Have you shared this experience with others? Yes I am not sure about when I spoke about this for the first time, possibly at elementary school already.  It is possible that it helped them to believe in life after death.
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wann ich das erste Mal dar�ber gesprochen habe, das muss schon in der Grundschule, denk ich mal, gewesen sein. Keiner glaubt mir bis heute.  Kann sein, dass es ihnen geholfen hat, an ein Leben nach dem Tod zu glauben.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? Uncertain I got to know about the fact that it was an NDE at the age of 15. I hadn`t known about this subject before but always felt that we were supposed to continue living.
Ich erfuhr ungef�hr erst mit 15 Jahren, dass es eine NTE ist. Ich wusste vorher nichts dar�ber, war mir nur immer innerlich bewusst, dass wir weiterleben.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened: Experience was probably real. I cannot do this, I was a baby.
Das kann ich nicht, ich war ein Baby. 

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you? Everything was important. Who was the girl and who was the child? I will never forget about the light and the feeling, that was very different from life, this being protected, indescribable. Today, I use to panic when persons who are close to me come home late and I am alone. In these situations, I cannot breath anymore and I cannot stand upright. I then experience the feeling of emptiness and my whole body shakes. I am not afraid of dying but of the mode of dying.
Alles war wichtig. Wer war die Frau und das Kind? Das Licht werde ich nie vergessen und das Gef�hl, das war nie so im Leben wie dort, diese Geborgenheit, unbeschreiblich. Ich bekomme bis heute panische Angst, wenn Bezugspersonen sp�ter nach Hause kommen und ich alleine bin. Ich bekomme dann kaum Luft und kann nicht mehr stehen. Dann bricht in mir eine unbeschreibliche Leere aus und ich zitter am ganzen K�rper. Ich habe keine Angst vor dem Tod nur vor der Art wie ich sterbe.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience: Experience was probably real. I am very certain that it was real because I think about it nearly every day. I cannot forget about it. It is a coherent experience, not like a dream.
Ich denke es war sehr wahrscheinlich real, denn ich muss nahezu jeden Tag daran denken. Ich kann es nicht vergessen. Es ist ein zusammenh�ngendes Ereignis, nicht wie im Traum.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? No

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes   My family isn't religious and has always tried to educated me in the same way but this hasn't worked out. Deep inside, I was always conscious about that we will see each other again, particularly in situations where someone had did. It was like a inner message, a greeting.
Meine Familie ist nicht religi�s und hat versucht mich so zu erziehen, aber das ging nicht. Ich war mir innerlich immer bewusst besonders bei Todesf�llen in der Familie, das wir uns wieder sehen, es war wie eine innere Botschaft, ein Gru�.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience? Yes  I often receive signs from the other side. Mostly from my father. When I wish for such a sign, that something reminds me of him, he sometimes gives me one. When I have drunk a little, I sometimes experience telepathic communication and I think that on one occasion, I had an OBE.
Ich bekomme �fter Zeichen von dr�ben. Vor allem von meinem Vater. Wenn ich mir ein Zeichen w�nsche, dass mich an ihn erinnert, gibt er es mir. Wenn ich was getrunken habe, bin ich manchmal zu Telepathie in der Lage und einmal glaube ich, hatte ich eine AKE.

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience? Such feeling doesn't exist here and such a sense of peace doesn't exist here as well. We should take life as it comes, that is the "game" and everyone of us plays his part and then, we play a different part. That is of immense importance.
Solche Gef�hle gibt es hier nicht, nicht so einen Frieden. Man sollte das Leben nehmen, wie es kommt, das ist das "Spiel" und jeder von uns �bernimmt eine Rolle darin und danach �bernehmen wir eine andere. Das ist von hoher Bedeutung.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience?
Yes I tried to answer to my best knowledge.
Ich habe versucht, das nach bestem Wissen widerzugeben.