Flora A's Experience
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Experience description:

It was a stupid accident, I fell and dislocated my elbow. The emergency service took me to a clinic which made its money by keeping patients longer than necessary, which I did not know at the time. The anaesthetist told me he would give me a light anaesthetic and I would be out for 20 minutes. It was then 3 in the afternoon on a Sunday. I woke up when it was midday Monday, as an in-patient. It was while I was waking that I had the experience, which could have been an NDE, I don't know if my life was at risk or not, I was alone, nobody questioned anything, so I don't know what really happened nor did I ask for explanations afterwards, I just paid for my stay and went off quite happy for the beautiful experience, happy and in peace. The tunnel was formed by luminous bucket-shaped forms, linked into each other and at the other end a powerful light could be seen, but which did not dazzle. I moved toward the light and next to me were my deceased parents accompanying me with their presence, I could just feel that they were with me. On one side of the tunnel I saw my brother and his wife, who are still alive, and I said to them, "It's beautiful here, papa and mama are with me. On reaching the end of the passageway Jesus was waiting for me, dressed in shining white, and with infinite tenderness he stretched out his hand for me to cross to the other side, but I said to him "I can't. My daughter needs me, she is still very small and she only has me to care for her." Then I felt my thumb sticking out of the plaster cast and heard my daughter's voice, who had come with a neighbour and was talking to her. Soon I was awake with a feeling of peace and love such as I had never felt before, and this lasted several days. The experience was important in my life, as many things changed as a result of it. I believe I became more human, more tender-hearted.


Un accidente tonto, me cai y me saque el codo. Emergencia me llevo a una clinica donde se lucraba internendo a los pacientes sin ser necesario, yo no lo sabia entonces,el anestecista me dijo que aplicaria un poco de anestecia y que dormiria 20 minutos. Eran las tres de la tarde de un dia domingo. Me desperte al mediodia del lunes intarnada, y fue en el despertar que tuve la experiencia que pudo haber sido un ECM, no se si mi vida corrio o no peligro, estaba sola, nadie cuestiono nada,por lo tanto no se que paso en realidad, tampoco yo pedi explicaciones despues, solo abone la internacion y me fui contentisima por la hermosa experiencia vivida. Venia flotando por un tunel, no caminaba ni volaba, solo avanzaba flotando, no sentia mi cuerpo, creo que no lo tenia, iba contenta y en paz, el tunel estaba formado por cubos luminosos engarzados unos con otros y al final se veia una luz potente pero no encandilaba, me dirigia a la luz y junto a mi estaban mis padres ya fallecidos que me acompa�aban con su presencia, solo senti que ellos estaban conmigo, a un costado del tunel vi a mi hermano y su esposa, que aun viven, y le dije, aqui es hermoso, papa y mama estan conmigo.Al llegar al final del pasillo Jesus me estaba esperando, vestido de blanco resplandeciente y con infinita ternura me tendio la mano para que cruzara hacia el otro lado, pero yo le dije, no puedo, mi hija me necesita, aun es muy peque�a y solo estoy yo para cuidarla. Entonces senti, el dedo gordo de la mano que sobresalia del yeso y escuche la vos de mi hija que con una vecina habia venido y hablaban, de poco me fui despertando con una sensacion de paz y amor como nunca la habia tenido y que me duro varios dias. Esa experiencia fue importante en mi vida dado que muchas cosas cambiaron a partir de ella, creo que me volvi mas humana, mas tierna. Flora

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words? No ninguna

No, not at all

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? No

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness? Al decir no a Jesus. Me gustaba estar alli, pero el amor de madre pudo mas

Saying no to Jesus. I enjoyed being there, but my love as a mother was stronger than that.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal

If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain: Al decir no a Jesus. Me gustaba estar alli, pero el amor de madre pudo mas

Saying no to Jesus. I enjoyed being there, but my love as a mother was stronger than that.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)? Yes La luz era muy potente pero no encandilaba, tenia un brillo especial como que irradiaba, ademas de luz, paz y amor. Una paz que nunca habia sentido y un amor que me envolvia

Yes. The light was very powerful but not dazzling, it had a special glow, as if radiating peace and love, as well as light. A peace such as I had never felt, and a love which surrounded me.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)?Yes Si, mi hermano estaba lejos, a un costado del tunel y se que me escucho. No se si oir era la forma o habia otra manera de comunicacion. Creo que era telepatia o algo asi

Yes. My brother was far off, on one side of the tunnel, and I know he heard me. I don't know if hearing was the form, or some other way of communicating. I think it was telepathy or something like that.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body? Yes

What emotions did you feel during the experience? alegria, paz, amor

Joy, peace, love.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? Yes flotaba recorriendo el tunel

Yes I was floating along the tunnel.

Did you see a light? Yes Me rodeaba y ademas la veia en el fondo del tunel y hacia ella iba

Yes. It surrounded me and also I could see it at the end of the tunnel and I was moving towards it.

Did you meet or see any other beings? Yes Mis padres muertos me acompa�aban, mi hermano y su esposa me veian desde el costado del tunel y les hable, se que me escucharon o comprendieron,pero no hubo respuesta

Yes. My deceased parents accompanied me, my brother and his wife were watching me from the side of the tunnel and I spoke to them. I know they heard me or understood, but I had no reply (from them).

Did you experience a review of past events in your life? No

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later? No

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions? Uncertain solo el tunel

Uncertain, just the tunnel.

Did you have any sense of altered space or time? Yes si, era un lugar diferente, nunca habia estado en un tunel y el tiempo otro, no se como pero no era ni de dia, ni de noche. La luz no era del sol, era o provenia del final del tunel de la misma presencia divina.

Yes. It was a different place, I had never been in a tunnel, and time was also different, I don't know how, but it was neither day or night. The light was not from the sun, it was at, or came from, the other end of the tunnel, from the divine presence itself.

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? Yes si, el valor del amor

Yes, the value of love.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? Yes si al llegar al final del tunel, era el limite. De alli se pasaba a... no se donde, creo que otra dimension

Yes. When I got to the end of the tunnel it was the limit. From there it went on to... I don't know where, I believe another dimension.

Did you become aware of future events? No

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience?

Have you shared this experience with others? Yes la conte muchas veces, algunos creyeron otros no tanto. No se si les influyo o no. Use la experiencia para escribir cuentos ya que me gusta la literatura y esos cuentos gustan, a quienes se los he leido, los escucharon con atension y hasta emocion.

Yes. I shared it many times, some people believed me and others not so much. I don't know if I had any influence or not. I used the experience to write stories, as I like literature, and the stories were well received by those who have read them. They listened with attention, and even emotion.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? Yes Varias veces, al querer dormir, he sentido que algo queria escapar de mi cuerpo como que se despegaba de mi y subia, yo peleaba por que no se fuera, trataba de retener ese algo que queria salirse de mi, ya conciente, completamente despierta, tiraba de eso para abajo, siempre gane. En un principio me daba miedo, luego me dejaba una gran paz. Eso me paso antes y despues de la experiencia en varias oportunidades.

Yes. Several times, trying to sleep, I have felt that something wanted to escape from my body, as if coming loose from me and rising up. I struggled to stop it leaving, tried to keep hold of this something which wanted to separate from me, still conscious, completely awake. I hung on from below, and always overcame it. At first this scared me, then later left me with a great peace. This happened both before and after the experience on various occasions.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real la experiencia fue real, la vivi y aun 22 a�os mas tarde, la recuerdo con nitidez, lo que no se si es un ECM por que no creo haber estado muerta

Experience was definitely real, I lived through it and even 22 years later I recall it quite clearly. What I don't know is whether it is and NDE, as I don't think that I was in a dead state.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you? Si, decir que no a Jesus fue muy significativo por mucho tiempo me acompa�o esa sensacion, como que fui rebelde, pero de solo imaginar que mi hija quedaba sola, justifica esa rebeldia.

Yes. Saying not to Jesus was very significant. For a long time I was aware of the feeling that I was rebellious, but just to think that my daughter would be alone justifies my rebellion.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience? Experience was definitely real por que aun lo siento como algo vivido y propio, mio

Experience was definitely real, because I still feel it as something lived through and which is my own.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes si, me siento mas segura, me agrego ternura y entendimiento

Yes, I feel more secure, with growing compassion and understanding.

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes no mucho, era y soy una persona de fe cristiana, no muy practica en cuanto concurrencia a la iglesia, pero se de oracion

Yes. Not a lot, I was and I remain a person of Christian faith, not very practising in the sense of church attendance, but I do know about prayer.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience? que fue buena, muy positiva

It was good, very positive.

Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience? Yes fue lo que vivi

Yes. This is what I went through.

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience? creo que esta bien. No se me ocerre como mejorar nada

I think it is fine. I can't think of any improvements.