Felipe G's Experience
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Experience description:

I think it is important to mention that when I was a few months old I became ill and was hospitalized, until the doctors decided I could not be cured and sent me home to my family untreated.  I was baptized hurriedly and then somehow I recovered.

I was studying for high-school graduation and practicing basketball about 5 hours a day, Monday to Friday. On two occasions the same thing happened to me, the first time it was fleeting and I awoke without effort, thinking it had been a dream. Just about a week later it happened again, as I will relate:

I was in the living-room of my house and, feeling extremely tired, I fell asleep (was it sleep?) on the couch. Suddenly I could see my body on the couch, surrounded by a golden shining light. I could see everything in the living-room but also with the same light, or shining quality around it, as if my perception of colour had been modified and now I could see a light. I realized that I had no body, no eyes,  no ears, but nevertheless with a feeling of being a powerful being, joined to the universe and able to achieve anything simply by desiring it, even perhaps travelling to a different place.  I saw some trophies which were on a bookshelf and I was about to take one and move it, but then I was scared by something inside me which said that if I continued away from my body I would never wake up again.  With a great effort, (I remember feeling my body's heaviness), I began to move one finger on one hand, and I continued the effort until I could move my hand. I remember feeling that I was not breathing, moved my arm, little by little, then my body and almost dragging myself I went to the kitchen where my older brother was, asking him not to let me fall asleep and telling him about what had happened to me.    It has never happened again but I see and feel presences which few people do feel and I've had dreams where I see a person dressed as a monk in a lighted room, a light that does not hurt the eyes, but rather is pure and comforting. This person has told me about future situations, and up to now this has been 100% accurate, such as the date my first daughter would be born, and this was before my wife and I even knew there was a baby on the way; or, the death of a patient symbolized by my own son etc.

Was the kind of experience difficult to express in words? Yes La Percepci�n de incorporeidad y aumento de los sentidos.

Yes, the perception of the bodiless state and intensification of the senses.

At the time of this experience, was there an associated life threatening event? Yes Sensaci�n de Miedo, ya que si continuaba algo me decia que no volver�a a despertar.

Yes, a feeling of fear, as if I continued I was told I would not wake up again.

At what time during the experience were you at your highest level of consciousness and alertness?
Toda la Experiencia, m�s bien se�alar�a el volver como extremadamente dificil.

Yes. The whole experience, but I would mention the return as extremely difficult.

How did your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience compare to your normal every day consciousness and alertness? More consciousness and alertness than normal

If your highest level of consciousness and alertness during the experience was different from your normal every day consciousness and alertness, please explain: Toda la Experiencia, m�s bien se�alar�a el volver como extremadamente dificil.

Yes. The whole experience, but I would mention the return as extremely difficult.

Did your vision differ in any way from your normal, everyday vision (in any aspect, such as clarity, field of vision, colors, brightness, depth perception degree of solidness/transparency of objects, etc.)? Yes como si la visi�n cromatica (de los colores) hubiera cambiado por una visi�n de espectros luminosos.

Yes. As if chromatic vision (of colors) had changed for vision of luminous spirits.

Did your hearing differ in any way from your normal, everyday hearing (in any aspect, such as clarity, ability to recognize source of sound, pitch, loudness, etc.)? Uncertain Incierto porque no hab�a ruido en el lugar, todo se manten�a en silencio y no percibi ningun ruido agregado.

Uncertain, as there was no noise in the place, everything went on in silence and I was not aware of any added sound.

Did you experience a separation of your consciousness from your body? Yes

What emotions did you feel during the experience? Paz, Tranquilidad, Poder, Curiosidad y Finalmente Miedo a Morir.

Peace, tranquility, power, curiosity and finally fear of dying.

Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? No

Did you see a light? Yes Solamente una sensaci�n de Luminosidad Extrema presente en todos los lugares y alrededor de la mayor�a de objetos (no en todos).

Yes. Just a sensation of extreme luminosity present everywhere and around the majority of objects (not all of them).

Did you meet or see any other beings? Uncertain Creo que la voz interior que me decia que si movia algun objeto no volver�a era la misma que 9 o 10 a�os despu�s comenzo ha transmitirme en algunas ocasiones durante el sue�o mensajes de situaciones futuras que se han cumplido al 100% de los casos, es dificil explicar pero tampoco habla con sonidos, m�s bien es como si me transmitiera sus pensamientos directamente.

Uncertain. I believe the interior voice which told me that if I moved any object I would not get back was the same as 9 or 10 years later started to pass messages to me in my sleep on various occasions, concerning future situations, which have come true in 100% of cases. It's hard to explain, but it also speaks without sound, rather it is as if its thoughts are passed directly to me.

Did you experience a review of past events in your life? No Despu�s de esto creo plenamente en una vida despu�s de morir, a pesar de que soy cientifico no hay explicaci�n que cubra todos los aspectos para muchos de esta clase de fenomenos, creo que si me lo platicaran no lo creer�a pero los he vivido y finalmente creo que quien los crea va a ser quien los ha vivido.

No. Since then I believe completely in life after death, though I am a scientist there is no explanation which can cover all the aspects in many of these cases, I believe that if someone told me about one I would not believe them, but I have lived them and so in the end I believe that those who believe will be those who have lived through them.

Did you observe or hear anything regarding people or events during your experience that could be verified later? No

Did you see or visit any beautiful or otherwise distinctive locations, levels or dimensions? No

Did you have any sense of altered space or time? No

Did you have a sense of knowing special knowledge, universal order and/or purpose? Yes Comprend� que si es esta la presencia de una existencia incorporea y que persiste despues de morir, pierde el cuerpo pero conserva su conocimiento y el amor a los dem�s y a la naturaleza que nos rodea. Desde entonces he cultivado la ayuda humanitaria, el amor a los dem�s y el conocimiento desde diversos angulos.

Yes. I understood that there is definitely an existence apart from the body, and it continues after death, the body is lost but consciousness remains, as well as the love of others and of nature surrounding us. From that time I have cultivated humanitarian aid, the love of others and consciousness under various aspects.

Did you reach a boundary or limiting physical structure? No

Did you become aware of future events? Yes. He tenido sue�os, que parecen reales, en que veo a una persona vestida como un monje en un cuarto bastante iluminado, una luz que no molesta los ojos, m�s bien parece pura y esta persona me ha dicho situaciones futuras que hasta el momento han sido 100% ciertas, como la fecha de nacimiento de m� primer hija, sin siquiera saber mi esposa o yo que ven�a una beb� en camino, la muerte de un paciente representada con m� propio hijo, etc.

Yes. I have had dreams, which see real, in which I see a person dressed as a monk, in a fairly well-lit room, a light which does not dazzle, but rather seems pure, and this person has told me about future situations which up to now have been 100% correct, such as the birth date of my first daughter, when my wife and I did not even know she was pregnant, and the death of a patient, symbolized by my own son, etc.

Did you have any psychic, paranormal or other special gifts following the experience you did not have prior to the experience? Yes He tenido sue�os que parecen reales en que veo a una persona vestido como un monje en un cuarto bastabte iluminado, una luz que no molesta los ojos, m�s bien parece pura y esta persona me ha dicho situaciones futuras que hasta el momento han sido 100% ciertas, como la fecha de nacimiento de m� primer hija, sin siquiera saber mi esposa o yo que ven�a una beb� en camino, la muerte de un paciente representada con m� propio hijo, etc.

Yes. I have had dreams, which see real, in which I see a person dressed as a monk, in a fairly well-lit room, a light which does not dazzle, but rather seems pure, and this person has told me about future situations which up to now have been 100% correct, such as the birth date of my first daughter, when my wife and I did not even know she was pregnant, and the death of a patient, symbolized by my own son, etc.

Have you shared this experience with others? Yes Desde que la experimente la comparti inmediatamente con mi hermano el cual es bastante esceptico y me dijo que era un estado especial de la mente, talvez porque estaba muy cansado o por endorfinas.

Yes. Since I had it I shared it immediately with my brother, who is quite sceptical and said it was a special state of mind, perhaps I was very tired, or affected by endorphins.

Did you have any knowledge of near death experience (NDE) prior to your experience? No De hecho me acabo de enterar leyendo en internet que fue una experiencia

No, in fact I have just found out by reading the internet that there is such an experience.

How did you view the reality of your experience shortly (days to weeks) after it happened? Experience was definitely real No era un sue�o, se repitio.

Experience was definitely real . It was not a dream, it happened again.

Were there one or several parts of the experience especially meaningful or significant to you? Fue una sensaci�n de armon�a y paz interior, me hizo reflexionar bastante sobre el significado de la vida y la prioridad de cultivar las cosas intangibles beneficas a la humanidad, sobre las cosas materiales, fue muy dificil Volver.

It was a feeling of harmony and interior peace, it made me reflect a bit on the meaning of life and the importance of cultivating intangible things of benefit to humanity, and on material things. It was very difficult to come back.

How do you currently view the reality of your experience? Experience was definitely real No era un sue�o, se repitio y tengo testigos que compueban la veracidad del cumplimiento de los sue�os premonitorios que he tenido. Aunque al final de cuentas creo que solamente lo cree otra persona que lo haya vivido.

Experience was definitely real.  It was not a dream, it happened again, and I have witnesses who can verify the truth of the premonitory dreams I had being fulfilled. Although ultimately I believe that only people who have lived through it will believe it.

Have your relationships changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes Le doy m�s importancia a las cosas intangibles como el crecimiento espiritual, el amor y el conocimiento.

Yes, I give more importance to intangible things such as spiritual growth, love and knowledge.

Have your religious beliefs/practices changed specifically as a result of your experience? Yes Se despejaron mis dudas acerca de la existencia del alma.

Yes. My dobts were dispelled about the existence of the soul.

Following the experience, have you had any other events in your life, medications or substances which reproduced any part of the experience? No

Is there anything else you would like to add concerning the experience? ninguna


Did the questions asked and information you provided so far accurately and comprehensively describe your experience? Yes Creo haberlo expresado adecuadamente con todo el conocimiento que mi preparaci�n me ha dado.

Yes. I believe I have expressed it well enough with all the knowledge that my education has provided.

Are there any other questions we could ask to help you communicate your experience? Creo muy importante la sensaci�n de incorporeidad y la magnificaci�n sensorial.

La informaci�n que decid� compartir fue debido a que acaba de fallecer mi padre hace 3 d�as y tengo la f� de que tuvo esta experiencia de forma agradable y que talvez algun d�a pueda volver a estar junto a �l. Quiero que las personas sepan y crean que hay algo m�s que esta vida y que es muy importante cultivar el espiritu con buenas acciones, lo cual probablemente redundara en un espiritu m�s lleno de conocimiento. Todo lo que he expresado realmente me ha pasado y no tengo la intenci�n de llamar la atenci�n o enga�ar a nadie, debido a lo mismo omit� algunos de mis datos personales. Saludos y Buen d�a.

I believe the feeling of incorporality and intensification of the senses are very important.

The information I decided to share was due to the recent death of my father, 3 days ago, and I believe he went through this in a comfortable way and that one day perhaps I may be able to return to his side.  I want people to know and believe that there is something more than this life and that it is very important to cultivate the spirit with good actions, which will probably result in a spirit more full of knowledge. Everything I have expressed really happened and I have no desire to call attention to myself or deceive anyone, because of this I have left out some of my personal details. Good wishes and have a good day.